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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 4 minutes ago, Cliffy Biro said:

    Not surprised they've made that choice really, we are in the pc very easily offended age.

    AKA an age of male / female equality?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Cliffy Biro said:

    Not surprised they've made that choice really, we are in the pc very easily offended age.

    She's also a really good actress. 

  3.  It should also be noted that doctor Who is not human, but an alien, and as such can surely be played by whoever the hell the producers want, male, female or other worldly. 

  4. On 14/07/2017 at 19:45, snowychap said:

    Wouldn't have a problem with it.

    Me neither. Don't see why the doc must be male and white.  You're in kipper territory there  ....

  5. 1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

    I don't like it, either. 

    Same with the lad that used to work in our local corner shop, who always called me 'matey'. I think he was not long over from India, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt for thinking he was using a friendly colloquialism. 

    Matey is a friendly colloquialism, isn't it? :huh:

    I use various greetings, for blokes I don't know or don't know the names of. 'sir', 'dude', 'mate', 'matey', 'fella', 'squire'.  All meant to be friendly.  

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, leemond2008 said:

    The decline in my drinking abilities.

    I've calmed down a hell of a lot in the past few years (I'm sure some of you will remember by drunken ramblings), I always enjoy a good session on a Thursday night, the hangover helps me get through Friday and it gets the session out of my system so I can have a clear head for the weekend (if prefer to get paid for being hungover rather than lose a day in bed feeling crap when I could be doing something I want to actually do)

    I'm coming to the realization that it may need to stop, I had 8 cans last night and I feel like shit man, problem is that 6 cans doesn't cut it but 8 cans gives me a stinking hangover.

    So 7 appears to be the magic number. Bingo! :thumb::mrgreen:

    • Like 3
  7. 31 minutes ago, AlwaysAVFC said:

    I'm currently at a train station drinking the beer I bought for this evening as couldn't get on the train as it was too full. Too tempting not to as I got it from the fridge.

    Drank a Beavertown-Gamma Ray and now on Moor-Hoppiness

    I absolutely love the Moor brewery.  

  8. 13 minutes ago, Xela said:

     stick a different, more palatable leader in charge, and amend some of the policies

    Socialist Tory party FTW? 

    The Tories have to become more like Jez's Labour to win? My, how times have changed in just a few weeks ... 

    Different leader with different policies? Just to get into power.  What's left? They are a party devoid of principles and conviction.  


  9. 4 hours ago, blandy said:

    This is the shame of what Corbyn and farron did, in declining to co operate with each other and the greens etc. There are a whole bunch of seats won by the tories, where if lib dems had stood down, labour would have won, or where if labour had stood down, lib dems would have won. Amber Rudd, Zak Goldsmith etc. would be out and lib dems and labour in. No Tory government....

    Aye.  Progressive Alliance FTW. 

    • Like 1
  10. 25 minutes ago, colhint said:

    I don't think this is a wise move, she has much more support than JC. There are loads of reports out there from Labour about them wanting him gone

    It's clear , at least to me, that jc has **** all support.  Other than 'the people'. Let's hope they wake up and vote him in.  They seem to be doing so.  The more exposure he gets, the more the polls close.  

  11. I honestly believe if this campaign lasted for another 4 weeks Jez would win it.  As it is, it's going to be relatively close.  This campaigning business is Jezs forte. And Mays kryptonite.  

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  12. 8 hours ago, Risso said:

    That's the weakness in the Labour system Pete was talking about.

    And who do you think chose May in the leadership election? Lib Dems?

    The 1922 ctte? It wasn't the party membership. 

  13. 2 minutes ago, blandy said:

     They both got to be leaders through he weakness of their parties systems and the feebleness of their rivals. 

    That doesn't stand up to scrutiny Pete. Jez has twice now been elected as leader of his party, the largest membership party in western Europe I think.  1 member/supporter (strongly vetted) 1 vote. With an increased and sizeable majority. Cruella has never even been elected by her own party.  

  14. 2 minutes ago, Awol said:


    Speaking of the Abopotamus she did brilliantly on Marr just now... 

    I thought Labour had hidden her away in a broom cupboard until after the election. Seems she has got out to scupper any lingering electoral chances. 

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