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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 12 minutes ago, mikeyp102 said:


    Valentine's Day is made up by the card company ....

    The card company? Which one?

    Without the religious element, what is Xmas? A time of holiday, 'goodwill', generosity, loving and giving, sponsored by whom?

    If you 'opt out' of Valentine's day, you could opt out of Xmas on the same grounds. They are both capitalist sponsored days/themes, designed to get us to spend money.

    and love each other, obviously.  

  2. 3 hours ago, PieFacE said:

    Has she always been this way or has it started since the pregnancy? I wouldn't be too quick to end a marriage on behavior that could be based on her being incredibly hormonal and possibly scared. 

    The FaceMan is wise. For some wimmin, getting pregnant can seriously feck with your hormones/head.

    • Like 1
  3. 43 minutes ago, PieFacE said:

    We actually met on eHarmoney which is really strange because it's awful!! About 2 years ago I saw they had a special offer on stating "Buy one year get one free", so there's me thinking a paid service is surely better than the free sites but it's truly horrific. I barely logged in to the site after the first few months.

    I used EHarmony too Mr face. It was indeed rubbish. Kind of gave up on it too after a few weeks and a couple of dates. The met my now wife on a night out around town :) 

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Excuse my ignorance here genuine question for all the Pakistanis here, why is the term paki racist? (Always wondered that) does it mean something in their culture?

    Why do you think the word 'n*gger' is offensive, Dem?

    "In the English language, the word "n*gger" is an ethnic slur, usually directed at black people. The word originated as a neutral term referring to people with black skin,[1] as a variation of the Spanish and Portuguese noun negro, a descendant of the Latin adjective niger ("black").[2] It was often used disparagingly, and by the mid-twentieth century, particularly in the United States, its usage became unambiguously pejorative, a racist insult. Accordingly, it began to disappear from popular culture".

  5. 1 minute ago, lapal_fan said:

    Whereas I find anyone who drinks it an annoying prick.

    "That's a shit cup of tea" - I'll tell you what then, if you want to stand, watching a tea bag diffuse for 2 minutes, then you've got too much free time you knob.  I prefer sitting.

    Leave it to brew for a few minutes and do something else? 

  6. 9 hours ago, tonyh29 said:



    bit my initial post  was just surprised that someone could find tea expensive ... Obviously  in context anything can be expensive I guess but how much is a packet of tea ? About £2 ?

    I think when you break it down,  a ' standard' tea bag from say tetley costs about 3p.  It costs more to boil the kettle

  7. Anyone know if a car will fail an MOT with a smashed (but still attached) passenger side mirror,  a missing rear view mirror, and a cracked front windscreen? I'm guessing so ...

  8. There's obviously no 'correct' answer to this. Music progresses. Tastes change. Different technologies come into play etc.

    If I was going to vote, I'd go for the 90s, but that is only because they gave birth to some of my favourite bands (Massive Attack, Portishead, Saint Etienne, Belle and Sebastian).  But I have a soft spot for the 80s too, as that is when my musical education began in earnest (The Smiths, U2, Duran Duran, The Mighty Lemon Drops, Simple Minds, Furniture, The Woodentops etc). But I can go back and find great music from the 60s and 70s, and also love lots of more 'recent' stuff (Roykksop, Air, Micachu, Rilo Kiley, Jenny Lewis, Feist, Husky Rescue, Caribou etc). 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, PieFacE said:

    Yeah it's an awkward one. Tomorrow will be our 7th date and it just so happens a lot of my friends and family are out drinking together so we're going out with them and doing the whole introducing thing which is a bit nerving.

    Is nerving the opposite of unnerving?  So, you're chilled about it, right? :P

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    You sure you're not talking about the 00's here? Or did I miss Lady Gaga's ate 90's breakthrough?

    The 00's are the noughties, aren't they? :huh:

    Have you been done by the old edit feature? ;)


  11. 1 hour ago, lapal_fan said:

    Conversely, my kid is amaze balls.  In his own room every night, doesn't need a dummy, bottle feeds normal milk now so no sterilizing bottles.  In bed for 8pm and doesn't usually budge until we wake him a 7.15 in the morning.

    Not that I'm showing off or anything :P

    He's a bit behind on physical stuff though, so that evens it out a bit :D

    The punchline is that your kid is 15? ;)

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