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Posts posted by Jon

  1. On ‎01‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 13:25, choffer said:

    Schlepped all the way over to Excel this morning for a Microsoft event. I only went because Dr Stephen Hawking was the keynote speaker. Arrived to hear he'd cancelled due to ill health. I'm not convinced as he looked alright last night on the telly and he sounded perfectly well on the voice message he sent apologising for not coming.

    Maybe he went on the lash last night after the awards thing, and had a hangover? :cheers:;)

  2. 43 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    I'm not aware that the UK works on the will of one person   , Cameron wanted to bombed Syria for example but parliament over ruled him


    Parliament is indeed sovereign. Indeed, the will of the H of P > the result of a referendum (which is in effect little more than a gauge of current voter sentiment. That gauge could be well different now, to what is was even 4 months ago) 

  3. 2 hours ago, blandy said:

    Yes, and that's exactly the sort of thing that Corbyn does that makes him such a terrible leader (one of many things). They are unbelievably inept, the Corbyn crew.

    I don't disagree on that.  I don't think he's a good leader of a mass political party.  That's not his forte.  He is however a man of genuine and heartfelt beliefs, most of which I fully share, and that is why he is so popular amongst the politically minded left.  There's nobody else in the labour party genuinely offering that  (that would stand at this time anyway). Jones was a fraud and charlatan. Step forward king Clive 

  4. On 30/09/2016 at 13:58, chrisp65 said:


    Very last image, taken just 51 metres above the surface of 67P and sent back from Rosetta today, just before crash landing on the comet at the completion of it's mission.



    Bottom left is surely a candidate for the ice rink thread?

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  5. 2 hours ago, chrisp65 said:

    mods mods!

    MMV has hacked BOF's account


    although on a second look, there are no words I've had to look up and that cartoon could actually be two fat blokes

    Ha! Thought exactly the same when I saw that pic. The interpretation being the one on the other's back is the female .... It's got MMV's bleak outlook on the female of the species written all over it  :D

  6. On ‎13‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 20:09, Chindie said:

    Thanks for the thoughts. I should talk to someone about things. I do feel quite down and morose. Doesn't help the anger.. I do also suffer with anxiety.

    Late to the party here, but from what I've read Chinders, sounds like you may be suffering from some form of 'actual' depression.

    Feeling 'down' - tick

    Angry - tick

    feeling little joy in anything - tick

    anxiety - tick

    I've been on citalopram for a while now, and it has helped. My anxiety was very much come and go. It's something I've had forever, so I've learnt to deal with it. But the other things were quite new to me. I didn't really see it myself, but my relationship was going down the pan due to it, especially the anger and joylessness.

    I also tended to think a lot about death and dying, more so than I guess was healthy.

    The above don't really lead to an overly pleasant existence, so my advice would be to visit your JeeePeeee for advice. They may advise tablets and/or counselling. Either or both would probably help!


  7. 16 hours ago, mikeyp102 said:

    I'm 33, she'll be 37 November. She'd planned to go it alone before, then met me and changed her mind. But she's decided she has to have them now.

    Like Ginko said, far too early in a relationship to be thinking about that irrelevant of age.

    It really isn't, and especially when she's 37.

    I brought up the kids topic on date 1 or 2 with my now wife. I was 37, She was 27. I wanted kids, and didn't want to 'waste time' with someone who didn't (as I was getting towards 40). She did too. About 5 months later she was pregnant!

    If it's what both of you want, then having the chat early is never too early. OK, if you're both 18, then maybe think about it a bit harder, but it's better to be clear about these things up front IMO.

    We now have a 4 year old daughter. It's hard work, but worth it. :thumb:



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  8. 5 hours ago, il_serpente said:

    Went to get a bit of food at HT at Villa Park on Sunday and there was only 1 girl working the till even though there was a huge line.  I was livid and started having a go at her about not standing up to management and insisting on some help.  I guess I shouldn't be pissed, though, as they took my order straight away even though I basically jumped the queue.  The poor w**ker at the head of the line looked like he really wanted to tell me to bu**er off, but was intimidated by my size.  Looked absolutely humiliated that he didn't have the bollocks to challenge me.   Still, he got his food quickly so probably didn't really care in the end.

    This post shouldn't piss me off, as you may well, despite the post indicating otherwise, be an OK chap.  But it does piss me off.  

    • Like 2
  9. 3 minutes ago, Nath182 said:

    My mate is having a party for his 30th birthday next month, but he's decided it's a fancy dress party. Why do people feel the need to do these things? Now I've got to spend un-necessary money on some shit outfit I'll never wear again. If I don't go in fancy dress though I'll likely be the only one there that hasn't bothered and the abuse I'll get will be unbearable. 

    Theme is 'through the ages'... any suggestions on the cheap?

    Turn up as 2016 you.

    Alternatively, don't go.

  10. 2 hours ago, MakemineVanilla said:

    It sounds difficult.

    My view would be that you should go to work BUT provide yourself with an escape route by giving yourself permission to leave at any point you find things unbearable.


    Yep. Good call.  Or arrange that you're going on for only 1 hour on the first day, and stage it up. Better though to get to the root of your anxiety first 

  11. 3 minutes ago, darrenm said:

    I'd still love to see green and Corbyn's labour merge. The PLP can go and have their 200 MPs but no members, with their Tory policies but we're definitely different honestly look we have a red badge.

    You'd have to add in the various national parties like Plaid and SNP, plus the Lib Dems, but yes, I see no reason why it couldn't work. We're all looking for social & economic justice etc, and protection of the environment, aren't we?

    • Like 2
  12. 19 hours ago, Straggler said:

    Thanks BOF. I guess I have strayed from the point I was trying to make a little bit.  One of the core problems we had as a couple wasn't that she was a complete bitch or anything like that.  It was that we were completely and utterly ignorant about mental health and depression.  If I had known then what I know now, I would have been able to spot the signs and we could have been spared all those years of heart ache by seeking treatment earlier.  If she had a growth on her skin or pain in her left arm we would have known what to do.  I read all the stories on here, people asking if they should seek help, if they should visit a Dr.  My wife was sick and her disease which, without treatment, nearly cost us everything we hold dear.  So yes if you are worried treat your mental health like you would a new lump or a broken bone.  Go get it checked out

    Obviously not all directed at you BOF, thanks again for your kind words.

    Was an informative read Straggles, so thanks for taking the time. I have been on citalopram for well over a year now, and it has helped to a fair degree, although I do get these darker/angrier periods (though to a much less severity it seems) that your wife has been through. I also didn't know I had a problem, but I have a wife who has had some mental problems, eating disorders etc and was able to help and tell me to go to the doctor. Hence the citalopram. Having read your post though, I am now going to look into this 'hippy bullshit' as it looks like something that may be of great benefit to me too :thumb:

    • Like 1
  13. 14 hours ago, peterms said:


    I've gone Green, not rsgretted it yet.


    Me too Mountie. :cheers:

    Good to see you back!! :thumb::thumb:

    I'm very interested in the whole Labour thing though at the moment. It's 'proper' politics, and it's really stoked things up a bit. Tories lurching further to the right, if that's possible, and Labour finally waking up (under Jez) to what it is, and who it is meant to represent.  

    I'd like Jez to speak more about the possibility of a 'progressive alliance'. It's something King Clive is advocating.

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