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Posts posted by Jon

  1. 2 hours ago, bickster said:

    You won't force it on them but you'll allow it to go unchallenged for 6 hours a day whilst the kids are in school?

    We're in a similar tricky situation with our daughter Bicks. She got placed in a C of E school. I wasn't massively bothered, and we did point out we weren't religious. Bu they do lay it on quite heavily I think. Wife phoned me at work this morning with to report an amusing chat she'd has this morning on the way to school with our daughter. They were discussing trust apparently, and who they trusted the most. My daughter said God. :crylaugh:

    I think we might have to have 'the chat' with her at some point. At the moment I view it as quite harmless, a bit like the tooth fairy or father Xmas. I think it'll die out when her belief in those things does too ....

  2. 2 hours ago, bickster said:

    What? What do you believe in that should point you towards religion? I'm just trying to imagine what actually points people towards irrationality and the completely illogical?

    Drugs, I would wager in this case. :P

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  3. 10 hours ago, Genie said:

    That’s more the 30’s crowd trying to convince themselves and the world they are “crazy”.

    I’m talking about this 50’s Mother in Laws and other relatives who clearly spend their entire day refreshing the news feed and commenting useless shit on everybody they knows posts.

    You have the wrong 'friends' on FB. Or just block their feed. Why read their crap when you don't have to?

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  4. 9 hours ago, Villan_of_oz said:

    My mate is getting married today, poor fella. Im his groomsman 

    Apparently the best man and I were too rowdy yesterday at the rehearsal and then the dinner. 

    The brides parents didn't warm to me as they're "uptight" as my mate told me. I'll admit that I was a bit pissy but that was because the groom and I were solving an 'emergency' every 5 minutes all afternoon. We weren't allowed to go get food cos there was so much still to do so I got on the beers. 

    Anyway a lot of people come up to me and said I didn't do anything wrong but cos the brides upset im in the bad books. 

    If it wasn't a wedding I'd tell these uptight in laws to ............................ but seeing as it is a wedding I'm going to be on my best behaviour. 

    Still doesn't stop me being jacked off at being judged so quickly. Especially as the brides parents did f-all to help yesterday afternoon. 

    I got married last year cos I love my Mrs, however it doesn't change my view which is weddings are quite simply a stupid idea!

    Rehearsal? Is this a celebity or royal wedding? Or just an excuse for 2 pissups? 

  5. 13 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

    What’s class got to do with it? If you’re proved to a burden on healthcare pressure, you should pay for it. People need a deterrent from wasting the nhs time, charging for self inflicted harm is entirely fair I believe. Especially getting too pissed and needing stomach pumping or attention for fighting injuries.

    A genuine wow post. Jeremy C Hunt would agree with this though. Almost as right wing as you could get.

    "Self inflicted harm". Often the result of mental health issues. Charge all mental health patients? What about sports esp 'dangerous' sports players. Charge them when they get injured. Injured or lost fell/mountain walkers? Charge them. Boozers/smokers/fast food eaters - charge 'em.


    "People need a deterrent". Jebus.



  6. 3 hours ago, StefanAVFC said:

    I failed for a stupid reason too.

    The test went amazingly, on our way back to the test centre. In Lichfield there's this stupid roundabout that has a pedestrian crossing literally on the roundabout. Stupid **** design. I'd be driving (with parents) in Lichfield for 17 years and never once seen this crossing be red.

    It was red, I didn't see it. Examiner slammed the breaks. Game over.


    Failure to see a red traffic light doesn't really qualify as a 'stupid reason' Stef. ;):P

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  7. Should I have been looking to leave the country every time the Tories won a General Election?

    It's a silly premise. As others have said.

    The hope is that Brexit either doesn't happen, or is steered in the direction of doing as little harm as possible. That means staying about and applying pressure. People disagreeing with Brexit leaving en masse, before it's even happened, is nonsense, for a variety of reasons.

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