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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 5 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    Jeremy Kyle last Monday, couple from Rugeley on there. I knew the lad, he was 2 years above me at school and was an alright lad. Not seen him for a bit but he walks on Jeremy Kyle with his missus and both have no teeth and are obviously on drugs. He's accused her of cheating and she's denied it. She failed every question :)

    There but for the grace of God ......

  2. 56 minutes ago, BOF said:

    Well my own pareidolia is giving me about 5 different faces in it.

    Yeah, there's more than 1 face in there. Main one for me was the one at the top, with the heavy eyebrows, big flat nose, and homer-esque lips/mouth.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

    Celebrating what exactly? 

    All we've done is said we are going to leave. Nobody has any clue if that will lead to things being better, worse or somewhere in between?

    Celebrating now, is the equivalent of a football fan celebrating a win, when the score is 1-1, with 20min to go and the opposition have just equalised. 


    He appears to be celebrating the action of leaving an organisation, without the knowledge of whether that action will prove to be beneficial or harmful.

    As you say, daft

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, mjmooney said:

    On a vaguely related note, the CD player in my car insists on inserting a second of silence between tracks that were designed to run together, which is very annoying. I feel it ought to be be a user-adjustable feature (particularly as it seems to be an identical player to the one in my previous car, which didn't do it), but I'm damned if I can find anything in the menu settings. 

    Yes, I have this problem too. You wouldn't get this problem if they'd installed vinyl players in cars! :crylaugh::thumb:;)

  5. 3 hours ago, This Could Be Rotterdam said:


    At what point does kill the dog become the best solution? Shockingly bad decision making. 

    It was costing them money, so from a purely financial POV (which is what they've gone with) for the airport, it makes sense.

    Delaying further (to find a dart gun to tranquilize etc) could have taken a long time (several hours) during which many more planes would have been delayed.

    Not that I agree with the end solution, but they've done it as it was costing them money.

  6. 1 hour ago, Demitri_C said:

    ... 2nd post another dignore ....

    ... timing leaves a spurs taste in my mouth. .......

    ... I have no desire into entering a digging match with you ......

    Gotta love that demglish! :lol:

    detail_1107_obs_digging.jpgVs Bricklined_privy.jpg

    • Like 3
  7. 12 hours ago, Sid4ever said:

    Brie Larson, Skull Island, Oscar winner, is that the Brie famous on these shores or am I just confused 

    I found the film a bit cheesy to be honest 

  8. 2 minutes ago, dAVe80 said:

    Yeah, unless it was some serious issue why they fell out, then she should let the man go to his own son's funeral!  

    It's not up to the wife who goes to the funeral. He was both their son. I'd just keep schtum Tone Loc. She'd unlikely to make a massive scene at the funeral and if she does, someone can take care of her. Then book in a slot on next week's Jezza Kyle show ...

    • Like 2
  9. Oh Lordy!

    The Lords about to do what the opposition/Commons couldn't, or rather wouldn't.

    This is what Jez should have been whipping his MPs to do, not the bloody opposite.

    Government facing Brexit defeat in Lords over EU nationals


    The government is facing a first defeat for its Brexit bill in the House of Lords later.

    Peers are expected to agree to amend the draft legislation to protect the rights of EU citizens living in the UK.

    Home Secretary Amber Rudd had sought to reassure members that EU nationals' status would be a priority once Brexit talks begin.

    But a cross-party amendment calling for a firm guarantee is expected to secure the backing of most peers.

    If this happens, MPs could remove the Lords' proposed changes again when the bill moves back to the House of Commons.


    The bill authorises the government to trigger Article 50.

    'Utmost respect'

    The rights of EU nationals to remain in the UK after Brexit has been one of the most contentious issues during its parliamentary passage so far.

    In a letter sent to every peer, Ms Rudd said a guarantee of their right to stay, however "well-intentioned", would not help the hundreds of thousands of UK citizens living on the continent as it could leave them in potential limbo if reciprocal assurances were not given by the EU's 27 other member states.

    She said there was "absolutely no question of treating EU citizens with anything other than the utmost respect".

    "This isn't just about ensuring British businesses and our public sector have access to the right workers," she wrote.

    "We owe it to those many European citizens who have contributed so much to this country to resolve this issue as soon as possible and give them the security they need to continue to contribute to this country."

    • Like 4
  10. 20 hours ago, MakemineVanilla said:

    I, Daniel Blake

    A worthy topic maybe but a terrible film of stereotypical saints and devils.

    Mawkish and didactic.

    Its political aims make it less forgivable not more.

    Out of interest, which parts of the film did you find inaccurate/unrealistic? The subject of the film had been thoroughly researched. It's a fictional film, of what can (and does) happen when you are subject to the current benefits system.

    It's not a documentary.

    If you could knock it for some inaccuracies, then fine. You seem to be knocking it because it unearths some obvious truths about the system, and the people who are forced to use that system, or work in it.  

    Stereotypical? Yes, you don't tend to see that many 'suits' down at the benefit office. Unfortunately, it is predominantly a certain strata of society that is forced to use the benefits system, so they are obviously going to be the people seen by the film.

    It's getting plaudits because it's such a bloody powerful film, and IMO a story that needs showing to as wide an audience as possible.  

    • Like 1
  11. 52 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    In other words, you would like a rump 'left' party that would be supported by a tiny percentage of the electorate, while explicitly making the Tories look like they occupy the centre ground of British politics. 

    We're seeing what happens right now when all meaningful political debate happens inside the Conservative Party and parties of the left are an irrelevance. It's not been pretty. We don't need to institutionalise the arrangement. 

    It would certainly open the door again for the Lib Dems to sneak back in and occupy that centre ground, as they kind of did in the 80s, before Neil saw what was happening and steered Labour back to the Centre.

    Personally, and in line with King Clive and Queen Caroline, I'd love to see a Progressive Alliance of 'left' and 'centre left' parties, which would hopefully include Labour, Plaid, SNP, Greens & Lib Dems. Not 1 party, but different parties who have some differing opinions, but who can work together, especially come a GE, and not oppose each other and fracture the centre, centre left, left vote. A Rainbow Coalition of sorts. I honestly think, in terms of governing the country from the centre left, it's the only option. 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, HanoiVillan said:


    Labour needs to find an identity they can agree on, and they need to do it quickly. 

    Correct. They aren't sure whether to go after the pro brexit, working class, semi racist vote to stave of the kippers advance, or go after the more liberal middle ground remainers. They seem to have currently gone after the first group, and have left the door open to many voters drifting to the Greens, Lib Dems or even the nasty party.

    The need leadership and an identity. A unified voice and platform, and it's just not going to happen unfortunately with Jez at the helm. I love the guy, but he's a shit leader.

    At a time when the pressure on TNP should be at the maximum, I think they can barely feel it. Cruella is probably lighting up a cigar right now.

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