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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. If the Villa players get the same results as the Spurs players I don't care if there's out right rebellion never mind a revolt which no one noticed! Sherwood has admitted it was hard being an interim manager who was never going to get the job permanently yet still got the team performing better than the lauded AVB. he's even mentioned dropping players but not falling out with them or bombing them as all players may have a job to do. One of these so called revolting players was Sandro who was dropped for poor form but brought back in against us to do a job and got a standing ovation when subbed. That's brilliant man management IMO. Set every one the same bench mark and don't let the names of the players or reputations sway your team selections.

  2. Am I right in thinking "first team coach" is "assistant manager" ?

    No Sherwood said he'd try to get both in he's got his first team coach and he'll wait for the right Assistant as long as the players are getting coached properly it's a better start to where we were.

  3. The reason clubs get a bounce is that the players had stagnated under the previous managers then when fresh ideas come in or fear for their place they raise their game. It's a bounce because after a few games they tend to settle down to where their actual ability dictates. I think the reason most think they'll be a reaction or bounce is that we have badly underperformed this season and our players are better than where we are. Sherwood will give the players confidence to play hopefully that'll result in us getting a win which will breed more confidence. After months of negativity I will embrace any small positivite and hope for the best.

    • Like 2
  4. Lamberts record shows he was one of our worst managers but he has gone now so let's move on! All we have needed IMO is to show more desire and have a go and we'd be fine so with the introduction of Sherwood I think that's at least what we will get. Stoke have a few injuries so its a good time to play them a nice home win can set us up for a bit of a run and get us clear.

  5. I think Lamberts coaching has hurt a lot of our players this year. Cissokho against Hull was a rampaging full back and looked a threat going forward but got more defensive as the season went on Delph and Cleverley never ever got into the box this season until Sunday. By getting Cissokho bombing on more and those 2 hitting the box we'll create more and take the pressure off of Benteke and also free him up as he won't have 4 defenders on him. Sherwood seems to want to encourage attacking play so I expect better performnaces all round.


    I think that's not right - Cissokho has been getting into just as many decent positions but his final ball has been poor. To be honest, after talking to a couple of mates who are Liverpool season ticket holders, I think his performance against Hull was an anomaly and his performances since have reflected his true form - certainly if he had been capable of consistently producing the Hull form, he would have been well out of our price range


    Lambert had lost it at the end but it's a bit sad that you seem to want to blame him for almost everything, with no real first hand knowledge of his coaching abilities at all


    Let's forget Lambert and concentrate on what Sherwood can do for us now

    I'm not saying he has good delivery but he's first instinct when he came was to bomb on. Which over a few games he stopped doing. On Sunday he never had the confidence to overlap at times and that hinders our attcaking options. For Bacuna's goal he bombs on and creates space for Vlaar to play it to Bacuna. Under Lambert our movement off the ball was awful and that's down to coaching.

  6. I think he will take a little bit of time now to get used to the tempo Sherwood will want us to play at instead of the ponderous stuff that's gone before. I think he's a better player than Westwood but will,have to scrap it out with him now for that place as I think Westwood did well on Sunday.

  7. I think Lamberts coaching has hurt a lot of our players this year. Cissokho against Hull was a rampaging full back and looked a threat going forward but got more defensive as the season went on Delph and Cleverley never ever got into the box this season until Sunday. By getting Cissokho bombing on more and those 2 hitting the box we'll create more and take the pressure off of Benteke and also free him up as he won't have 4 defenders on him. Sherwood seems to want to encourage attacking play so I expect better performnaces all round.

  8. I think if we had got Mourinho some people on here would still moan! There's a few interviews where Sherwood comes across quite cocky then there's a Goals on Sunday interview where he comes across great. For me I'll judge him on his time at Villa. I think he'll have an instant impact which hopefully will keep us up. We have a lot of players in the comfort zone ATM and they need getting out of it.

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  9. A living wage? Who at Aston Villa gets less than this made up figure? Or is it a cause because it sounds right but without knowing exact details? I'd guess most permanent staff are on more than it and only those part time ie Matchday staff are on minimum wage. Your job is worth what it's worth if you don't like it get another one or better yourself in the one you've got. The minimum wage was brought in to achieve a certain level of living standard without bankrupting companies. The living wage is made up by left wingers just to have a moan about capitalism. Forgetting about the new TV Deal would you want your ST increased to pay this living wage?


