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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 2 minutes ago, blandy said:

    I got my copy on monday. It's brilliant.


    They were on 6Music last night - Marc Riley if you want to iPlayer radio it.. 

    Ah, yes, forgot to listen in. I'll I Player :thumb:

  2. 1 hour ago, PompeyVillan said:

    This Mogg stuff is all a huge distraction from the real issues facing the country. It's a good chance for the media attack dogs to do their job and stoke the fires again. And for some it's a perfect chance to drag out the rote right wing nonsense they've been weened on. In reality, it makes all sides look stupid, you're either defending folk that think protesting in ski masks is a good idea or protecting Jacob Rees Mogg and his Nazi dress up friend. 

    Internal divisions over Brexit, the unraveling of privitisation, 33% reduction in nurses training, under resourced police. Etc, etc. Real, tangible issues that affect people on a day to day basis all driven by Conservative ideology and totally avoidable. 

    But go on, indulge yourself in a bit of anti left propaganda if it makes you feel any better. 


    Yep. Stupid, pointless and counter productive. The Tory Toff came out of it looking more statesmanlike. Open goal for him really. Stick to the issues people. That's the best way to get rid of them ....

  3. 10 hours ago, Chindie said:

    They aren't a government in waiting. This country likes to vote Tory.

    And I'd be happier voting for someone whose policies are at least clear, rather than the one that wants to win by nudging and winking then rolling back the nudge and denying the wink in an attempt to play politics better than someone intent on constant foot shooting.

    A vote for the Greens then?

  4. 11 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    as opposed to shitty anti depressants 

    Nice one.  :wacko:

    They are a godsend for a lot of people.  Sometimes when the wiring in the brain is a bit broken, it needs some remedial help.  ADs can be that help.  Not the ONLY help, but they can and do work four thousands. 

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, Ingram85 said:


    Im 32 now, 33 in a few months, I’m supposed to have all this crap figured out by now aren’t I? I wanted a couple of kids by now, it’s gonna be at least a few more years at least until I get there. I’ll be 35+ by then. 


    Don't put so much pressure on yourself.  I had my daughter at 38, after years of single living/ failed relationships. 

    The rest sounds hard, but it'll improve.  "This too will pass."

    • Like 3
  6. Just now, Stevo985 said:


    But to be honest I find it more racist that people are offended by it. They're the ones associating "monkey" with a black child.

    I think history and oppression are doing that.

    That's the line you trot out now in defence of this shit Ben. "You have no right to get offended because you are not black". Jeez. I'm not offended by it, but I can see why it was wrong, and why it has been withdrawn. 

    • Like 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Seems like unorganised and bad PR then racism to me 

    that's just compounding the problem.

    Disorganisation & bad PR. If that's not bad enough, they've then thrown in some racism for good measure!! :P;)


  8. 2 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

    I don't use the fly, I take it out over the top over my waistband. I went to the toilet once I got home and instantly grabbed it all and pulled it out.

    As for what made me think about it, he followed me so closely I didn't want him to look over and think I'm weird then I asked myself why I take my balls out too and if it's weird.

    Just did a test run.  I do similar in that i don't use the fly.  But it's more of a trousers undone thing, to give maximum access.  Then nob out over top of boxers. Definitely no balls involved though.  Balls stay tucked away.  

  9. 44 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    I'm one of those people who will use an Uber to take me to town where I'll probably spend £100 on a night out.

    Flash bastard!  :P

    • Haha 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, chrisp65 said:


    I'm not sure Trump has actually 'done' anything much yet. 


    Spot on. It's all mouth and very little (travel ban etc notwithstanding) trousers at this stage, and let's hope it says that way.

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