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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. United seem interested in Benzema for 40M. Let's hope that happens. 40M seems on the cheap side though. If we're asking that much for Benteke with 3 seasons of top flight experience, surely Benzema is much more proven?

    Benteke is proven in the Premier League. That's a massive thing. If United got Benzema Madrid can have Benteke for the same money. At least that way I could continue to enjoy watching him.

  2. On the one hand it seems like good news with Randy confirming interest and talks with a few parties. But on the other, stuff about appointing a chairman if he can't sell us, seems strange considering it seems like Fox is running the show anyway now. Almost feels like we're being braced for a no-sale and all that's going to happen is Fox will be given a new title to placate fans craving for change.


    If a new chairman is brought in, Tom Fox will depart IMO. He also makes reference to other new board members, Fox looks on very thin ice here.

    No he doesn't. The Chairman is just a figure head. Some one where the buck stops. At present that's Lerner but he's not in the UK to be an active one. I bet you couldn't name Arsenals or Chelsea's Chairman but know the owners. Since Fox has been here we have been bringing in more board members people that are experts in their field. If Lerner does stay I can see him bringing in some board members with stronger Villa links.

  3. Bacuna isn't a very good RB but comes up with loads of assists so justifies he's place in the team whereas Richardson doesn't so I think it's harsh on Cissokho not to get in.

  4. All these so called proper clubs are only where they are through Champions League money which has virtually locked in the top four. Chelsea and Man City gate crashed the only way possible. Hopefully we can get a wealthy benefactor of our own and Benteke doesn't go any where as we can match his ambition. Unless it's a ridiculous offer I wouldn't sell him this year but if he does go it should only be for a team that can challenge for the big trophies not just qualify for them.

  5. Paddy Reilly's moving here from Liverpool would also suggest this. He's not going to bother being head of recruitment for a club signing League 1 players costing £500k.

    Wasn't he here when we signed Benteke Vlaar Westwood and Lowton? Lamberts worst signing are when he left so hopefully he was the catalyst to the better signing and not Lambert.

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  6. I'm confident that even without a takeover we will still spend better, in both wages and fees, than we did during lamberts time at the club

    I would be absolutely thrilled if that was the case, as for all his faults, Lambert spent money pretty well all things considered.

    Lamberts biggest mistake was spreading his budget too thin with a clutch of sub £2m players that weren't good enough or rarely used. Hopefully even if Sherwood gets the same budget he'll buy less but better quality and use the kids to supplement instead of cheap buys.

  7. I think his comments were brutally honest, and right.Hopefully we no longer sign the Dunnes, Givens, Beyes of this world, and more of the Ashley Youngs and Delphs.


     I think useless has a point though, if we sign these 2 from Swindon, then you can't see us signing another midfielder in the summer, not sure thats the kind of level we should be looking.


    Brutally honest? why mention foreign players at all. At the end of the day, he's made 2 points in the same sentence.


    1) There are more foreign players in the game

    2) There are more losers


    Even if he didn't imply that there are more losers because of the foreign players, you can see why people would think he did. 


    As prevously stated, I like the honesty, but he really needs to learn when to shut up.


    no he didnt

    I wonder how many people actually read the whole article and not just the quote. Would people be moaning that instead of saying losers he wanted more winners in the team? Or wanted more bad losers? Technically it's all the same just a different way of phrasing it. He wants players who train the way they play that want to win at everything. I've no idea how you pick players to sign like that but we'll see over the summer. Does any Villa fan want to settle for mediocrity? Or do we all want a villa team that wants to win all the time? I'll take the winners all day.

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  8. Reckons we want Nathan Redmond in this link. He is meant to be a Villa fan but obviously played for Birmingham.






    England Under 21 star Redmond is being looked at by a host of clubs, including Liverpool, Tottenham and Aston Villa while Ruddy is a candidate to replace Petr Cech at Chelsea.

    Was that written before they got promoted or something??

  9. If we kept exactly the same squad as now I believe Sherwood would improve our position next year. The squad that was assembled by Lambert wasn't that bad but he made them worse. Guzan has been on a decline all season and unfortunately when keepers lose their place they struggle to get back in. He is still probably our best keeper for shot stopping and crosses but in today's game keepers have to install confidence and be very good at distribution and that's something he lacks. Hopefully Parkes can sort him out but if not I won't be too fussed if we swap him. I'd even have a look at Heaton from Burnley who's been impressive all season. No one knows our budget this year and replacing the keeper may not be the top priority but we should be looking at improving every position all the time.

    In 2010 Guzan should've played in the Final and I reckon with Givens injury he'll probably play in this one...strange how things turn out!

  10. Linked with micah richards in tomorrow's daily star, i'd take him most definitely, he'd improve the team and squad, although wages may be an issue

    He'd be on 3x as much as Lowton and nowhere nearer the first team.

    Why don't you think he'll any nearer the first team? I think he'd be a good player for us but as i said wages would be a problem

    He can still become the player most thought he'd be 5 years or so ago. If we can get him on a free with a performance related pay deal it'd be a good signing.

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  11. They'll be questions marks over most of the squad. Saying he's undecided probably means just that. We won't know if Gil was set to play against Burnley so only time will tell. He looked a good player but I think he's becoming better every time he doesn't play.

    We have seen his quality, e.g the goal he scored, his dribbling with the ball. Its not a case of getting better everytime he doesn't play. The limited time he has played, for me he looked better than Weimann, Gabby and is definately on par if not better than Zog (an I do rate Zog). So we don't need to justify his qualtiy, its not as though he was shit and is now better since he hasn't played (i.e Bent), not at all.

    It's looking like if you rate Sherwood 100% you believe he has made the right decision not playing Gil. The guys who still have reservations are not so biased can see its a bad move not to give Gil his chance.


    I don't rate Sherwood 100%, but his job was to somehow get the team playing much, much better than it did under Lambert, and to somehow stay up.  He achieved this using the players he thought would best do the job, and that didn't include Gil.  Yes, Gil possibly is better than some of the players picked, but Sherwood possibly saw that the players he was picking were better for the way he wanted to play, to achieve survival.


    So, next season is a different kettle of fish altogether.


    If Gil stays, and isn't injured, I'm sure he'll get his chance.  Hopefully we'll buy better better defenders and improve the team all round so Sherwood feels more confident in playing the "icing on the cake" players.  When we beat Arsenal, we'll need a big squad for Europe, and would need Gil then too.

    That's exactly my thoughts. Sherwoods stated this yet people ignore that and the fact we were playing well and getting the results needed. I back Sherwood as he's our manager and at the moment he's doing exactly what he came to do and more only time will tell if he can continue to do so. Next year it'll be his squad I hope Gil can impress him enough to get in the side but Sherwoods done enough for me to be able to make those decisions.

    Doesn't explain why he wasn't even in the squad for Burnley.

    There's rumours he was injured but I've no proof either way but seeing as proof is the last thing needed to from an opinion on here I'll go with it.

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  12. They'll be questions marks over most of the squad. Saying he's undecided probably means just that. We won't know if Gil was set to play against Burnley so only time will tell. He looked a good player but I think he's becoming better every time he doesn't play.

    We have seen his quality, e.g the goal he scored, his dribbling with the ball. Its not a case of getting better everytime he doesn't play. The limited time he has played, for me he looked better than Weimann, Gabby and is definately on par if not better than Zog (an I do rate Zog). So we don't need to justify his qualtiy, its not as though he was shit and is now better since he hasn't played (i.e Bent), not at all.

    It's looking like if you rate Sherwood 100% you believe he has made the right decision not playing Gil. The guys who still have reservations are not so biased can see its a bad move not to give Gil his chance.


    I don't rate Sherwood 100%, but his job was to somehow get the team playing much, much better than it did under Lambert, and to somehow stay up.  He achieved this using the players he thought would best do the job, and that didn't include Gil.  Yes, Gil possibly is better than some of the players picked, but Sherwood possibly saw that the players he was picking were better for the way he wanted to play, to achieve survival.


    So, next season is a different kettle of fish altogether.


    If Gil stays, and isn't injured, I'm sure he'll get his chance.  Hopefully we'll buy better better defenders and improve the team all round so Sherwood feels more confident in playing the "icing on the cake" players.  When we beat Arsenal, we'll need a big squad for Europe, and would need Gil then too.

    That's exactly my thoughts. Sherwoods stated this yet people ignore that and the fact we were playing well and getting the results needed. I back Sherwood as he's our manager and at the moment he's doing exactly what he came to do and more only time will tell if he can continue to do so. Next year it'll be his squad I hope Gil can impress him enough to get in the side but Sherwoods done enough for me to be able to make those decisions.

  13. They'll be questions marks over most of the squad. Saying he's undecided probably means just that. We won't know if Gil was set to play against Burnley so only time will tell. He looked a good player but I think he's becoming better every time he doesn't play.

  14. Sherwood got us winning 50% of our games. We went from not creating a chance to looking dangerous against every team. People say he's just a motivator or that he doesn't know tactics yet results and performances show that to be a load of crap. He's still new to this and inevitably will make mistakes but if we win half the games next year we will be loving him. We seem to have a system in place for transfers now so I'm looking forward to what he can do next season. He'll have found out a lot about his players this year and I think the defeats will have told him a lot more than the victories.

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  15. It seems you get better the more you don't play for us! It takes four decent defenders to make a good defence we don't have that at the minute. Vlaar is a better player than Collins. If Collins was better he would've played at bigger clubs and been successful he hasn't and never will. If we can add a couple of fullbacks in the summer and sign up Vlaar we will be a lot better next year defensively.

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  16. A dismal end to the season? We've lost 2 games and only had one really bad 45 mins in all. The objective was safety which after the Hull game seemed nigh on impossible. We now have one game left and Sherwood could become a legend but no matter what happens he's done great and if we can replicate this form next season we will be comfortably mid table. Thanks Tim

  17. Today wasn't good and last week was awful but before that we were playing great stuff. Today I think he should've played more players who could've forced their way in next week as I think some couldn't raise their game and we were sloppy at times. One thing he'll have realised is that we aren't good enough to not be playing at full tempo. That's done to the overall quality of some which is what needs to be addressed in the summer.

  18. He hasn't gone any where yet and I don't think he's done enough to warrant the adulation. Sherwood has talked about playing to get the results to keep us up which he has done so dropping Gil is justified for that alone. I hope he is given a pre season to prove he can be a big player for us but if Sherwood doesn't see it I think the job he's done so far warrants us backing him. I heard Gil never spoke to English so that may be a big factor in not picking him because I'm sure Lambert kept Sanchez on so he could tell Gil what he wanted and you can't have that.

  19. Vlaar is still our best defender when on his game he doesn't seem to go well with Clark though. We are quite solid really at CB and if he does sign we won't need to address it and can look at getting 2 quality FB's to finish off a good back four.

  20. Please let's not have another Barry type saga endlessly yo-yo ing for weeks.


    If he wants to go, let him go in June which would give us adequate time to get in replacements for the start of the season. I wouldn't begrudge him it if he scores the cup final winner.

    We kept Barry for an extra 12 months sold him for the same money and he went to a more successful club so it was a win win. I'd take that if that's what you mean by another Barry!!

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  21. It seems because we have spent £10/15m a season for a few years it's now accepted as the budget. The reason we had to have such a limit is because of the excessive spending we had before that so now that's under control we should be able to spend more and especially with the new TV deal coming in next year allied to a new sponsor this year and new kit deal next year. We could easily spend £40m this year which when the transfer fee is spread out over the term of the contract comes to £8m a year on a 5 year deal. