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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 16 hours ago, Chindie said:

    Heard lots of good things about Zootropolis and in the mood for something light and colourful, gave that a watch this weekend.

    One of the best things Disney have done. Takes a hackneyed concept and makes it relevant, looks absolutely stunning, a great voice cast, and surprisingly funny. And not in the 'jokes for the kids and subversive stuff for the adults' way. There's lots of stuff that will genuinely make all ages laugh, and a couple of cases where the joke works across ages - kids will laugh because something is just funny, the adults will laugh on that level as well as noticing a reference or trope the movie is playing with.


    Agreed.  I have a 4 year old daughter and I'm watching fc-ukloads of these films. Zootropolis was a good un. Compare and contrast to the secret life of pets, which despite good animation and cool trailer, really disappointed. 

  2. 4 hours ago, hippo said:

    £25 and the qualifying period is pretty much standard - the Tories do it - .    



    I would imagine your average Tory voter/mamber would find it much easier to part with £25 than the average Labour voter/member. That is 1 of the despicable things about setting a high price IMO. It deters the least wealthy (aren't these the kind of people Labour are supposed to be representing/championing?). The PLP has lost its focus, its raison d'etre.

  3. 9 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    It wasn't a terrible decision at all. It was about the only possible sensible decision. 

    agreed. Some ill informed comments on this page IMO. It was the spectators (and the tour organisers) who caused that crash, not the bikes. The stage was shortened due to high winds by several km's. Therefore, the spectators, who crowd around the cyclists at the best of times up a steep mountain, were even more squashed together in the final few k's. Many of them apparently pissed up too, and blocking the motorbikes from getting through. Basically, the motorbikes either had to stop suddenly, or basically ride into/over the crowd, possibly causing fatalities. Porte said as much. There should have been more barriers erected to prevent this.

    Yes, the motorbikes have caused a lot of problems recently, in other tours/races especially. But this one was not down to them. Had it not been the m-bikes having to stop suddenly, it would have been the riders themselves. Crowd control should have been better.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    I have had the "pleasure" of working with many MPs from all parties. Whilst some are in it for their own gains, most work exceptionally hard and shoulder huge responsibility. They are often in a no-win situations and Iraq was one of those situations. A single WMD against Israel might have lead to a much worse consequences than what actually happened.  We now know it was not going to happen. But that's the benefit of hindsight. 

    Whatever your opinion of MPs, in my experience they agonise long and hard about these decisions. Sometimes they get the big decisions wrong. But the vast majority of their decisions are made knowing that the press will ruin them for the few decisions that backfire whilst ignoring the good they do.

    I see you have a bit of time on your hands now Dave.  Or is that you Tony? 

  5. 2 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    My in-laws read the Daily Mail, and take their world view from it. It is alarming and depressing in equal measure. 


    and yet both seem to realise it's a horrible rag.

    Both have independently said to me 'I only buy it for the TV section'. OK .... :huh:

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  6. 33 minutes ago, mjmooney said:

    I'm more left wing now than I was when I was twenty. 

    Me too Moon Man. I think it's perhaps due to the way society and politics have 'progressed' (or rather regressed) since the late 70 that has stoked the inner injustice fire in me. 

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  7. 7 hours ago, Seat68 said:

    it will always be shrewsbury but a lot of the older natives call it salop anyway. 

    Ah. That will be why the brewery there is called Salopian then! Those guys/gals do some top beers ....

    • Like 2
  8. That Lucas is a real risk to National Security! Surely their should be prosecutions if the work of this unit is doing underhand things? The sad thing is, nobody will be in the least bit surprised by this. The only real surprise is that this info has got out ... 

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