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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. the upset here is if we win this


    I think we'll lose

    And yet you still fully support Lambert!! I hope we go full strength we need a cup run for confidence. If we lose I fear for our Premier League status. If we go on a run it could actually unite the club a bit and get some form. Our next 2 league games are a free throw but to lose this and both those going into the Hull game could be devasting for all.

  2. We wouldn't be in this situation if Ellis was chairman? We wouldn't have had a crack at top four if he was! The only thing Ellis was better at was sacking managers. He knew how to keep the fans half onside. Lambert would've been gone over 12 months ago! I agreed with Lerner sticking with Lambert but even with a better squad we aren't improving. He needs to pull a couple of cracking signings out of somewhere to instill creativity. I just hope he doesn't coach any attacking intent out of them!!

    • Like 2
  3. I can't see Lambert going anywhere unless things get really really bad. This year is a massive year for Tom Fox a lot of our sponsorship deals end and he needs to get the best possible deals and that as much as anything is a huge part of his job but when you hear him talk he seems to understand what a football is and what it needs to grow so it'll be interesting what targets get set in future. As many have said I think staying up is the main one this year. Hopefully next year the targets are a lot higher and if Lambert is still in charge and can't meet them Fox has the authority to sack him!

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  4. I didn't see it that way. I certainly felt Sanchez was the deepest all game.

    But regardless, it doesn't change the fact that daz claimed Sanchez was ineffective, and that Westwood would always be played instead. Both of which aren't true of yesterday.

    Think he's point was Westwood has become such a favourite he won't be dropped. We only need 1 DM in most games and for me thats sanchez who I thinks becoming our best midfielder. If Delph would sign we'd have a pretty solid middle.

  5. Didn't I tell everyone Westwood would render Sanchez ineffective? That's happened. Imagine a team with Sanchez as the holding mid and gil in behind the strikers... Now stop imaging because Lambert won't contemplate anything that doesn't involve westy. He's key to everything we do you know

    Did you see the game yesterday?

    Sanchez played his best position, was deeper than Westwood and had an excellent game.

    When subs were made it was Westwood who was brought off and Sanchez who stayed on.

    So basically you've invented something to be angry about.

    I think you're wrong!! We played 433 initially with Sanchez pushed out on the right and Westwood deeper there was a bit of rotation but you don't want your defensive midfielder to rotate! Unless you play with 2 wide players Sanchez and Westwood do the same job. Only thing is Sanchez does it better. He wins tackles has more physicality and better passing range. Once westwood went off he went DM and we played a lot better as we only had one defensive midfielder on and more creativity. Normally Sanchez would've been took off as the norm but because of Gil I think Sanchez got the nod!!

  6. Sanchez is one of the first names on the team sheet for me now but as a DM nothing else! His physicality and passing are better than westwood so it should be built around him not moving him to accomodate Westwood who I like a lot.

  7. We need a manager with a decent amount of experience but ultimately our circumstances will dictate the market. being for sale will put off a lot of managers so it's a catch 22 situation. I only think we would be able to get an youngish up and coming manager. They are out there. I don't know enough about Tuchel but I'd not heard of Pochetino. Eddie Howe is doing an amazing job at Bournemouth but there are managers who can come in and make a difference. Look at Rowett! He's turned Blues around unbelievably but is that just new manager syndrome? If he was to do well there for a few years I think he'd be a little more welcome than the last one we got from there!! Especially as he is a Villan

  8. Even if that was the term would it still not make sense to announce it?

    There'd be nothing but amazing support every game if the club announced we are to be sold when we retain our premier league status.


    And then if we got relegated and they pulled the plug how would you feel???

  9. Dunno if I be more annoyed that we are looking manager just over a week after pullis went to WBA....


    Board meeting ? - Did Randy here the result and fly in !!!!!! - doesn't ring true to me...

    We would never have got Pulis even if Lamberk was gone at that time. If he goes they'll only bring in someone else subservient willing to work on a shoestring.

    We are perennially stuffed until Randolph departs



    I disagree - we would be the biggest club Pullis ever has the chance to manage - crap as we are 40k today.......

    Pullis is crap he'll keep you up and that's about it. I don't see us getting relegated with Lambert so why change it for just another crap football style? We need to get a forward thinking manager who can get us playing attacking football again. If Lambert stopped being so negative he could still,be that man but I think the jobs too big for him and the pressure has changed his belief. Get Big Ron in till the summer with Ian Taylor as no2 the place would be packed and a feel good atmosphere back at the club then get some one in long term.

     A lot of people are saying we won't be relegated - what are you basing that on ? - 2 wins in 18 games - 11 goals all season - Arsenal\Chelsea up next ? - where are the points coming from...?

    I base that on the fact that there's 3 worse teams not that we are good. I'd sack Lambert but I think Pullis is a crap one dimensional manager. Even Stoke fans wanted him out cause the football was crap. Why swap one crap manager for another?

  10. Dunno if I be more annoyed that we are looking manager just over a week after pullis went to WBA....


    Board meeting ? - Did Randy here the result and fly in !!!!!! - doesn't ring true to me...

    We would never have got Pulis even if Lamberk was gone at that time. If he goes they'll only bring in someone else subservient willing to work on a shoestring.

    We are perennially stuffed until Randolph departs



    I disagree - we would be the biggest club Pullis ever has the chance to manage - crap as we are 40k today.......

