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Posts posted by Jon

  1. On 30/11/2020 at 16:46, WhatAboutTheFinish said:

    Shout out from me for The Devil All the Time, I really enjoyed it (even if the subject matter is quite bleak). Although maybe my expectations were just so low (not a big fan of the little fella from Spiderman) that it just took me by surprise .

    Yeah good film.  It is indeed bleak, and most protagonists end up dead, but it was gripping.  Spidey was ok in it.  

  2. 13 hours ago, choffer said:

    Surprised by how much I enjoyed The Queen’s Gambit. Was recommended it by a friend and presumed it totally wouldn’t be my thing but I thought it was great. 

    Yeah, it's actually really good.  Like you I was suspicious about the premise, but it seems really good.  I'm only 2 episodes in though.  

  3. 1 hour ago, HanoiVillan said:

    I agree that it would be better if fewer politicians went to fee-paying schools, both because it would be nice for Parliament to better reflect the life paths of constituents, and because I want to seize on an opportunity to decrease the value-added of fee-paying schools. But the 2019 intake of Tories should be sufficient to demonstrate that 'not having gone to Eton' is not sufficient to pursue policies that expand welfare provision; the proportion of Tories who went to fee-paying schools is down to 41%*, the lowest it has been since people started counting (down from 73% in 1979), but the attacks on the social safety net don't diminish.

    *To be fair, this is still huge - only 7% of the wider population go to fee-paying schools.

    Where are those figures from Hanoi? It just says 'the proportion of tories'. Does that mean party membership? MPs? Cabinet members? 

  4. On 26/10/2020 at 09:19, Wainy316 said:

    There’s definitely more honey trapping later in the film.  The republican rally is pretty startling.

    Due to him being widely recognised the daughter character is used to keep the schtick effective and the Bulgarian that plays her is bloody brilliant.  

    Aside from that the story itself all comes together pretty nicely at the end too.  They definitely capitalised on the circumstances.

    Yeah, the film gets better the longer it goes on.  And it's more of a 'film' than the first one.  The first one was hilarious as an expose of crazy ass Americans. This one was more overtly politically aimed at the right wing republicans, and had more of a storyline.  And the daughter character was superb.  I found the first half hour a bit crap and scripted, but it has to be seen as a different type of film to the first.  Once I'd understood that, the film grew on me. 

    I'll give it a solid 7.5/10.


  5. 2 hours ago, Mandy Lifeboats said:

    I think I have hit crisis point. I just can’t face going into work. There’s a growing resentment between the employees working in the office and those at home.  Those at home are all perceived to be sitting in their gardens with a cappuccino and croissant and doing half the work of the poor sods going into the office. To make matters worse people going in have to pay their own travel and parking costs. People at home have just been given a small monthly increase in pay to cover their extra home costs.  The atmosphere is toxic. Everyone is stressed. No-one has a holiday to look forward to.  

    I’ve had a couple of minor panic attacks. It feels terrible to let people down but I am not going to ruin my long term mental health. 

    Why are some people still having to physically go into the office? What line of work is it? 

  6. 20 minutes ago, Wezbid said:

    I really liked the original Jumanji growing up. Only now do I realise a lot of people don't seem to like it! 

    Yeah the original jumanji film was top. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Seat68 said:

    Got 15 minutes into Jumanji 2 before folding. I have very poor taste in film but this was too bad even for me. 

    Gets a decent rotten tomatoes score and also good audience score.  It's clearly a kids film though, so not sure what you were expecting....

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Rugeley Villa said:

    Did you have it then Jon? 

    My kids have had coughs for 2-3 weeks now. Sneezing at times. One of them had a slight temp. I’ve been  a bit chesty and feel like I might have a mild cold. Breathing a bit wheezy at times, but I suffer with anxiety.  Don’t think our household has had it, but not fully sure. 

    I've genuinely got no idea.  I think probably yes, given the symptoms, but then did consider it could also be anxiety.  

    On the covid tick list, I've had a few of the main symptoms, but not really running a fever.  But I've had the sore throat, slight cough, heavy chest, breathing issues, fatigue.  It ties in with other anecdotal stories from others that may have it, like LakotaDakota on here.  There's many people that get this that don't get a high fever, just a general feeling of being unwell.  See our mate Tom Hanks' symptoms.  

  9. 4 minutes ago, foreveryoung said:

    Sounds like anxiety that Jon. People need to be careful they are not mixing the symptoms up with this, it can show exactly same symptoms, tight chest, fatigue shortness of breath, sometimes chest stomach pains, only thing it don't show is fever. But anxiety can be silent,  like you won't even feel stressed just have these minor yet sometimes debilitating symptoms.

    But obviously this is not fact, personally people who have the symptoms will know best.

    Well yeah.  The problem with anxiety is that it can take many forms.  It's also a time of heightened anxiety which can blur things.  

    I guess you've got to analyse your own symptoms, as noone is getting tested anytime soon.  🙃

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  10. 4 minutes ago, HanoiVillan said:

    though the commitments he did make were mostly to keeping the main planks of especially the 2017 manifesto. 

    And he should be held to his 10 pledges, detailed on his website during the leadership election.  They are commitments I could get behind, but I do fear how generally he believes in them, or whether they were put out there simply to win. 

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  11. Yeah that sounds like textbook covid symptoms pas. And this is how it spreads so easily and quickly.  Symptoms can be mild, or you could even by asymptomatic, yet still pass this on. 

    I had the chest thing too. Felt like a tight band around the chest/ like someone was sitting on your chest.  Plus I had slight breathing issues.  All quite minor, but lasted a while and the fatigue lasted longer.  

  12. 9 minutes ago, leemond2008 said:

    I must have been extremely lucky so far because I don't know a single person who has caught it yet, I know a few who self isolated but that was just for a sore throat or cough and no other symptoms.

    You're unlikely to know whether anyone has genuinely 'had it' unless they get admitted to hospital, as we aren't testing anyone except hospital patients. Sore throat and cough could easily be mild covid.  

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