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Posts posted by Jon

  1. I can't see how Jez can survive Copeland. Isn't that the first by-election gain by a governing party since 1982? Given what the Tories have been doing these past 7 years, that is absolutely incredible.

    The music has started up, and the fat lady is clearing her throat.

    That the Labour party is falling away in these austere times, with a crisis in the NHS, is a dereliction of duty on their part, and there can be only 1 outcome.

    For me, Jez seems to be happy to be a more marginalised opposition party, a party geared to oppose rather than govern.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Chindie said:

    The headline in the Times today... Sure to get some Leaver backs up. 'Davis confirms UK will stay open to EU migrants' because we don't have enough people to do shitty jobs (apparently we will take years to train people to do these crap jobs, which is a fantastic euphemism).

    If they read the article it'll become clear that it is actually David Davis showing he's not completely delusional, but I'll enjoy the idiots going mad over it.

    I'm utterly shocked that all this cheap, efficient, hardworking migrant labour is actually beneficial to the economy and country. Utterly shocked.

    • Like 1
  3. 25 minutes ago, VILLAMARV said:

    I'm just kinda glad pumping seems to mean farting in this story :)

    That had me confused too until I read a few extra posts!

    This thread for the last few posts has been both mental and hilarious. Although I am seriously worried about the sanity of Padders. :blink:


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  4. 58 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    We're going to solve the immigration thing by quietly pretending that all the people against immigration are actually OK with people of Asian and Middle Eastern heritage coming here. The immigration thing was totally about Polish people. Not about brown people whatsoever. Nosiree.

    All those hundreds of thousands of workshy benefit scroungers and fake disabled people will fill the roles no problem. Even the skilled and semi skilled roles. For which they are neither trained nor interested nor capable.  :thumb:

  5. 1 hour ago, Stevo985 said:

    I'm amazed you guys know so much about the company I work for.

    Everyone here seems to enjoy the introductions. in fact it was requested by the staff that they happen.

    I'll let the directors know that we should stop them because some bloke on the internet thinks they're counterproductive :D 



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  6. 46 minutes ago, tonyh29 said:

    I recall the condemnation around the young kid singing the Milwall song with lots of swearing and how the kid should be taken into care and yet here the audience are laughing when a 7 year old girl says Donald Trump is a word removed


    I think it's wrong and distasteful to get a young girl to call trump a word removed.  I certainly wouldn't try to get my daughter to say that.  

    But that isn't the main point of that video, and to post solely on that basis smacks of what the snowster is alluding to.  

    • Like 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

    Have Amazon stopped doing the free mp3 download when you buy a physical cd? 

    No.  But it isn't available for EVERY purchase. Most of the cds I have bought in the last 6 weeks have had the autorip option 

  8. It's one of the sad facts about relationships, is that you are never really 100% secure in them, even when things seem to be going pretty well. There are no guarantees, and when we see things going awry, we can try to address them, but it doesn't always work.

    The alternative is to never get involved with anyone, but that is just a shit way out IMO. You take your chances and hope it works out. The days of people getting together, getting married, having kids and journeying together into old age seem to be becoming more distant.  

    Sorry to hear your news Genie :(

  9. 13 hours ago, tonyh29 said:

    Finally Did Lincoln and 12 years a slave this week after having them on my sky box for some months

    Lincoln was an interesting insight into the emancipation vote (I've not checked the film against the historical facts ) if there has ever been better actor than Daniel Day Lewis then I've yet to see them

    12 years a Slave was a tough watch its staggering that people could treat fellow humans that way but of course we know that they are more than capable of it ....film moved at a good pace and was never boring even though it had potential to be 


    wished I'd watched both films sooner 

    Yeah, I loved both films. DDL is just an incredible actor. From the first moment you saw him as Lincoln, you were watching Abe Lincoln, and not DDL. He held the film on his own, but I did find the whole film fascinating and a great insight into the politics of the time.

    12 years was just a gripping film from start to finish. It's a long-ish film, but when the final credits rolled, it seemed like I'd only been in the cinema for half an hour. Absorbing.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Designer1 said:

    A dirty rounder, a no-good fraud
    A ne’er-do-well of the highest accord
    I’ve got the supermarket sympathy vote
    I’ve got a ten year old doctor’s note

    ‘Cos I’m a Blue, Blue Badge Abuser
    I’m a Blue, Blue Badge Abuser

    I park up in the pouring rain
    The space was empty, who’s to complain
    And if they did, I’d say I’m due for the op
    And sprint wilfully off to the shop

    ‘Cos I’m a Blue, Blue Badge Abuser
    I’m a Blue, Blue Badge Abuser


    Can only be HMHB!?

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Meath_Villan said:

    So did the school run with the kid .. Traffic fairly congested when a car blows past two of us waiting to park , foolishly I got out said that's some serious dangerous driving pal, the dude gets irate says I was parked etc what's my problem, so I repeat you overtook 2 cars one indicated that's some serious dangerous driving out side a school pal , once again into a tirade getting more upset until the other driver the one that indicated pipes up and backs me up ....He's starting to get aggressive to the point I say, we should talk about this somewhere else. Big mistake ...Billy big balls you don't know who I am comes out you wanna fight ...Oh Jesus, I put my hands up say whoa buddy I'm not been aggressive hear but you did some stupid driving man I'm just pointing that out !!! Got in my car and drove off ......now when collection time comes ...Do I say something ..Was I in the wrong ? 

    Unfortunately the type of prick that drives like that, endangering small children etc, is also the type of prick that will not take well to being questioned about it. It's quite rare this sort of character will apologise and say he didn't realise etc. You'll usually get an 'eff off', and may have to be prepared for some physicals, a la ruge .... if this was America, you could just have shot him and been done with it. :thumb:

  12. 5 hours ago, Dom_Wren said:

    **** dirty scumbags the lot of em. They should be **** ashamed of themselves. Absolute scumbags of the highest order. Disgrace to the human race the ratty scum **** tosspots they are. What goes around comes around you **** bunch of scumbag nonces. 


  13. 2 hours ago, Xela said:

    A few female friends have suggested pay sites as it separates the wheat from the chaff. I don't want to really be wasting my time with people who aren't serious. To be honest, it sounds odd as a man saying it, but i'm not interested in one night stands. I've done all that in my younger days. 

    I'd go for match over eharmony.  Was a few years ago now, but I found eh really restrictive.  

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  14. 1 hour ago, sheepyvillian said:

    Got to show some love for the Coen brothers , with a special mention for Barton fink in which John Goodman is excellent ,also there superior , Imo, version of True Grit ,still trying to work out what Geoff Bridges was mumbling , and one that sort of flew under the radar , Inside the mind of LLewen Davis , with a surprising subtle performance from Justin Timberlake , I thought so anyway .


    Yep, being Llewyn Davies was a great film.  Burn after reading and a serious man would also be amongst my favourite films.  Went to the cinema for hail ceasar though and thought it was quite poor.  

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