    Pullis is crap he'll keep you up and that's about it. I don't see us getting relegated with Lambert so why change it for just another crap football style? We need to get a forward thinking manager who can get us playing attacking football again. If Lambert stopped being so negative he could still,be that man but I think the jobs too big for him and the pressure has changed his belief. Get Big Ron in till the summer with Ian Taylor as no2 the place would be packed and a feel good atmosphere back at the club then get some one in long term.

  11. Westwood should only play with Sanchez if Delph was injured or we have 2 very good wingers. We only need one defensive midfielder.


    Lowton Okore Clark Cissokho

    Delph Sanchez

    Weimann Gill Grealish


    Only playing Lowton to keep his levels up just incase anything happens to Hutton!!

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  12. His last 3 goals have all been through his own brilliance. I think today he was snatching a bit and I think he's having a little dip after coming back from his injury. Our change in style means he needs a playmaker as we don't just hit him early and hope he does something. Hopefully Gill is that bloke. He made more incisive passes in 20 min than I can remember all season. I think our previous style of play hasn't helped his movement develop and also I don't think Gabby likes to pass to him whereas Weimann had a cracking relationship with him a few seasons ago. He'll come good. We just need it sooner rather than later!!

  13. Apparently scouts at Bordeaux v Nice last night haven't got a clue who we'd be looking at!!


    I don't think scouts purely watch just one player all the time...



    ...could be wrong though!

    That's why I put I wouldn't know who we'd be looking at! I assume in a transfer window they'd be looking at specific players though

  14. Lamberts big money buys have been good (I mean big in our terms) it's the fact he's wasted a bit buying bulk and then not getting any money in for any assets of value. He should have played Bent until he could sell him. Instead of buying 2 LB's how about 1 good one? He tried to fill a squad with small buys yet never played them which was a waste but credit where it's due when he has spent £3m+ they've been good buys. It's a shame we are about to lose £15/20m worth of talent on Bosmans and the way Benteke is playing he'll go for £15-20m instead of £35m so we are likely to lose £30m on transfer fees next summer which is probably what Lambert has to had to spend in 3 years!! That is an awful way to run a business!!

  15. I would prefer a new manager but it's not going to happen in the near future. All I want is for us to have a go like we did for those 20 min when we brought Gill on. Lambert can't persist playing negatively from the start. He has to choose between Westwood and Sanchez as they do the same job. For me it's Sanchez every time. Why he has to wedge Cleverley into the team is beyond me. Does he have a clause that he has to start every game? Gabby shouldn't be in the team let alone Captain. I would make Okore Captain even though he hasn't been here long he is the future. If Delph was to sign a new contract he'd be my 1st choice but don't see that happening. Lambert has to start picking attacking teams we have a solid enough back 4 and with Sanchez in front Thats a good defensive base. The rest of the team should be picked to get goals. We play Bournemouth next week he should pick his strongest side and go for it. An FA CUP run could be his saviour!! So for me our strongest team wouldn't include Cleverley Westwood or Gabby I'd rather have Gill Weimann and Grealish/Bacuna depending on system. If we had a go like we did for those 20 min for 90 and still lost I wouldn't be happy but I'd be a lot less pissed off!'

    • Like 4
  16. Listen to LVG on SSN earlier talking about Falcao, not disrepecting the player, but saying he needs to prove himself to get back into the squad. Now much has been said about Lambert how he always covers for the players an says they are doing there best, when blatently we can see some are not. LVG proves there are ways of saying a player is not good enough without disrespecting them. This is part of what don't respect about Lambert. Our players are not a bunch of kids anymore and if the likes of Weimann, Gabby aren't performing, he is more than welcome to take some heat off himself and say so in so in interviews, Him continuing to say the players are doing there best and never saying the squad had a bad day, makes more fans think, he is to blame everytime or he has zero faith in the team to do any better.

    Didn't PL do an interview recently where he said Grealish needs to prove himself and earn his place in the team. How is this different?
    so why could'nt he make the same statement publicly about Gabby.....if its good for the goose...

    I'll tell you why because he ducks it.

    oh! sorry about the pun.

    Lvg was asked specifically about falcao, pl was asked specifically about grealish. When asked about the team he's not going to single out one player to criticise.

    Given was on talksport this morning and said that lambert has made it perfectly clear

    to them that they need to improve and have worked on a number of things on the training ground. So Lambert's not putting his arm around them in training saying they're doing great.

    Falcao is a senior player on mega money where as Grealish is just starting out to completely different cases so the original point stands.

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  17. I can't see him being allowed one just yet. Even though he seems bullet proof he is on thin ice. We have 3 league games where not much is expected but also have a flying Bournemouth. I think losing that will finally kill off any fan support and then we hit games we have to get points from employing a No2 now would be silly as by the end of Feb he could be gone!!

  18. There is more than one way to show we aren't happy with the way the club is going. Any negative form of protest to me is senseless as we need points. We need to support the team. Singing We want Lambert out or youndont know what you're doing will,only have a negative effect. I understand the need to vent our frustrations but I think we need a positive way. A way that supports the team yet gets our point across. The whole ground singing Big Fat Rons Claret and Blue Army or something along those lines would for me have a better effect.

    So chanting the name of an ex manager won't affect the team but chanting 'we want Lambert out' or 'you don't know what you're doing' will affect the team!


    Mind boggling logic.

    I'll break it down for you. It shows we are supporting the team but not happy with Lambert. It's trying to get a positive atmosphere whilst showing our disapproval of the way things are going. is that too mind boggling?? Negativite atmospheres transmit to players and effects performances a rocking VP would show our discontent but hopefully encourage the team.

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