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Posts posted by Jon

  1. I'm pretty well off, and am happy paying a decent level of tax.

    But a job role has come around which would pay around £6,000 more, but would mean me working longer hours with a slight increase in stressfulness.

    I have just realised that my marginal tax rate is 60% (child benefit tapering), so by taking this job, i would actually only get a net pay increase of £2,400.

    So i've decided not to go for the job.   Dis-incentive to climb the career ladder for me built into the tax system.

    But to re-iterate, i agree with what the tax system is trying to do, its just a shame that it works out that way for me.


    Very often the personal monetary gain from taking on extra stress or working longer hours is zero.

    'sometimes'. That is also true lower down the pay spectrum too.

  2. I'm pretty well off, and am happy paying a decent level of tax.

    But a job role has come around which would pay around £6,000 more, but would mean me working longer hours with a slight increase in stressfulness.

    I have just realised that my marginal tax rate is 60% (child benefit tapering), so by taking this job, i would actually only get a net pay increase of £2,400.

    So i've decided not to go for the job.   Dis-incentive to climb the career ladder for me built into the tax system.

    But to re-iterate, i agree with what the tax system is trying to do, its just a shame that it works out that way for me.


    so you're not that keen on the job then, one would assume? Or you're happy with your current work-life balance and don't want to change that for 2.5K (quite a decent sum to many). I can't see the problem here Ender. You'd be earning 2.5K MORE per year, and that is a disincentive? Or you're basically saying you'd like to keep a lot more of your 'own' money, thanks very much, Mr Taxman? 

  3. Question of the day is whether it would be a good thing if the House of Lords blocked the cuts in tax-credit even if it was unconstitutional?

    As others have said, I don't see how this is unconstitutional.

    I don't agree with the (existence of) H of L anyway. An unelected and unnaccoutable 2nd chamber filled with cronies and political sympathisers and donators pocketing big sums to sleep through the day is not what a 2nd chamber should be about.  

    It should be reformed as per the above, and should be vasty scaled down to maybe 50-100 'experts'


    PR for the commons

    professional experts represented in the lords please.





    Agree on point 1.

    As for the 2nd bit, i'm not sure. Are they to be elected, and if so, surely the 2nd chamber then becomes more powerful? (or should - what's the point of electing a 2nd chamber with no teeth?). Or if these 'experts' are to be appointed, who would be appointing them? If it's the govt, then they are obviously going to be 'politcial' appointments.

    I'd prefer an elected 2nd chamber TBH, but on a non-party, 'expert in field' basis.


    *my own personal experience: due to the way I work / get income, a small unnoticed change in the last budget means that my car / travel tax and expense is no longer calculated in the same way. To cut some very dry accounting short, I'm now better off by a three figure sum every month. Why do that? Where was the clamour for that terrible injustice on people that travel around with their job ever championed? Personally, I shall obviously now spend my extra money on some very good things that interest me. But perhaps, just perhaps, if the government had kept it, then people that earn £8,000 p.a. wouldn't be facing a real drop in their earnings.


    So what is wrong with that? 

    Why would a party famous for telling people to get on their bikes tax people for doing so?

    Why should you be punished for doing something a lot of people refuse to do because it is stressful, exhausting and disruptive to family life?

    Why should the money you earn from working so hard and commuting for hours you don't get paid for be transfered to people who would not do it?

    Why should you be punished for making the effort to acquire the education and skills you have to help those who couldn't be arsed?

    Why do you think paying £10k a year (my guess) in tax and NI is not enough?

    You are not confiscating other people's surplus value, you are generating profits and providing a service for which you are rewarded with the market rate; so why do you need to pay more tax?

    Surely that's the wrong question (and perhaps is based on a false premise). Surely the right question is why has Chris had his taxes reduced by the Gov'ts budget, when [the Gov't claim] they need to be raising more money in taxes and spending less - so why are they cutting taxes on company cars or mileage or whatever the exact detail is by, in Chris's case, around £1200 / year, and at the same time people on low wages are being made worse off by the same sort of figure?

    Frankly where's the sense or logic in it?

    I guess the 'logic' all stems from their seemingly pathalogical hatred of the poor and vulnerable. They're in 'power', and they see that as a green light to basically do whatever the **** they want, which sadly seems to mostly involve victimising the poor and vulnerable. These people are sociopaths.

    • Like 3
  6. chocolate is my weakness, every morning when i go the shop its,the sun or daily mail,pint of milk and two galaxy caramels.

    Surely you must see the irony of someone with your 'life preferences' and 'history' purchasing the daily heil?

    Unless this was a gag?



     I suspect that many tory MP's and a good number of their voters would happily make a thousand lives worse, if it meant their life was a tiny bit better.


    Yeah, that's a core tenet of the Conservatism I have grown up seeing.


    "My life will be good if I vote Tory. They will protect/elevate my (hard earned/inherited/lucky) position of comfort and consumerism."

    But what about those at the bottom of the social and economic strata, that are being vistimised by the Conservative Government?

    "I'm not bothered. That doesn't affect me. They must be there because they are lazy or just plain stupid. Society need an underclass."


    Love they neighbour? **** that. Every man (or woman) (or robot in Thatcher's case) for themselves. That is obviously the way society will progress .....

