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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 16 hours ago, DK82 said:

    I was going to stand for a council seat this May. Then I was offered a job, one I couldn't turn down (money).. but I think i will aim to stand next time. I want to help others who don't have a voice.

    You're going to stand for the Mutism party?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    You'd hate France then.

    I worked from our office in Paris a few weeks back and everyone who comes into the office to start the day comes over and shakes your hand (and everybody else's) and says good morning, then again when they leave (although I ducked out before the end of the day so avoided that malarkey again!).

    Apparently it matters not if they know you or not as I knew nobody!

    Made me feel like the rude English bloke as I didn't do it when I arrived

    That must royally **** up productivity if the office is big!

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nicho said:

    The cynic in me briefly thought a terrorist attack is good opportunity to prove she is strong and stable, that is too horrific too entertain. 


    Yep. They will be thinking secretly, this will be good news for the Maybot. Support for Jez was surging, and Maybot can now play the strong and stable card, and 'pull up the drawbridge' on immigration. This could be damaging for Jez's campaign, as he is all of the free movement of people.

  4. 1 hour ago, TrentVilla said:



    Its impossible to put into words just how unspeakably evil this sort of action is, or how cowardly. To be able to justify this to yourself, it's really quite terrifying.



    Pales in comparison with how many innocent Muslim children the various western governments (of which we have been very prominent) have killed with scant regard or justification over the past X years.

    Yes, it's evil. But so have been the actions of our governments, which have caused the death of tens of thousands of innocent Muslim children. That's partial 'justification'. They see it as a war, and this is retribution.

    It's an unspeakably vile, horrific act, but the perpetrator is not 'cowardly' in the way that say a Bush or Blair kill millions but don't get their hands dirty. This person sacrificed themself.

  5. 4 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:


    You don't see me calling Corbyn a terrorist for his thoughts on the IRA, or lack of them. Because he's not and anyone I see or have spoken to who mentioned it, I shot down.

    :crylaugh: hopefully not literally. :crylaugh:

    • Like 2
  6. 35 minutes ago, itdoesntmatterwhatthissay said:

    That's kind of my point. We have her and Jess Phillips as MP's; why? Because of people voting on parties on not politicians. Same for Godsiff. I know they're all Labour but they are people who have impacted me personally, who didn't give and don't give a proper carp. (Many awful Conservative ones too)

    Videos and images from 'a-political' parties which only explore one POV are simply adding the weight of misunderstanding and emboldening others. 

    I am the very first to criticise a bad Conservative policy but I feel others are first to criticise the party before considering what the policy even means. I am as unpopular with Conservatives as I am with Labour supporters.

    Hmmm. There's something fishy about this post ....

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, darrenm said:

    I'm not sure how the BBC are getting away with this 


    I'd Imagine they could get done for this. Their coverage is meantto be both accurate and impartial, and this is clearly neither.

  8. 39 minutes ago, jon_c said:

    I'm not sure who these are, the first could be Tories or UKIP. And the other two could basically be any of them. 

    I'm guessing it is tories, Labour and lib dem, in that order?

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  9. 1 minute ago, HanoiVillan said:

    To be fair, the evidence thusfar suggests that the Tories are exactly where that vote is going. 

    What evidence? Opinion polls.  They certainly do not suggest that, as they don't delve into that level of information/ demographic.  

  10. 3 hours ago, PompeyVillan said:

    They're incredibly relevant to this election. Their total collapse will likely hand the conservatives a landslide majority.

    After which they'll become a totally insignificant marginal party.

    An awful lot of kipper vote was/is working class racist/get our country back.  That vote does not naturally go to the scum. 

  11. 3 hours ago, blandy said:

    I think @a m ole has written it best when he said "I don't want the BBC (or any channel) to stop scrutinising Corbyn or Labour, I just want the same level of effort and resources to go into scrutinising the Conservatives"

    It's not that Labour is treated harshly, by and large, but that the tories are not subjected with the same rigour. I also think that UKIPs has been massively over-covered and the SNP, Plaid, Greens and LibDems and the different Irish ones under-covered.

    So, there's a right wing bias at the beeb. Intentionally or not. 

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