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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 1 hour ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    dont mean to offend anyone but im just being honest in how i view things. i suppose its fear of the unknown and pure ignorance too. its not views i like having and hopefully one day they will change, im certainly not the type that when these dreadful attacks happen i rub my hands together because it means we can all have ago at muslims.

    I am Confucius. Just 2 days ago you demanded that we should 'close all the borders' and let nobody else in. 'We're full, and it's safer that way'. Some of your views really are quite xenophobic and right wing, and just to say that you realise they are, and maybe you shouldn't really have those views but you do, doesn't make it all 'OK'.

    • Like 2
  2. 16 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    I do think we need to stop immigration purely for security reasons and the fact that we cant keep letting people in. the worrying thing is that we already have sleeper cells in our country so that alone will not stop attacks.

    I don't think that goes far enough ruge. Firstly we must close all borders,  especially to anyone looking or sounding a bit muslimy. But many are already here. So I'd also advise rounding up all Muslims, and Muslim sympathisers, and putting them all into some form of grouped camp. A concentration of people, if you will.  It's both for  'our' good, and 'their' good.  It's the only way. Then after a while, send them all 'home'. It r really is the only answer.

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  3. Yeah, I think these things can often start quite young Ruge. You develop your own strategies for dealing with things/life, but sometimes those strategies aren't quite enough. I don't think it ever completely goes away, but can be dealt with, I guess with or without meds, depending on how bad it is.

  4. All very good reading re: depression and your experiences and such. Nice one VT you lovely lot x

    Got 'diagnosed' (if you can call it that) back in the summer. I had no idea myself as just thought I was dealing with the sort of shite everyone has to deal with, so not coping so well with things was just par for the course. I suspect I've had periods like this for donkeys years going back to my youth, but while you're going through it, you just think it's normal and what everyone else goes through, so how would you know?

    But I'd got quite 'down' over a period of a few months, including heart palpitations and feelings of anger. I didn't feel 'down' though, just normal for myself, as I get like that quite often. I had got increasingly tired though, sometimes crazily so.

    It took my missus to 'send' me to the Doc's (she has a history of issues including eating an disorder an PND) as she saw the signs apparently, and we were having more problems ion our marriage due to it. Both the doc and the counsellor suggested anti depressants, an whilst I was reluctant at first, they obviously know what they are doing, so I went along with it. A little while later my mood improved quite a bit, and things started not to feel so bad (I guess my feelings before going to the docs where that I was spinning loads of plates on spikes, and they were all going to come crashing down and everything was just going to be **** up). But the tablets have helped, things don't seem so bad, at times even quite rosy, despite blips.

    There's not stigma to it. Most people would obviously not even know I'm on tablets. It was just my own reluctance to take them that I had to get past, as I didn't feel I needed them. Now I just see them as a bit like having a beer or 2. They make me feel (a bit) better (though you can't rely on them 100% and do need to address your own internal issues that get you down).   

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  5. I can't see why a supermarche or local indy shops (or whoever) shouldn't be able to open at 8am on a Sunday, or 5pm on a Sunday, or whenever. Shops should be able to, by and large, choose their own hours that suits their needs. If they want to open on Sunday but maybe not be open on Monday morning as there's not much trade, that should be up to them. At the moment, trade is restricted on a Sunday, for reasons I don't fully understand, other than legacy and religious bollocks.

    • Like 1
  6. So excited to see his first team sheet.

    I'm going to be let down aren't I. :angry:



    Haha, I've been thinking this exact same thing this morning. Start Gana, Gil and Ayew and there's not much else he can do wrong in my eyes, I'm reasonably flexible on everyone else. Amavi would be nice though too please.

    Yep.  Amavi at lb,  and lescott out for Clark or jores too,  and I'll be impressed. 

  7. We've only recently put a lock on the bathroom door, and that was to put visitors more at ease.

    I even switch off the webcam now if I know they are a bit uptight about that sort of thing.

    Seriously though, only just put a lock on the bathroom door. Rule for 30 years has been, if the door is closed, there's a good chance there is someone in there. If the door is closed and you don't know where I am, you are more than welcome to burst in, but I may be having a shit and / or a wank. We all do it, I'm not going to pretend I don't. Knock if your nervous.

    But yeah, we've had a lot more house guests lately, so we now have a lock.

    at last a gentleman whos in line with me.

    I would worry about where that 'line' was going, Mr Crisps ...

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    I don't have a huge objection to the equivalent of phone tapping, when it comes to internet usage. If there's a suspect being investigated for a crime, I think the police should have the ability to request the ISP start logging web traffic, for the duration of the investigation. 

    Constantly logging all traffic, and allowing the police to go through...

    This.If there are reasons to suspect someone is up to something, then by all means get a warrant and then collect or monitor the extra info.

    Given that it's surely relatively easy to hide nefarious internet activity by going to an internet Cafe, or using TOR or VPNs and all the rest - anyone with half a brain would be able to take steps to avoid this, while normal people have their data collated and possibly sold/hacked/lost or whatever else.

    They should be starting the other way round - if there are places on the internet that are the equivalent of a drug-den, or stolen car garage or bomb factory or whatever, then monitor it, see who goes there and follow up on those visitors. Do that rather than essentially following everyone all of the time. It's going to massively counter productive for some groups of society - Muslim people, climate change campaigners, poverty protesters, people doing research into certain areas - say radicalisation, or people trafficking.

    US lot chattering away on here are not interesting enough to have their attentions, but they simply should not be permitted to monitor us all, all the time. They work for us, we are not their subjects. 

    I'm starting to warm ... :P

    climate change,  y'see

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  9. So Levi was good enough to pop over from Bawwwston recently to meet up while a buddy & I were in Hartford for the day.  A few beers and a good chat were had.  Always great to (finally) meet another VillaTalker in person.  Levi is donning the Villa colours.



    well jell that you got to meet the leviathan! 

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  10. And if we taught people at school the importance of balancing your personal finances, that would go a long way to bridging that gap. Weighing up the cost of something compared to benefit in quality of life.


    I find it galling that low-mid earners buy new cars, TVs and sofas on credit and then feed the family muck and don't do anything together because they can't afford it.


    Thats not a political issue more a rant. I find many people, especially low earners are so financially unaware, it's scary.

    exacerbated by the culture of consumption and consumerism, a culture actively encouraged by 'the establishment', the wealthy and powerful. Getting people to spend and borrow well beyond their means is basically what caused the financial crash 10 years ago. 

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  11. That's also the worry.

    If we had genuine PR to elect the H of C, then I wouldn't be worried about simply getting rid of the H of L. The PR bit, in theory, should provide the 'balance'.

    But with FPTP essential giving a 'minority' government carte blanche to do whatever the **** they want, whether they'd promised not to do it before the election or not, then some form of 2nd chamber may be advisable. 

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