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Everything posted by duke313

  1. Apart from Jack we haven’t really sold any first team players. The bulk of this squad was good enough to keep us up and finish mid table. But it won’t get us into Europe
  2. duke313

    Ezri Konsa

    You must have missed the game against West Ham where he got sent off
  3. Exactly, you can’t blame the formation for the two strikers missing chance after chance.
  4. Well he went from finishing 13 points behind Celtic to winning the league by 25 points, so it must have worked.
  5. I guess we should have kept Targett in the event Digne was out.
  6. So 50 then, not 70. Luiz is going, so might as well include him in any deal to knock a few quid off.
  7. And Spurs had not one but two world class forwards. If we had swapped forwards we would have been out of sight at half time.
  8. Another £200m? Gerrard has only spent £25m so far, or do you mean the club spending £200m?
  9. I’d imagine he regrets leaving Marseille.
  10. They weren’t that great when Smith was here for first part of the season either.
  11. New manager bounce doesn’t exist. Include the games from match day 12 onwards and we are 10th in that table.
  12. Smith got sacked because he only had 11 wins in 35 league games in 2021.
  13. We’d be in a relegation battle. He proved last season that he couldn’t do it without Jack. And that was the same this season, and we wouldn’t have Coutinho if Smith was still here.
  14. Klopp won several trophies with Dortmund and got to a CL final.
  15. First half we were excellent (aside from the mistake that led to the goal). Second half was a disaster. If we had Kane and Son instead of Watkins and Ings, we’d have been 4-1 up at half time, that’s the difference.
  16. I think it’s obvious now he benefited massively linking up with Grealish last season, same as Targett. He looks a shadow of the player of last season.
  17. He’d definitely have put away at least two of them them chances we had today.
  18. But pointless picking a random match day just to make the table look worse. Our form Since SG took over has us slap bang in the middle.
  19. Strikers couldn’t hit a barn door, might as well just play without and stick Bailey and Buendia on the wings.
  20. Too many sentimental players from the Smith days. They were good enough to get promoted, and consolidate in the league. But if we have any realistic ambition of cracking Europe, massive changes needed.
  21. How many would get into Spurs team? Not many I’d have thought.
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