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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. Sherwood hasn't mentioned English players at all. How many English layers started Saturday? 3? What he has said is that we wil be playing a style of football to get keep us up and it may not be the style going forward. He's also said that he will make them train like they play and this is where Gil is failing by the sound of things. Obviously NZogbia is doing well so you pick the team on what you see in training. I can see him changing formation against United as I wouldn't risk Benteke as we need him for QPR and will only have Gabby and Weimann to start with. Some games 2 upfront isn't the right choice but at home I think we should be playing with 2 against most sides as its up to us to be on the front foot.

  2. I'd be worried about trying to play a guy who hasn't kicked a ball competitively in 12 months.  He'll be weary of repeat injuries and he's not up to full speed.


    Keep him for next season for me. 


    I do like him though.

    If he's ready this year he's ready. I think it'll be more psychological than physical damage that'll be harder to repair. Hopefully he can get a few reserve games next month then who knows a place in the bench at Wembley? That would be the least he deserves after the last 12 months or so!

  3. Strange that they're not offering him a new deal looks good to me and they must have rated to sell Ben Davies. If have him all day long I'd also have a look at Davies as he never seems to play for Spurs. Left Back is a position that needs a long term solution.

  4. The referee was awful and was loudly booed and at one point he got a virtual standing ovation for giving us a free kick. Even though they shaded possession we had loads of chances and could have snatched it as Sherwood said I can't wait wait to get something we don't deserve. First half we were off the pace but were a lot better 2nd half. Not having a left back is hurting as it stops the natural flow of the game with who ever is playing there coming inside. The 2 injuries knackered our subs so all in all it was meant to be our day but if you can't win it we should edge on the side of caution and not lose every point is vital!!

  5. 2 of our 3 subs were to replace injured players so unless Gil can play CF or DM he wasn't getting on. I would have liked to have seen him but the injuries nullified that. I hope he gets his finger out in training as he looked to be a very good prospect.

  6.  I think the only way we will have a chance of getting CL football will be getting Europa then winning it then using the extra income to aim for top four in this country


    You qualify for the CL opening round if you win the Europa League

    Yeah that's why I said our only hope of "CL football will be getting Europa then winning it" then using the extra CL money to aim for top four otherwise it's a closed top four in reality unless you have an unreal season like Liverpool last year.

  7. Cap squad salary to a percentage of turnover but allow clubs to pay outright fees as long as it's a gift and not a debt to clubs. So basically clubs are run within their means but it doesn't stop wealthy owners spending their own money. FFP must be a big issue for people when they look to buy a club and it must be a restriction of trade really. The new tv deal will change it all for teams in this country not sure whether it'll be for the better though as fear of relegation will magnify even more.


    This makes total sense and should have been what FFP was about. However, it wouldn't guarantee that Europe's top clubs remain in place with their foot on the necks of any club that wishes to and has the means to join them or overtake them which is why it would never be implemented.


    If the sugar daddy owner leaves then the club no longer gets any top level signings but its future is still sustainable.

    Exactly that's why FFP is a joke it imposes a glass ceiling on clubs who want to gatecrash the party. It'll take a club like Villa being bought out by a man city type owner and them not caring about FFP to get it challenged. PSG and Man City just got in before they shut the shop but will be hit with fines until their CL money sorts their debts out. I think the only way we will have a chance of getting CL football will be getting Europa then winning it then using the extra income to aim for top four in this country. Easy eh???

  8. Cap squad salary to a percentage of turnover but allow clubs to pay outright fees as long as it's a gift and not a debt to clubs. So basically clubs are run within their means but it doesn't stop wealthy owners spending their own money. FFP must be a big issue for people when they look to buy a club and it must be a restriction of trade really. The new tv deal will change it all for teams in this country not sure whether it'll be for the better though as fear of relegation will magnify even more.

  9. They couldn't have been allowed to play yesterday or tonight because of CL rules. It's stupid now that 3 of the 4 Semi Finalists are known they can't name a date. The FA are devaluing their show piece yet again. This year has been one of the best for upsets and for people talking about it but now we are down to the final few they want to showcase the best games at the best times so I believe are bowing to the TV companies as Villa v Liverpool would be the best tie but if Liverpool fall the tie involving Arsenal will be seen as the best. Jokers really. Don't think about the fans!

    • Like 4
  10. Personally I don't care who where or what time we play. We are in an FA Cup Semi Final and are hitting some sort of form so we will have as good as chance as ever of getting to the final. I understand people want to make arrangements but it doesn't take long to book a coach or train ticket. The FA have undermined the cup again this season with the replay dates and not keeping the late Saturday KO for themselves. They should have a look at themselves and we should show them that the cup still means something to proper fans by raising the roof at Wembley.

  11. PL underachieved with the squad he had assembled he became too negative and wasn't the same bloke we got from Norwich. Sherwood has come in and got the players playing with the freedom and attacking flair that we knew we had. PL is credited with being good with the recruitment side now we did bring in the players whilst he was manager but how much was him and how much was Reilly? (Riley) I think we will find this out in the summer I've a feeling it will be the latter.

  12. Europe for me


    (work there often)


    Was in Lille, Switzerland & Hamburg


    great for the memories.


    Foreign fans are so respectful, welcoming and open.

    their knowledge of "our game/teams" puts us to shame.


