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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. As Villa fans good news has been a thing thin on the ground for a while. We have had a week of good news and I think some people are sceptical because we haven't had for a while. Delph said leaving on a free wouldn't sit right so he's basically paying us back for looking after him. If in 18mths we are still in the same position he'll leave for a big fee he will get what he deserves for showing loyalty and we will for not matching his ambitions. It's all good news. He has thrown the gauntlet down to Villa saying I've signed but I want to be challenging. Now it's over to us to get him where he and us the fans want to be. Everyone assumed he was off. He would have had loads of offers and would probably have doubled his wages else where but he signed for us and loyalty is a dying thing in football so if he mentions it a lot he deserves to. Delph resigning, the Gil signing hopefully tieing up the Sinclair deal today aswell as a good cup draw are a few things that we should be happy about. For once it seems we are moving in the right direction how long for who knows. Enjoy it whilst we can.

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  2. We might spend our summer budget on him, which would leave us having to sell to buy in the close season. Apparently he's earns 2.5 million euro per year at his current club.

    A loan to the summer to see how Kozak goes on his return wouldn't be too bad. Wages wouldn't be an issue if he does earn 2.5m a year.

  3. He was very good at Swansea like a few other young English players he was signed by City because he was English and never given much of a chance so hopefully he can find some form here. Apparently he was injured a bit at WBA last year and was probably still thinking he had a chance at City. One thing with Lambert is he doesnt over pay on wages or fees so what ever he gets Lambert must think he's worth it so I don't care what he's on.

  4. i think Lamberts biggest problem is that he is too tactical at times and stops players doing what they're good at. It's ok away at a top 4 club having a rigid team being solid and hoping to nick one. Our problem is beating the teams we should because I think he drills them so much defensively he forgets about the attacking aspect. Players get picked because they're strong defensively rather than on their attacking abilities. IMO the size of the club has got to him as he isn't the same bloke we wanted from Norwich. He needs to pick attacking teams from the start hopefully Gil will help the creative side and after Sunday he can't be dropped. Big decision regarding bringing Gabby back and Weimann I'd stay the same just swapping LB and Bacuna for Delph.

  5. He's not motivated because no one wants to pay what he wants for us.


    He needs Fox to get us at a revenue level and Lambert at a football level whereby he can get £200m for us.

    If anybody looked at the last few years of accounts and saw the losses and then our league position no sane person would see a good investment. Hopefully we are now self sufficient and with Fox creating increased revenue we can spend more without losing money which will move us up the table thus making us more appealing to new owners.

    It seems a lot of fans bemoan Lerners loyalty to Lambert but it's that same trait that has made Delph resign.

  6. We can't afford Konoplyanka. Good Ukrainian players are expensive because of the league rules about how many of the XI need to be Ukrainian, which drives up the prices of the good ones - plus the people who own the big clubs are loaded.

    He has 6 months left so can leave for free in the summer. They only want 2.5m apparently not sure what currency but still cheap!

  7. every team has injuries

    Please not this again. There is just no way you can look at who has been injured, for how long, and when, without realising that our luck has been freakishly bad - and made all the worse by the lack of funds for replacements.
    Ignoring the obsession with money for a moment, are you telling me that the squad we have is only good enough for a relegation battle?

    Forget prices, look at the ability of those players, how good they should be performing.

    Sorry, but you're not allowed to ignore the money thing. Calling it an "obsession" doesn't make it one bit less of a factor in our struggles.

    We're not in a relegation battle. The season is half way through. Many if not most of us agreed that the only half decent point at which to judge our season in progress was after 19 games. That has come and gone with us in 12th place, and still we're apparently doomed to be in a "relegation battle".

    Our attacking players could be performing better and part of that may or may not be the manager's fault, but confidence is a huge part of it.

    How many games left do we have to have before it's a battle? Going on the previous years we are in a relegation battle and have been since the start of the season and will be until we have 40 pts a figure that we have struggled to get over in the last few seasons.
    Wait, so are you saying every team is in a relegation battle until they hit 40 points? Or does that just apply to us?

    Simplisticly yes! But if you want me to explain apart from the top 8 the others are aiming for safety from day 1. After 22 games we are 3 pts above the drop we are in a relegation battle. If we was getting 45+ pts in the past few seasons I'd be confident we would pull clear with ease but we haven't we struggle to get to 40. Like it or not we are in the group of teams that's sole aim in the league is to stay in it. Hopefully that'll change in the near future.

  8. every team has injuries

    Please not this again. There is just no way you can look at who has been injured, for how long, and when, without realising that our luck has been freakishly bad - and made all the worse by the lack of funds for replacements.

    Ignoring the obsession with money for a moment, are you telling me that the squad we have is only good enough for a relegation battle?

    Forget prices, look at the ability of those players, how good they should be performing.


    Sorry, but you're not allowed to ignore the money thing. Calling it an "obsession" doesn't make it one bit less of a factor in our struggles.


    We're not in a relegation battle. The season is half way through. Many if not most of us agreed that the only half decent point at which to judge our season in progress was after 19 games. That has come and gone with us in 12th place, and still we're apparently doomed to be in a "relegation battle".


    Our attacking players could be performing better and part of that may or may not be the manager's fault, but confidence is a huge part of it.

    How many games left do we have to have before it's a battle? Going on the previous years we are in a relegation battle and have been since the start of the season and will be until we have 40 pts a figure that we have struggled to get over in the last few seasons.

