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Everything posted by duke313

  1. Seems like we have an overabundance of young box to box type midfielders, which doesn't really fit the current system as they are expected to sit and cover the full backs.
  2. Sounds like he'd be more suited to one of the two CM positions rather than the DM. But he's still young, so perhaps SG see's something different in him.
  3. I'm sure you have a point, but i've no idea what it is with talk of false 9's and Alfredo Di Stefano. Back to DL, he's not the complete midfielder you'd like us to have that can do everything. From what we've seen of him this season, he's not very good at defending even though he's been playing as a DM. And until the transfer window opens again, we can't replace him with a DM that can do everything. So, he should be either dropped completely or paired with a midfielder who is better at breaking up play.
  4. Problem with that is if the changes don't work, fans will be asking why player X Y or Z was dropped.
  5. Has Ings started a match yet since we signed Coutinho?
  6. It was for Pirlo, who best describes the role of deep playmaker. He had players around him that did the tackling for him. Having players like Viera, Keane etc who could tackle AND play a Hollywood pass would be great, we don't have that currently.
  7. A deep-lying playmaker is a holding midfielder who specializes in ball skills such as passing, rather than defensive skills like tackling.
  8. This is what we're currently lacking, Nakamba as the Ball winner, Douglas Luiz as the Deep playmaker and Ramsey as the Box to Box is probably our best set up without having to bring anyone else in.
  9. With Watkins and Ings not really firing, Bailey up front with Coutinho/Buendia behind.
  10. Sounds like they would suit the way SG wants to play.
  11. Well McGinn is linked with United, Douglas Luiz to Arsenal, Cash to Atletico and Ramsey is 'being monitored' by Real Madrid.
  12. Would it be worth exploring two strikers again? I know most here believe Ings and Watkins can't play together, but Ings always played with a partner at Southampton and was quite prolific there. It would mean dropping either Coutinho or Buendia, so i'd only recommend it if one isn't fit to start, but a 4-3-1-2 would allow us to play both with one dropping deep to fill the hole left by either Coutinho/Buendia.
  13. Digne isn't exactly the Messi of left backs, he's a good player but he's not an elite player.
  14. Any transfer poses a risk, even buying established players from other PL teams (Benteke to Liverpool being an example). But as pointed out buying players from top 8 PL teams probably won't happen, so our only option is to poach players from lower PL teams for a premium or shop abroad.
  15. I think SG will defo go with Ings vs. Watford. Nothing against Watkins he's just not playing well at the minute same as other players , a game or two on bench might help him. Which shouldn't even be an issue if the whole point of SG having two players in every position is to rotate now and again due to injury/suspension/form.
  16. It's almost as if most fans don't actually have a clue, and are basing their knowledge on Fifa or Football Manager.
  17. None so far, generally they have all been good. But the buck ultimately lands with Lange in regards to player recruitment, if we don't eventually push on his recruitment policy will have been a failure.
  18. Well Lange is in charge of recruitment, and if has spent millions on rubbish players he should be sacked like Pitarch was before him.
  19. Digne and Targett's situations aren't comparable though. Digne left Everton after falling out with the manager after 6 months, Targett left a week after we signed a better player in his position. What are we not allowed to improve the squad? Will Nakamba leave in a huff if we sign a new DM?
  20. I'm sure he did argue his point for the 6 months Rafa was at the club.
  21. Rafa and Digne had a row over style of play, not really the same is it?
  22. He's 26, he'll be finished in a few more years lol
  23. That's the recruitment teams fault then for not bringing in these types of players in January.
  24. Doesn't help that these wide players spend more time on the injury table than the training pitch?
  25. The exact reason he was right to be shipped out (although maybe not to strengthen Newcastle), weak mind mentality. PLayers should want to fight for their place in the starting XI, not give up the first opportunity they get.
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