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Posts posted by thecraft

  1. All Tories are rocket polishers who will eat our children.

    Any temptation I had to vote Lib Dem has evaporated in the light of their shameful arse-licking sellout. I hope their party goes out of business.

    I have no enthusiasm for Milliband, but Labour it is.

    this really - I did vote LibDem last time and look what it got me!

  2. Or Houllier?

    I hadn't even considered him. I'd take him like a shot. He's a winner. He actually wins things and is available. He is infinitely preferable to the guaranteed mediocrity we would be under Curbishley for example.

    There was a suggestion over the weekend re Houllier, but no quotes - the infamous 'sources close to suggest ' line. http://tinyurl.com/323nfdr

    He would be a popular choice with most supporters as Villa attempt to maintain the momentum of last season’s sixth placed finish.

    Houllier has indicated to sources in France that he would listen to any offer and is now waiting for Villa to make contact with him.

  3. Or what if someone looking like James Milner talked to someone from the news of the world who was dressed like a sheik and the lookalike double bluffed the fake sheik into handing over one million dollars. This was then taken to the real James Milner by someone who looked like Martin O’Neill. The real James Milner wasnt sure about the one million dollars as Martin O’Neill suddenly had a Russian accent but still took the money for his signing on fee at Man City. The real Martin O’Neill got wind of this via his drone that flies regularly over his players homes, he then realised that Milner did want a move to Man City. Martin O'Neill does an interview saying that James wanted to leave the world cup, which is actually code to give the go ahead for James's assassination, James then through the papers says he is being forced out of Villa park which is actually code for you'll never find me mwah ha ha ha ha and thats where we find ourselves today.

    This is 100% what happened! How did you find out? :shock:


    It's so amazing how this works.

    My favourite came out as number 8, Schindler's List.

    Try it.

    Here is a little calculation to help you find your all time favourite movie - give it a go it really works...

    Pick a number from 1 - 9

    multiply it by 3

    add 3

    then multiply by 3 again

    then add those two digits together.

    Your film is the one which has the same number. Scroll down.......... this is never wrong

    1. Gone with the Wind

    2. Back to the Future

    3. Jaws

    4. Star Wars

    5. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

    6. Terminator

    7. The Sound of Music

    8. Schindlers List

    9. Gay Leather Rent Boys Taking It Up The Arse vol. 2

    10.Saving Private Ryan

  5. Moving to the US has turned me into a right beer snob...........and i love it.

    That's perhaps because the US doesn't have a CAMRA and thus has a craft brewing industry that's willing to try new stuff... ;)

    eh? CAMRA came about to support small breweries from being overrun by the large corporates - fail to see the connection here...

    CAMRA's definition of real ale is fundamentally conservative and retrograde with the result that (I've been told by numerous British expats in the craft sections at the local beer emporia) there isn't much difference between one real IPA and another. The US craft brewing industry has evolved to where the various craft IPAs on tap at a pub that has multiple choices in that area or at a off-license will have noticeably different flavor profiles, abv's, etc., thus making it more likely that one of them is just right for one's tastes (and also making more to be snobbish about... e.g. you can say "Dogfish Head overhops all their beers and I never drink them").

    Saving the British craft brewing industry is laudable. The US missed its chance with Prohibition (only the megabreweries survived, and then with the consolidation after WWII only a few survived into the 80s), but the blessing of that episode was that when craft brewing re-emerged in the 80s (and then grew like crazy in the 90s before shaking itself out in the early 00s) it was largely unshackled from the past.

    A strong case can be made that the USA (at least in the states that don't outlaw beer with more than 5% abv) is the best place in the world to be a beer lover, despite the prevalence of Bud, Miller, and Coors.

    The site of a local beer emporium (and their current flyer)

    I can see where you are coming from but I don't think CAMRA is restrictive in the way you think. For example they put pressure to bring in legislation allowing landlords in brewery owned houses to stock at least beer from another brewery as a guest beer. There were no conditions as to the nature of this beer, it didn't have to meet any CAMRA standards or anything it just had to be brewed by a different brewer. (This has since been repealed) Obviously their festivals will stock beer that meets their definition, the main feature of which is that secondary fermentation takes place in the container the beer is dispensed in. I also think it isn't true that one IPA tastes like another!! ;) Not at all to me, some I love, some I hate!!! I think there is more chance that british microbrewers just choose to produce traditional beer! Which is great ;) Not knocking the US producers at all and its great they are doing well, but for me the UK & Ireland, Germany Belgium and Czech Rep possibly are the big countries for diverse beer.

  6. Moving to the US has turned me into a right beer snob...........and i love it.

    That's perhaps because the US doesn't have a CAMRA and thus has a craft brewing industry that's willing to try new stuff... ;)

    eh? CAMRA came about to support small breweries from being overrun by the large corporates - fail to see the connection here...

  7. Its just to appease the fans though is'nt it. After all, not that many of them think beyond the derbies. The opportunity of beating us is all they have.

    They would rather lose once we lose which is a sad mentality. Was in a bar here in Dublin when Villa played Newcastle and Blues were playing Coventry and we both lost but their was 10 bluenoses across the table watching our match instead of theres cheering on Newcastle.

    There's no novelty in watching Blues lose to be fair...

  8. Hi General,

    In relation to lower attendances one suggestion may be to offer a larger range of 'finance' packages.

    Currently it's pay in full or three monthly instalments but surely a system could be worked out where by fans are paying smaller instalments (or direct Debit) over a longer period - charging differing ranges of interest or writing in a 'exit fee' if leaving early: much like mobile phone contracts.

    I appreciate Villa's attempts to help people afford to head down to VP and this is just another suggestion.

    I would be happy to start paying on a DD now for next season, say over 9 or 10 months, if it's a case that all the money needs to be in before the season kicks off. Gets expensive with season tickets particulary when you have kids.

    I would just like to add a thanks to the General for providing a voice of sanity over the summer break (not that there weren't others doing so too). Hope you are feeling recovered and if not a nice big derby win may make a good tonic!

  9. The Scott Tenorman one was genius, as was the critters christmas one. I also really liked the Imaginationland ones where the american military are trying to work out how to counter the threat of imaginary terrorism.

    All in, it has the odd bad episode like anything else, but comes firmly in the genius category for me!

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