  8. I nearly helped out at the Foodbank on Saturday morning.

    Then I remembered I was really really knackered and just sat on my sofa for about an hour trying to use my mental powers to get the kettle in the kitchen to switch on.

    But I think that's much much better than just not caring.

    But the practical outcome of thinking about it but not bothering and just not caring are identical. So really not much better at all. 

    True. But he doesn't vote Tory. Actually, I think Mr Crisp does do a fair bit of volunteering and social/Christian based support for the least well off. I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong .... 



     I'm fairly apathetic ...

     none of these issues have effected me 

    Am I concerned about the plight of the NHS ... not overly

    do I care if someone gets a contract because they happened to know the right person  .. not really

    do I care about the bus service in my area , not really

    It  could be argued that I should care about these issues , it could be argued I'm bad and selfish

    Europe .... without doubt we'd be better off out

    I don't care

    I'm going to take to telling everyone they are evil



    Yeah, I've taken this data in a completely fair and neutral way, run it through my patented Vote o matic 200 GX which tells you who you should be voting for.

    It thinks: probably tory?


     Saved me the trouble that Mr Crisps. I really don't have much time for the 'I'm OK Jack/I'm comfortable, nothing else really matters' brigade. But that is one of the main reasons, if not THE main reasons, the evil ones get into power.



    That's a tad unfair ..  I could have lied and pretended I  was sheltering 4 Syrians in my spare bedroom whilst weeping about those poor poor over worked nurses but I gave an honest view  ....

    it really isn't " I'm OK Jack "  .... but tell , what have you done lately out of interest  , how many marches have you been on , how many Syrians are living in your house ?

    Honestly, I don't do as much as I could or should. But I care about all of those issues above that you don't seem to, and I donate to the Green Party, which is the party most closely aligned to my own beliefs, conscience, and ideology. Plus I live in a (not massive) 2 bedroom house, with a wife and daughter, so trying to house fugees would be quite problematic. I hear there are quite a few rooms unoccupied at Bucks pal though .... I would happily vote for a party that intended to increase direct tataxtion to pay for things like the NHS, public services, and helping those less fortunate than myself, including fugees. Presently, that would either be the Greens, or a Corbyn reformed Labour Party. Too many Blairites still in there though, so the Greens it is.



     I'm fairly apathetic ...

     none of these issues have effected me 

    Am I concerned about the plight of the NHS ... not overly

    do I care if someone gets a contract because they happened to know the right person  .. not really

    do I care about the bus service in my area , not really

    It  could be argued that I should care about these issues , it could be argued I'm bad and selfish

    Europe .... without doubt we'd be better off out

    I don't care

    I'm going to take to telling everyone they are evil



    Yeah, I've taken this data in a completely fair and neutral way, run it through my patented Vote o matic 200 GX which tells you who you should be voting for.

    It thinks: probably tory?

     Saved me the trouble that Mr Crisps. I really don't have much time for the 'I'm OK Jack/I'm comfortable, nothing else really matters' brigade. But that is one of the main reasons, if not THE main reasons, the evil ones get into power.



  11. Women getting served in shops/supermarkets.

    There's a queue, they know what they're queuing for and what the expectation is of them once they get to the front. They have to exchange money for goods. You'd think they'd get their purse out of their bag whilst waiting their turn, but no - the purse only comes out when all items have been scanned.

    This daft bint in front of me in the supermarket just then actually waited until the very last moment and then said "Let me get my purse out". Why the **** didn't you do that whilst you were waiting!? Then after a lengthy search, her purse comes out, and she flicks through what seems like thirty store cards and finally pulls out her debit card. Then she realises she has Nectar, so flicks back through her purse for that. Then she puts her debit card in the machine (who doesn't use contactless these days apart from the young or elderly), and then she decides the items have to go in her bag, but not her main bag, nope, she has one of those bags for life in her big bag. So back off her shoulder comes the main bag, and a further rummage takes place for the other one. All the while I'm losing the will to live about how a simple transaction can be made to look so retarded.


    I ggenuinely feel like assaulting these people.  They are time thieves.  Supermarkets are one of the few places they can get away with it,  so they make the most of it. 

  12. ... If the alternative didn't get us in this mess in the first place...

    Whoa Dem, remove that wool from your eyes and you can make yourself a chunky sweater for the Winter months. 


    Sadly though,  the ' powers that be' have succeeded in planting and sowing that seed.  For many,  it's an aaccepted truth.  But it's bollocks and stands up to no scrutiny.  Shame on ed Miller Group for letting that seed grow for 5 years.  

    • Like 2
  13. Well, it's worked for the Canadian 'Liberal' party. Can't say I disagree with any of these policies:

    The Liberal Party's election platform included:

    • Cutting income taxes for middle-class Canadians while increasing them for the wealthy
    • Running deficits for three years to pay for infrastructure spending
    • Doing more to address environmental concerns over the controversial Keystone oil pipeline
    • Taking more Syrian refugees; pulling out of bombing raids against Islamic State while bolstering training for Iraqi forces
    • Legalising marijuana

    Wonder what Dave, Gid, May and IDS think of the above. Obviously we aren't Canada, but obvious parallels here to be drawn with Jez's approach ....

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