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Posts posted by Jon

  1. On 14/01/2017 at 13:22, mjmooney said:

    I'm glad somebody else said it. My childhood was rather less techy than that. No internet, no mobile phones, no video games, no video or recordable TV, two TV channels (and not 24/7). 

    Toy guns, books, a bike and 'playing out' was my out of school life. 


    The 1920s must have been a tough time to grow up! ;)

    • Like 3
  2. I love the guy, but he's patently not a good leader of a mass political party with differing strands. He refuses to engage with much of the media. I can't quite work out if he's incompetent at the leadership game, or just unwilling to engage in it.

    I love what he stands for, and almost all of his policies/aims.

    But he's not willing or able to 'play the game' of Westminster/mainstream media and politics, so I just don't see how he can win an election. I had hoped to be wrong on this. But he just seems to be getting more invisible, at a time, IMO, of national crisis, in terms of  Brexit and the NHS and the widening poverty gap. We need someone to grab the media and the tories by the gonads, and I'm sad to say it's not going to be Jez :(

    I'm hoping King Clive takes over the mantle ..... 

    • Like 3
  3. 5 hours ago, Morley_crosses_to_Withe said:

    "2016. Worst year ever"

    A bunch of dead celebrities and Trump being elected doesn't make it the worst year ever by any stretch of the imagination. 

    In people's lifetime perhaps? Trump plus Brexit = a pretty **** up year. Although 1979 beats it for me.

    • Like 3
  4. 18 hours ago, The_Rev said:

    I had no desire to have kids until I had a kid.  Turns out it's brilliant. 

    I was into my 30s when the 'desire' to have kids hit me.  

    Turns out it's feckin hard work.  But worth it, although it can affect your relationship and frequently of copulation 

  5. 10 hours ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    i was quite lucky. I didn't really settle down until I was pushing 27 and even then things were still a bit crazy but I remember thinking I want a serious girlfriend now and within a couple of months I had one. It was the same with having kids. Within 18 months of being together we both decided we wanted kids with each other and it happened. A few miscarriages later and we had our first. The rest is history.

    A deliciously bonkers history at that 

  6. 1 minute ago, tonyh29 said:

    Are we talking enough  for some leaflets to be printed or enough for Lucas to fly off on a fact finding mission to Palestine :) 

    Lucas will be flying by solar powered plane soon ;)

    • Like 1
  7. Would any of you consider not listening to an artist/album if you discovered their political affiliations don't match your own?

    The vast majority of bands/musicians (and indeed 'artists' in general) are left wing/anti-establishment/anti-Tory.

    Thankfully I don't think (m)any of the musicians I listen to are Right wing or Tory lovers, although the news that Kate Bush has described Cruella as 'Wonderful' did leave a sour taste in my mouth.


    Theresa May thinks Kate Bush is shit


    The South Bank Sky Arts Awards at the Dorchester Hotel, London, Britain - 01 May 2012 

    THERESA May has thanked Kate Bush for her kind words but regrets she cannot return them because Bush’s music is ‘hippy crap’. After Bush described her as ‘wonderful’, the prime minister said she was delighted to receive support from a respected artist but she only wished it was one who did not swish around in the woods like a demented sex nymph.

    She continued: “It is heartening to be praised by one of the creative community, ordinarily tediously left-wing, but sadly I have a passing familiarity with Mrs Bush’s work and it is unmitigated drivel.

    “A damper collection of dope-smoking saucer-eyed warbling one cannot imagine. It makes me itch to bring back witch trials.

    “If, in my English Lit O-level class, a girl summed up Wuthering Heights as ‘Heathcliff, let me in at your window’ we’d know jolly well she’d only skimmed the first three chapters.”

    She added: “I only own one CD, it is of romantic and patriotic songs sung by a pair of soldiers called ‘Robson & Jerome’. I listen to it in the car sometimes. It is very good.”

  8. 4 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    That was one point of nine. Probably the least concerning point (behind getting the country's name wrong)

    Also, can we please stop with the deflection and the 'well other people do it'. It just normalises Trump's ridiculous behaviour. 

    Indeed. Letting the leaders/heads of countries appoint who other countries should have as their diplomats/ambassadors etc for that country is really not a good idea.

  9. 12 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    Quite good. Although the problem Bremainers have is that Brexiters (incl Cruella who did and said very little during the referendum, and clearly is a committed Brexiter) are now at the helm of the ship, so even though they don't really know how to steer it, and in which direction (other than roughly towards 'Brexit'), they don't want anyone helping them. They want to steer it all by themselves, although nobody on board the boat elected them to do so (Cruella being appointed by a select few rather than elected to her role as 'Captain'). And they certainly don't want any help from other ship members, who may in fact be more adept at steering the ship.

    Davy Jones' locker awaits, unless the rescue vessel Supreme Court in conjunction with the H of C can save the day.

    • Like 2
  10. 10 minutes ago, StefanAVFC said:

    So I posted this (well very similar) on my Facebook and a Canadian guy I used to know messaged me this:

    How can the left be blamed for what has happened? When shit like this is spouted everywhere? I didn't even mention muslims or any of Trump's views in my post and it's Muslim's fault. You go on any post on Twitter about what Keyblade posted. People defending it or attacking the left. You go on any of Trump's tweets. People attacking the left.

    There is simply a total lack of political discourse. And that isn't the left's fault. 

    I'll just add as well, that guy is a doctor. He isn't stupid.

    You don't have to be stupid to be right wing. But it helps. :P

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