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Posts posted by Jon

  1. I'd have great trouble in signing GSTQ (or K). I'm not religious and don't believe in 'God'. I'm also anti-monarchy. So the idea of asking 'God' to save her Maj really doesn't appeal to me. Plus, it's a shit tune.

    Jerusalem, for me, ticks many of the right boxes. It still has the (more slight) religious aspect, but at least it's not actually asking 'God' to do something for 'us'. Plus it's a better tune.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, wazzap24 said:

    New Kanye in less than a month and a new LCD Soundsystem record later in the year. 

    That's all I need 


    Surely those 2 things are totally incompatible?  Kuntyay West is a prick and peddler of shite bland music.  LCD soundsytem the polar opposite

  3. 37 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    London is friggin awful. All you hear is stabbings. when i was in school if we had a problem we would have  fistfight and then 9/10 we would make up an hour later. These days kids are just insecure wimps thats why they carry knives. They do need to be tougher on those who are caught carrying knives. Make prisons as horrible as south africa then people would actually be scared to go there instead of the soft touch we have here.


    I herad on the radio the other day they were thinking of allowing in-mates access to tablets to help with "their education" what a bloody joke

    "The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons."

    • Like 2
  4. 11 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    People over the age of twelve going completely offline for several days so as to avoid Star Wars spoilers. FFS.

    Agreed.  I'll probably watch it,  at some point,  though the missus won't be interested.  Not that bothered though,  I have to say,  and yet back when I was a kid in the 70s and 80s I was massively into star wars.  Grown out of it I guess. 

    • Like 2
  5. 7 hours ago, Mantis said:

    From a Labour perspective, Hilary Benn is starting to look like a very good potential leader right about now.

    Seeing as how the labour membership has recently voted overwhelmingly for a proper left wing socialist as leader,  I very much doubt a right wing blairite hawk fits the bill.  Maybe he could cross the floor and apply for the job over there?  I hear there's an opening coming up soon. 

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, maqroll said:

    Sad days here. My sister won't let my nephew go to see star wars on opening night because she's afraid of a random shooting...and I don't think she's overreacting. But THE TERRORISTS are more of a danger, if you believe what you're told on TV. This country is ****.

    She'll be ok.  Just tell her to take a gun with her for safety

  7. 23 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    Dunno, don't watch it. I believe she's in "Capital" though.

    In other news, we have bats nesting in our eaves. Mrs. M is appalled, I think it's great. Had to rescue one from inside the house a couple of weeks ago.

    Had to Mooney:

    "The eaves are the edges of the roof which overhang the face of a wall and, normally, project beyond the side of a building.[1] The eaves form an overhang to throw water clear of the walls and may be highly decorated as part of an architectural style".

    You learn something new on VT every day :)


  8. 22 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    Yep, absolutely.

    It's ludicrous here.
    The official line from senior management is that everybody should work from home at least one day a week, and that they fully support it.

    But when you actually try and do it there is resistance.

    When I actually need to get stuff done, I'm much better working from home than in the office. 

    We have similar here, although WFH is not really encouraged, but more occasionally tolerated. Having said that, I'm much less productive at home. AT work, I have 2 screens and a faster PC, at home a lappy. Time savings are there for the commute, but I wouldn't like to do WFH very often. Prefer to have some human interaction.

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