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Posts posted by Jon

  1. Lincoln

    Watched it a couple of days ago, and re-watched it last night. What a film. DD Lewis basically IS Lincoln. It's fascinating. Nothing much happens in the way of action, but it is intriguing from a political aspect, and is so well acted by all involved.

    10/10 WB


  2. 15 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

    Totally agree. I'm not blaming Mark Zuckerberg for my right wing Uncle. It's just that in the circumstances I explained in my OP, blocking them isn't an option, because I would miss conversations with him about football, music, and my family.

    I guess it just depends how bad his views are? I mean, if they were really objectionable, I would block, as I really would get worked up seeing that kind of guff/intolerance on my timeline, from a family member.

    If they're just 'a bit right wing', then yeah, just live with it, and/or add your own views in there to give him a different perspective than maybe he's used to?


  3. 21 hours ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

    I get you Jon but it must feel a bit like a fight you can't win.

    It probably is sadly. Just had to defriend someone just now who was basically just right wing angry in defence on Trumpton.  So I think I'm back to a fairly healthy friend list  ....

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:


    Do people actually worry about this ?

    Not sure worry is the correct term.

    I certainly dislike seeing intolerance, hatred, racism and bigotry, yes.

    Where I see it on my timeline, which will usually be fromsomeone on my friend list, I am somewhat saddened. Saddened that I have a friend who would hold such views. So yes, I'd certainly challenge their view, as I would find it quite distasteful.

    Depending upon who they are (and they are unlikely to be a close friend with views like that), I would also unfollow or defriend.

    • Like 4
  5. 5 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

    My own inability to pull up idiots, who post ridiculous right wing shit on social media. I see friends (I say friends, it's mostly people I went to school with, or worked with years ago) and even family posting the usual, "share and like if you think this is a disgrace" stuff, and I just let it slide. It seems pointless trying to argue with someone who would blindly believe the stuff that gets posted, and (certainly in the case of family) it makes me uncomfortable pointing out that people are idiots to their face. I think I'm just going to have to do a massive unfollow cull.  

    Tricky one. I think it's still better to pull them up on it, or at the least point out their abhorrent post and maybe suggest alternative theories. But it is problematic, especially as you may then see these people socially, and there than could be some anger/bad blood/tension etc.

    I only have 1 of these such people left on my friend list, an old school friend, who only on Sunday was defending Trump and posted to the effect that the UK also "needs to look after their own kind".

    I pulled him up on it, as it's about as racist as you can get.

    I don't want to see this sort of shit on my timeline, so I'd generally pull them up on it, and then defriend, but the whole thing is a bit of a minefield.

    If you want to take the easy way out, don't defriend, just block their posts. Job done.

    • Like 3
  6. 5 hours ago, Demitri_C said:

    Women make you laugh...

    Was fooling around last night with my bird and then I was feeling abit horny so before I could escalate to having sex she's like "not tonight babe not in the mood feeling tired and gotta get up early for work"

    im like ok no worries then turn around get ready to sleep. She is like you ok? I said yeah it's cool. Within 10 minutes she is chasing me to have sex. What the hell is wrong with women? This has happened to me before as well.:huh:

    Wimmin be crazy demmers

  7. 8 hours ago, meregreen said:

    He's the leader of the official opposition. Pointing out what the Govt. is doing, is what he's there for. As for saying what Labour would do, well they are voicing their opposition to Trumps proposed ban. Find fault with Corbyn if you will, but he's been pretty open on plenty that he would prefer the Govt to do on many issues. 

    I think the leader of the opposition should be doing more than simply posting on twitter to his own followers 

    • Like 4
  8. 14 hours ago, blandy said:

    Blimey! that's a bit of a leap! And IMO completely, massively, wrong on all 3 counts. But as this isn't the lentil munching thread I'll leave it there except to say I also think you're wrong about the Greens being "conservative", (with either a small or a large C).

    Talking about large C's, Corbyn and Labour are utterly doomed because they don't know and can't elucidate a consistent message on what they stand for. They're also beyond inept as an opposition. If you can't demonstrate basic competency as opposition, no one will elect you to govern.



    This one's better 

  9. 29 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    The correct (and expected) result. The only issue it doesn't really change much. The hope is it means Parliament can put a leash on May and co, but she already somewhat nixed that by her forceful suggestion Parliament will be given Hobson's choice - the Deal or nothing.

    But a constitutional victory has to be applauded and anything that irritates many Tories and particularly dumb Leavers is to be celebrated.

    I look forward to/dread tomorrow's headlines.

    All of the supreme Court judges on the front page as traitors from the heil would be my guess!

  10. On ‎16‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 13:36, TrentVilla said:

    Hmmm ball doesn't move even as he drops through the ice.....

    The ball is on the unbroken ice. The ice is only broken where he falls heavily on it. The ball is further away that that, and is a few inches in the safety zone from the cracked ice.

  11. On 16/01/2017 at 22:25, tonyh29 said:

    I'm not sure that someone who was told they have 6 months to live in Dec should be allowed as an entry but then again I don't know that any rules were put in place that said you could not so I guess you've taken an early lead 

    Clive James Was given only a few months to live about 2 years ago.  Keep feeling he's deliberately cheating this game :D

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