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Posts posted by weedman

  1. Not sure about anyone else, but I've had zero interest in the PL the last few years but now I'm all over it and have made a fantasy football team...problem is I only work in a small team (none of whom know anything about football, 2 of them supposedly do, but they're Man Utd fans living in Hampshire so I'm not so sure) and my mates are not really into it so literally am only in a league with 2 other people which seems a bit...lame

    So was wondering if any fellow VTers have a team and if you'd be interested in our own VT mini league? 

  2. 23 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    Yes but, apart from the clues, apart from the Brentford fans, apart from the Brentford replacements, apart from needing a winger and apart from Smith knowing the lad, what exactly points us to being after him???

    The aquaduct?

  3. 20 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

    Even if it made sense, based on facts, that would still offend countless people and still be, presumably, racist. Not in McCormack's case, that'd be fattest/alcoholist.

    If it's based on facts it's not racist. Being offensive to people doesn't make it racist. It's only racist because it's based on nothing more than racial stereotypes

  4. 4 minutes ago, tom_avfc said:

    In my opinion the rest of the chant is stupid let alone the ending with the racial undertone.

    Why would we randomly sing about one of our players drinking vodka and jager? There's not even any reason for any of this chant. 

    The only way the chant would even work is if it was common knowledge that he loved to party aka McCormack AND if it was common knowledge he had a massive dick aka if he'd gone full Ashley Young. Without those 2 factors the whole thing just doesn't make sense. 

    Someone referenced the Terry song above but it's not the same really, it's pretty common knowledge that Terry screwed around with a teammates Mrs (was he also married at the time as well?) and the chant is poking fun at that common knowledge. The Konsa one seems to be based on absolutely nothing 

  5. 22 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    I prefer not to speak. If I speak I am in big trouble.

    I disagreed with you before, but I'm with you on this one. Terrible chant that should never gain any form of traction

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

    He actually had a few of these games last season, it’s just that they were overshadowed by how good he was at other times. There is also a hell of a lot of pressure on him this season. Last year he was unexpected, none of us knew him or what he would bring. This year he is one of the talisman of the team stepping up to the prem. Whilst we all love him, is technical ability isn’t always the best and he can hold onto the ball too much. There will be some games where he is just outclassed by better opposition, but I’m sure even in those games his drive and desire won’t make it easy for the opposition.

    It's games where he's tried to dial back the aggression that he's struggled more, pre season friendlies obviously aren't aggressive but even last season when he was on 9 yellow cards he went about 10 games without a booking and looked fairly average, eventually got booked, got his 2 game ban and came back absolutely balling.

    He'll need to work on his yellow card count in the PL without losing the aggressive side that he has, as much as we all love him, if you're racking up 14 yellow cards in the championship for a team dominating the ball (and let's face it, it would have been 15 had he not been dropped as soon as he hit 14) it's not going to get any easier next season, going to get a lot of bad press if he's worrying about a 3 game ban come the end of next season like he was in last, and he's no good to us if he's always suspended 

    • Like 1
  7. 13 hours ago, TheMelvillan said:

    Unpopular yet irrelevant opinion of the day: I think McGinn has looked really poor in the last two friendlies

    Think he always will in friendlies, McGinns whole game is about aggression, winning the ball back, winning his midfield battle and driving forward, the first 2 you'll almost never see in pre season as it's not worth risking an injury and the last one comes with match fitness and sharpness, 2 things you don't really have until the end of pre season. I'm confident he'll be flying come the start of the season.

    Also, pre season games and performances literally mean nothing, they are there solely to get players match sharp for the season.

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, lapal_fan said:

    The obvious quality benchmark for any right back is Mattew Lowton v Sunderland in 2012 (I think) when we won 6-1.  If he can perform to that level, have that much impact in any of the games he plays I'll be delighted. 

    For what it's worth, I've never seen a right back run an entire game in a 6-1 win, with your centre forward getting 3 goals and still being not being the best player on the pitch. 