  9. Straying into same old same old territory here in the debate and to be honest while I'm still happy about the last weekend result and performance I'll do what I promised myself i wouldnt and contribute to it


    When he arrived the club were performing badly and hemorrhaging money

    He had to keep us in the league (short term) and reshape a squad without spending much

    He had to continue to keep us in the league and build a team to compete higher (medium term) and develop the squad

    He then had to build on that and bring better quality in the squad (long term) either through limited investment or player trading


    Short term 1-3 years

    Medium term 2-5 years

    Long term 3+ years


    He had to achieve that with

    1. An owner going awol and putting the club on the market

    2. A CEO being replaced

    3. Losing assistant managers

    4. Long term injuries to key players that would either be traded or help to develop the team while they were still here

    5. A supporter base who,  while very patient,  were in the main looking for more instant turn around given the history and stature of the club

    6. A club that when he joined were heading in one direction,  had no consistent approach,  no playing philosophy.

    Just for clarification. When did the owner go AWOL? The club has been for sale for 6 months. What effect did replacing the CEO have on the pitch? Losing assistant managers? Who picked them in the first place? Number 4 I agree he has been unlucky with injuries last year to our strikers but this year? Vlaar was always going to struggle after a WC. Cole is always carrying a niggle and if it wasn't for other CB injuries we wouldn't have seen Okore at all.

    As for the last 2 Lambert has been given the easiest time of any manager I've known. You say we was heading in one direction whereas I'd say with have stagnated on 38-42 pts for 4 years. There hasn't been any improvement. He is also in charge of the playing philosophy which after 2 1/2 years he's decided to change! I agree with the change but it was still his approach. I hope we go to Arsenal and keep the current philosophy of trying to keep the ball but not be afraid to go long if that's what the game needs.

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  10. We need another wide creative player I think everyone can see that. I just hope we get one as it'll help take the pressure off Gil. It'll also mean at home Gil can play central more against weaker teams. Let's get one that's not cup tied Aswell! The squad is looking good with a bit of confidence we will be looking to a good end to the season.

  11. I think NeilS had it spot on. He's in a slump after his long term injury. His confidence is low and badly needs a goal he perked up yesterday after the crowd sang his name and once we scored the whole team looked a bit more confident. Hopefully Wenger will put this Paulista straight in on Sunday and Benteke can show him what the Premier League is all about!!

  12. Cassano is an aging, moody git. Not what we need at all.

    I didn't realise there was moody attribute on FM15. He'd be a gamble hence taking him on an initial short term contract. I've know idea on his personality but he was quality and did make Italy's WC squad.

  13. I can't see Lambert going anywhere unless things get really really bad. This year is a massive year for Tom Fox a lot of our sponsorship deals end and he needs to get the best possible deals and that as much as anything is a huge part of his job but when you hear him talk he seems to understand what a football is and what it needs to grow so it'll be interesting what targets get set in future. As many have said I think staying up is the main one this year. Hopefully next year the targets are a lot higher and if Lambert is still in charge and can't meet them Fox has the authority to sack him!

    So at the moment they are, what??

    Only really bad not really really bad!!!

  14. Best debut I've seen for a long time and what a brilliant brilliant goal


    However, and I know I'm going to get crucified for this, not a moan as such but a concern, my only downside is that Gil needs to make sure that he is as effective when we don't have the ball as he clearly is when we are in possession. It wasn't terrible by any means but there were occasions when he was slow to get into shape. Chelsea expect it of Hazard for example and we must expect it from Gil.


    We can get away someone not working back in a 4-5-1 but need it if we go 4-4-2 otherwise we will get overrun


    Can I just say.....bollocks to that!


    Just do what you do best Carles.

    Has Lambert ever played 442?? He'll develop the defensive side of his game but ultimately he is here to create. Once he can communicate with the whole team properly they should become more fluid in positions so if he does go on a wander the other players shift across to cover. One of our biggest problems is we very rarely rotate positions during games. Gil can play anywhere by the looks of things so others may need to adapt to him rather than us curbing his creativity.

  15. Still a starter for me, without a doubt.


    He's not great but he offers much more than Cleverley and Delph doesn't want to be here. Him and Sanchez in the middle all day long with Delph / Gil just in front.

    The Delph who signed a 4 1/2 year deal this morning doesn't want to be here?? Well that escalated quickly! What's happened? Westwood is a DM and so is Sanchez thing is Sanchez is better so Westwood will miss out depending on formations.

  16. Really pleased for him if he has played well.


    Watched a school boy error against Liverpool when Borini went from the front of him to the rear to score.


    sorry, will reserve judgement


    not saying  one error should be overly judged....but equally not getting carried away on him too.

    The error wouldn't have happened with Clark playing. Okore pushes up when the balls pushed back but Baker doesn't move playing Okores man onside. Clark is the organiser whereas Baker doesn't talk much. I think that's why Baker looks good with Senderos and Vlaar and not so much with the others. Okore is a beast he's feet are so quick for a CB and has so much physicality. He still hasn't played that much yet looks a veteran for us.

  17. Credit where credits due changing the shape at halftime made a big difference. Bournemouth are a very good side high in confidence and may have shaded the 1st half but going to a normal 433 2nd half killed them off. If we can get Benteke playing we will start winning a few league games. We are still desperate for a natural winger though so I hope we can get one before the end of the window. Delphs resigning is a strange one bearing in mind Lambert said it wasn't financial thing just a football decision! Does he know something we don't?

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