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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Who people are married to or who they chose to sleep with has absolutely no bearing on their ability to act as a politician and run the country. Its not in anyone's interest, public or otherwise to judge politicians on their personal lives. UNLESS...... 1) they have campaigned/been elected on the "family values" type ticket and then yes, I would say there is a reason to know or 2) they offer people they are sleeping with cabinet jobs or positions of influence where there is a clear conflict of interest.


    To simplify...... should Major have offered Currie the job? No.


    Is the fact they may or may not have had an affair several years ago relevant to Corbyn's appointment of Abbott? Probably not no. It certainly doesn't make his judgement questionable IMO.  

    But it has to be said that adultery, although not absolutely wrong in itself, does amount to a betrayal.

    Partners tend to find the sex a lot easier to deal with than the lying involved in covering up the adultery.

    So it is quite legitimate to accuse someone of a failure of ethical judgement in the case of adultery.


    "According to The Times , Mr Corbyn was already separated from his first wife at the time".

  2. Bush is the Establishment guy, his ads are starting to run everywhere, he's got big money behind him...he's just inoffensive enough to be the GOP's flag bearer against Hillary.

    Can you see Jeb and Carly as a viable ticket? I could.

    Carly is not viable, methinks. Bush-Rubio, maybe...

    Had to Mooney her. 2/10 WNB. Sarah Palin much fitter. Or Carly Parker :P

  3. I still honestly can't see what's wrong with it.

    absolutely nothing, as long as it's worded the right  way, as Ben suggests above. On the whole, people getting married are putting a lot of time, effort and money into the day, usually into a good few thousand quid. The food, party, entertainment, and usually the booze, will all be free.

    When viewed from that perspective, lobbing the happy couple £20-30 or so doesn't seem too outrageous, if say they've spent all their money on the wedding reception and don't have enough to go on a decent honeymoon. An attitude of "I'm buying you a toaster/figurine/other shit gift you don't need. Be happy with it you ungrateful gits" seem selfish, ignorant and childish.  

    • Like 2
  4. Rugeley Villa didn't say that it was just his experience, but yours may differ, he suggested the entire idea was pointless, and a waste of money:

    been there and done that, load of bullshit imo as i just got the feeling they were only interested in my money

    I don't think that's helpful. I'm sure there are some counsellors who are worse than others, and vice versa, but I don't think it's responsible to tell somebody who is in a difficult situation that all they can expect is a 'load of bullshit' if they turn for professional help. Counselling has of course saved thousands of relationships, it may be exactly what Simon needs (or anyone else reading needs, for that matter). Yes, of course people should go in with their eyes open, but the option shouldn't be dismissed out of hand.

    Indeed Hanoi. One could both surmise and extrapolate that Ruge himself may have in fact benefited from a more prolonged spell of counselling, given the varied and continued exploits we often read about on these very pages.


    Has she had any therapy for her social anxiety simon?

    She was on sertraline for a bit, which didnt make a difference and tried hypnosis once a long time ago (perhaps this made it worse now you mention it!?). But no actual 1 to 1 conselling.


    Perhaps I could suggest this to her? But's its still a tough conversation to have without a big argument and tears etc.

    I'm a couple of months late to this but what are a few tears and an argument when you are talking about pissing away a 14 year relationship via email?


    Life is too short. Shit or get off the damn pot and let someone else have a go ;)

    Im even later.

    Get professional counselling - IME its your only hope. - If she won't go I would take that as another sign she isn't committed - yes its a painful process but after whats go on she should be willing to take some pain.

    .....an update would be good  




    been there and done that, load of bullshit imo as i just got the feeling they were only interested in my money. also i just dont like the idea of airing your dirty laundry to some stranger.

    Yes, I think it's much better to bottle it all up over years, and then let it out in one explosive burst of murderous rage. Just who the **** do these strangers think they are!?

    • Like 2
  6. I don't know if that was directed at me, but I certainly didn't mean to be patronising . . . indeed, I'm also a Guardian reader. I just believe in being clear-eyed about what it is and what it isn't. 

    same here hanoi. I'd say it's a centre to centre-left  paper. Certainly isn't far or hard left. I like it in the main,  and like the moon man, only buy it on a Saturday. I read the online stuff regularly. I'm a big Jez  fan,  and would have voted for him if I wasn't a green supporter. My dad is also a regular grauniad reader, but has never voted labour in his life.  Lib dem at every election without fail. 