    It's a weird benchmark, considering Lowton hasn't gone on to do much, other become a solid player for Burnley, but **** me, he was special that night. 


    I remember this game so well, it was my mates birthday and we literally bought tickets for it on a whim a few days before. Lowton and Gabby were absolutely immense in that game. That was the best right back performance I've ever seen so if Guilbert can put in a few even close to that he'll be one hell of a signing 

    • Like 2
  9. Just now, Vive_La_Villa said:

    He won’t be. He said himself it’s something he will have to manage for the rest of his career. 

    That doesn't mean he's finished though. Lesley King had to manage his injury for years and was consistently one of the best CBs in the country.

    Having to 'manage' an injury can be anything from being unable to run or turn to having your knee swell up a bit after matches so you have to miss the next training session or have an hour's physio after a match. 

    It can be as minor as needing to put a bit of ice on for an hour or as major as never being able to run again. Why is everyone assuming the worst here? Like was said above, if he's fit enough to pass what would undoubtedly be a stringent medical after his comments the injury simply cannot be that bad, and would mean he's more than good enough to at least be a backup 

  10. 12 minutes ago, Skruff said:

    Quality player that we wouldn't otherwise get. If he's good enough for City to want him back. We'll earn a decent sum of cash that can be reinvested. I don't understand why people have issues with that. 

    Just on this, while I would rather no clause obviously, I'm not overly worried about it - however he doesn't have to be "good enough for City to want him back", he only has to be good enough to be sold for more than the clause is worth.

    If he does great and is suddenly valued at £30m+ and their buy back is £20m, they'll just buy him for £20m then sell him for £30m the next day.

    I'm generally not worried though because I'm sure in circumstances like that they'd offer us the opportunity to buy out the clause for X amount first, so we'd effectively have first refusal presuming he wants to stay.

    All this is assuming his value doubles in the next couple of years

    • Like 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, Rob182 said:

    Right. I'm sorry to do this. But extreme times call for extreme measures.

    Anyone who does a fish pun is swiftly being dealt a 'confused' emoji.

    Deal with that while you're enjoying your re-re-re-re-recycled fish puns!

    Agreed, we can't keep doing the fish puns, we need to think of something new before we all become complaiceant

    • Confused 2
  12. 56 minutes ago, DaveAV1 said:

    Someone posted a link to Etsy with lots of Villa stuff on it. I was having a look and found an advert for newspaper headline birthday cards. Basically you could add your name to the headline which said something like, “Villa to sign (your name) in massive £125m deal”. I’m expecting to see a James Nursery rumour based on that any day now. 

    Can't believe we're signing a player without a name for £125m! Smith out!

    • Haha 2
  13. I've gone 17th...although with our current (lack of a) squad I'd make us favourites for the drop. Everything depends on who we sign and how lucky we get with injuries etc but I have faith in Deano et all to get us over the line.

    If we do enough to finish 17th I'll be happy, and in the PL it's so tight at the bottom that if you can finish 17th then you can finish 10th with just one or two little bits of luck here and there

  14. 8 hours ago, av1 said:

    No they are not. Testimonials are a financial thank you for service, a golden goodbye if you like. 

    Players are now multi millionaires hence the need for them has deminished. 

    Money goes to charity these days I think, it's more just a way to say goodbye to a player who has given a lot of time or is highly regarded nowadays.

    I think he deserves one, never been the best ability wise but has been treated very poorly over the years and has never sulked or said a bad word about the club when many others would have, always kept himself in top shape and has contributed with some big moments for us. Has a real connection with the fans, a testimonial is more than deserved IMO

    • Like 3
  15. On 24/05/2019 at 00:07, weedman said:

    I was at all those games except the 2-1 victory over Liverpool. I've only ever experienced heartbreak at Wembley...and I have a ticket to this one as well 🙈


    On 24/05/2019 at 13:02, weedman said:

    Don't worry guys, this is the year when records are broken! It's time to break my Wembley curse!

    WE DID IT!!! 5th time lucky!!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
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