    Just quoting this in case you decide to delete it after the revolution.

    I'll check my pie for foreign objects tomorrow!!

  10. ...The living wage is made up by left wingers just to have a moan about capitalism. Forgetting about the new TV Deal would you want your ST increased to pay this living wage?

    Strange comment, dn. When the clubs have gazillions of income, they can certainly afford £7.85 an hour for all the staff and employees. Look at the prices they charge for bottles of pop, beer, pies, crisps and so on. And people who serve us that stuff ought to be able to earn £15.70 for two hours they spend serving us - it's not a fortune, it's not some left wing made up rubbish - it's basic human decency - it's a figure worked out as that needed to let workers lead a decent life.

    I don't want to go into a big political debate as its a football forum but the living wage is a political football. Chelsea are mentioned as paying this but they're in London and any so called living wage would be higher there than elsewhere in the country. I think villa4europe summed it up perfectly.

  11. A living wage? Who at Aston Villa gets less than this made up figure? Or is it a cause because it sounds right but without knowing exact details? I'd guess most permanent staff are on more than it and only those part time ie Matchday staff are on minimum wage. Your job is worth what it's worth if you don't like it get another one or better yourself in the one you've got. The minimum wage was brought in to achieve a certain level of living standard without bankrupting companies. The living wage is made up by left wingers just to have a moan about capitalism. Forgetting about the new TV Deal would you want your ST increased to pay this living wage?

    • Like 1
  12. Looking forward to seeing how it goes with Sherwood at the helm. I'm actually excited by the development, something which I haven't felt for years as a Villa fan!


    I'd be a little more excited if our status in the league wasn't on the line.


    We'd have gone down under Lambert (IMO). I think we have a far better chance of staying up now, in fact I am convinced we will be fine.  :)


    I don't think our chances have changed at all, for staying or going.

    They've changed from being a certainty to unknown. We have a chance instead of sleeping walking into relegation we will at least scrap to stay up now.

  13. I didn't want Sherwood he wouldn't have been anywhere near my top 10 but then most of that top 10 wouldn't want to be anywhere near Villa. If he gets the right back room staff I think he can grow as a manager. Get him some experience alongside him and his passion will only be a positive. How many times have you thought what game has Lambert been watching when he's said we were excellent? At least Sherwood says it as it is. People who are righting him off already are stupid give him till the end of the seaon on before you judge.

  14. The fact we have 2 goalkeeping coaches and a defensive coach left as our coaching set up after only the manager left shows how badly the first team was being run!! Surely you can't coach 25 odd players with just 2 out field coaches?? Scott Marshall is a decent defesive coach it seems as we definitely tightened up at the back when he arrived It'll be interesting to see Sunday's team!! Hopefully he'll bring back Vlaar and Benteke as we need our big players in the team and more importantly performing.

  15. This 'Managing Villa is a bad job, nobody would want it' is media fed bollox, look at the facts


    Lambert was the Premier Leagues second longest serving manager with the poorest record of them all. Villa is an excellent opportunity for a good manager, they will be given time by the owner and the fans, unlike 90% of other premier league teams, money may be tight but the squad we have is strong and has been for years.


    If a manager isn't good enough to get the most from the opportunity they have been given, to manage Villa, then they have destroyed their own career's.

    Agree to an extent - but you can't argue with the fact that not many managers leave Villa to go on to bigger and better things (maybe only GT leaving for England), and not many actually go on to achieve anything of any significance.

    Villa is the door to career suicide....its not appealing to successful established managers, its only appealing to those who are stepping up from lower leagues, or to those who have nothing to lose.


    The Doc managed Scotland and Man U after us so he was an exception, Graham Turner had some success at other clubs, but generally its true. I think most people find it a very tough job mentally and are normally burnt out afterwards. This happened to Little and Gregory.