    When did we play in Lille, Switzerland? 


    Was in Hamburg myself, Also Odense and Prauge.

    Maybe I'm mistaking Pre-seasons games


    Lille was a 1-1

    Switzerland was a game when D Dublin played Center Back

    Think Lille would've been Intertoto. Europe is a must even if only the Europa. We undervalue it in this country. What's the difference between Wed/Sat and Thurs/Sun? Nothing in my opinion. You just need to plan better it's clubs not having big enough squads to cover for both that's the issue and that's mainly financial but with the amount of money coming into the PL it should be easier for our clubs. An FA Cup win followed by a Europa campaign would raise our profile and help with any potential takeover.

  13. Allocation is likely to be 31000 ish going on previous years. There's been complaints before so hopefully it's increased but i doubt it. At least it's against 2 clubs from the same area so we can still get allocated ends and sell our tickets in advance instead of waiting for the replay to be sorted Seeing as it's not going to be until the 7/8th April. . I'm assuming most don't care who we play!!

  14. With regards to tickets for this...

    My sister has purchased all of our match tickets this season on her account (though I have paid for most of them the cheeky bugger!). So, we have a history of 2 per game for 8 games this season.

    Will she be able to buy 2 tickets when our turn comes?

    Phone the Villa or pop in and get them put on separate references. I'd do it ASAP so you know where you stand.

  15. People talking about Arsenal as if they're the best team in the history of football or something. Whoever we play we've got a real good chance beating them.

    Arsenal will dismantle us in a final, they don't need to be the best team in the history of football to do that. Maybe in the semis, given the chase for top 4 they'd be involved in, you've got a chance. When the league is done and dusted, though, I don't think we have a prayer.

    Like they dismantled Blues and Wigan? They'd look at us like they did them seeing as they've put 8 past us this year!!!

  16. Funny how people can't see us beating a team we beat away quite regular. The only team before tonight we haven't beaten recently has just got knocked out so it'll all good. The pressure will be off us seeing as it I'll a Gerrard love in that's assunimg of course they beat Blackburn. Just imagine though if we got Blackburn followed by Arsenal. It would be a perfect cup run for Sherwood. Anyway regardless who'd have thought we'd be get there just a month ago? Let's not waste it win it.

  17. Hh

    That's only if you think he's playing the better of the 2. Guzans distribution and decision among have got worse and at times he doesn't spread confidence as he's hyperactive. Against WBA he kept slowing tempo in 1st but must have been told to change it as he sped it up after. He just needs to learn that side of the game. TS has got the out field players playing on the front foot now if he got Guzan doing the same it'll help. Goalkeeping is more than just shot stopping these days it's the start of your attack.

    Goalkeeping being more than just shot stopping is exactly why Given is on the bench and Guzan is the number 1.


    Guzan's decision making, organisation, aerial ability and pace are all better than Given. He may struggle with distribution but that's not enough for him to not be in the team.


    Given is a great back up. And he could still be playing first team football imo. Just not for us while we have Guzan.

    I think Guzan is better but I don't think he's playing to his best. There are things he needs to work on but having the safety of being number 1 without completion can erode performance levels. That's why I think dropping him and highlighting what needs to improve can make him better. We are fortunate to have a very good number 2 in Given so now would IMO be a good time to give him a kick up the arse. If Parkes can iron out what he needs to improve on whilst playing him fair enough but I think it's attitude more than technique.

  18. I think people are being harsh on Nzogbia. None of our attacking players have looked good this season untilmSherwood took over. NZogbia spent a year out injured then came back into a team struggling for creativity and a manager who didn't have an idea how to attack. We all know he has ability and hopefully he now has a manager who will let him attack. He's time at Villa so far has been spent with 2 of the most inept attacking managers ever. If he plays out of his skin and we stay and up and win the cup he can have a ten year contract for all I care.

    • Like 2
  19. That's only if you think he's playing the better of the 2. Guzans distribution and decision among have got worse and at times he doesn't spread confidence as he's hyperactive. Against WBA he kept slowing tempo in 1st but must have been told to change it as he sped it up after. He just needs to learn that side of the game. TS has got the out field players playing on the front foot now if he got Guzan doing the same it'll help. Goalkeeping is more than just shot stopping these days it's the start of your attack.

  20. I'd leave Given in goal. Guzan as a shot stopper is quality and is very good at coming for crosses but he needs to calm down. He's distribution and decision making seem to have got worse so as a kick up the arse I'd drop him and in Given we have a very good keeper so better to do it now than later. I think Parkes will help aswell as he seems to like to get involved so want worry about putting Given forward as No 1

  21. It's just nice to enjoy going to the game again. It had become a grind now Sherwood has us playing with passion and desire. If we maintain that to the end of the season we will be safe and who knows may even have a trophy!!

  22. Clark was immense on Tuesday but he's one booking away from being suspended apparently so I'm of half a mind to think he should be rested if Vlaar is fit so he is available next week. I also think Bacuna is a liability at RB and think Lowton deserve a chance to stake his claim at RB so I'd go


    Lowton Okore Vlaar Kinsella

    Cleverley westwood Delph Gil

    Gabby Benteke

    • Like 1
  23. You get about 35000 for the Semi Final so most people who have been to a few games will get one seeing our attendances are down. What will probably guarantee people getting them is attending every remaining game.

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