  7. That was one hell of an impressive hatchet job by the Beeb last night. Too little, too late, you toadying words removed. Jez really has got 'The Establishment' running scared. The tabloids, the Beeb, the PLP,  even the Guardian have all been lining up for a pop.


    If he doesn't win, I'm certain there will be some sort of legal challenge, as I've heard there have been in the region of 60-100k rejected voters (almost all Jez, one would assume)



    Everyone is different and you'll have to do what you believe is right. But snooping through parents stuff for evidence and confronting people when you live in the same house sounds like a bad idea to me.

    Both these things are also true. Having said that, I think that can of worms has already been opened, and may be difficuilt to close.


    Way way back in the day, I left home because of mum and dad stuff. Thirty years later I now know I clearly had the wrong end of the wrong stick.


    An interesting mystery? Don't worry I wont press on the details but I am left wondering if that somehow played a part in your phobia of golf umbrellas!


    I have to agree though Mums and Dads should do everything they can to make sure kids arent stuck in the middle of their domestic dramas. It is so unfair and unhealthy for the kids involved.




    But these aren't really kids anymore. Both 'kids' are adults, and can see what's going on. Both could be self sufficient living elsewhere. They won't be thanked for being complicit in their Mother's affair. Like I say, first step is to speak to the Mother.

  10. The evidence would obviously point to an affair. The obvious course of action would be for both you and your sister to confront/chat (not over the phone) to your mother, and see where it goes. She's the one that needs to tell your Dad about the affair. So give her that chance. If she refuses, it's up to both your and your sister, together, to tell him. If you don't, and he finds out later down the line that his Son and Daughter have been implicit in the cover up, how is that going to make him feel?

    • Like 2
  11. I just think people should engage with it, or at least try. It does impact your life, even if you don't appreciate it. You'd have to be privileged up to the eyeballs to live unaffected by changes in government.

    Most people vote on a few issues, or on a general outlook on how society should be run. I doubt many know the ins and outs of running an economy, mostly because what we get told about the economy is usually nonsense.

    I initially didn't respond further (than my high-lariously jocular response) for fear of turning this thread into a temporarily bolitical one (and bolitiks tends to stick to something like flies to a shite so it might have permanently ruined a good thread).

    But basically I think anyone who thinks it makes a blind bit of difference picking one of the main parties over one of the other main parties is deluding themselves. It's the illusion of choice. I firmly believe that by and large when push comes to shove they're all the f**king same. Career politicians. Ultimately they're in it for themselves. To get back in.

    I do not care who is taking my taxes. They will be taken regardless. I do not care who they're giving them to, because by and large they'll be distributed in a similar fashion no matter who is in. The constant is that it won't be back to me, so it doesn't matter.

    But that's not even my main issue. My issue is a mathematical one. My single vote is not going to change the result of the election, so not only do I think it doesn't make a difference who I vote for or who gets in, I literally can not change the result (and save me the "but what if 30,000 people ..." spiel. I'm not 30,000 people. I am me), so I won't bother engaging either in the political world or in the event itself, and as a result of all of that I have the conscience that I certainly won't inflict an ignorant vote on the electorate come election time, and I'd suggest others who are equally ignorant of politics do the same.

    So in that sense politics has absolutely zero affect on how my life works, unless I was to choose to become a candidate myself (which I can assure you will never happen). I am not registered to vote. I have never voted and I can not envisage a scenario where I will ever vote.

    So [Mr/Mrs Politician], let me live my life in peace. Leave me be. I'll continue to do what I want and they'll sure as hell continue to do what they want. My vote and therefore my input or my interest changes nothing. I hate politics. I am extremely cynical of politicians in general.

    And from what I gather from friends etc on the various social networks, the above is equally relevant both in Ireland and Britain.

    Also, you'll gather from the overall narrative above that I will not be interested in a subsequent conversation/dissection about what I wrote. I'm done. Out. :)

    Part of the subservient apathetic mass. It's why they can treat us like shit and keep getting back in. For shame.

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