    How many managers of similar teams go on to better things, David Moyes Everton to Manure? Can't think of many more. Fact is, Lerner doesn't sack managers without a very good reason, he gives them the best chance to succeed in the League, to date, but they still have to perform, if they don't then they have to go.

    Well the point is, you have to compare like with like. You can't compare us to Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal etc. as for the last 20 years they havn't been shopping around for managers, they have either had long term manager in place or have changed managers and appointed big names....


    The clubs that are simliar to us are arguably, off the top of my head -


    1) Spurs - Hoddle went to England, Redknapp was linked with England

    2) Everton - Moyes was there a long time and went to Man Utd, but it didn't work out

    3) Wigan - Martinez left to go to Everton

    4) QPR / Fulham - Hughes did well and left both and is still doing well

    5) Stoke - Pulis left has done well since

    6) Newcastle  - Hughton was sacked and went on to find employment although he did take Norwich down eventually! Pardew will do well at Palace

    7) Southampton - Pochetinno went to Suprs, and Koeman looks like he will be great for them

    8) Swansea - Rodgers went to Liverpool, and although Laudrup was sacked, his reputation is still in tact

    9) Norwich - Lambert did well for them and left to take a step up to us


    Obviously not every manager of these clubs have been a success, but they have at least had some managers who havn't been failures!


    The only recent manager we have had who was a "success" was probably MON. He was linked at least passing with the England job both before and after he joined us, and when he left we had just had a decent season and his reputation was relatively in tact, at least with everyone other Villa fans.


    The point is, if you were looking at the Villa job, there is not many people you can look at where you could say - "he did well, and then went on to do XYZ"

    That's because we are the pinnacle for a lot of managers coming here. They wouldn't get better offers at the time. We have dropped a bit but with the right manager we could easily be pushing top 6 again with big crowds etc in a couple of years. After that you only have a handleful of clubs that are bigger and better and they attract the very best managers ones who wouldn't come to us in the first place.

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  16. What difference would a face to face make? He had to go. He probably thought deludedly that he was doing a good job. We haven't got time to mess around so fair play to Fox. If Faulkner was still here so would Lambert be.

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  17. I think Vlaar has to come back in. I'd drop Okore who I think has dropped his standard a little the last couple of games. Not surprising really as its his first stint in the team. Benteke also needs to start. I'd have Sanchez in front of the back 4 then it's a toss up between Westwod Bacuna and Cleverley alongside Delph in a 433 with Gil taking up a wide roll. I'd probably go with Sinclair out of the 3 available and he needs match fitness. So


    Hutton Vlaar Clark Cissokho

    Bacuna Sanchez Delph

    Gil Benteke Sinclair

    Can easily be changed to 442 4231 aswell

  18. I think some might be surprised who'd stay if they're content with their contracts.

    This post contradicts your other one in the sense that with our wage bill the be all and end all is being in the Premier League. We may be able to take a hit for one year but after that we'd be done for as others who didn't come back up have. It's not Sky per say it's the revenue you get. I think we'd keep virtually all our squad to start with but we'd have to get rid of a lot eventually as we couldn't afford them. We have to stay up simple as that.

  19. A sacking today may seem to be a knee jerk reaction. Hopefully they've had meetings today and the good news will come tomorrow with a clear plan of what is going to happen for the rest of the season.

  20. Historically relegation wasnt as financially bad for you as it is now. Both those teams had been down before in recent memory we haven't. If we go it could be a long time before we get back. I though Lambert would get to WBA before he would be under massive pressure but I don't think anyone could have foreseen such an inept performance at Hull. I think he's lost the players. We need a unified club to have a chance of staying up and the quickest and easiet way for that to happen is to get a new manager. We have a cracking chance to get into the 1/4 finals of the FA Cup yet I think the bad feeling to Lambert will scupper that. We then have a massive game against Stoke which will turn ugly very quickly if we don't take the lead. Simple thing Lambert Out

  21. Back him or sack him. He needs fresh in put so either get him someone he can work with and who will give the plyers a fresh voice or sack him we are squabbling over say £1m contract over 5 years but risking £100m a season if we get relegated!! Surely someone as savvy as Fox or even as incompetent as Lerner can see its a no brainer!!

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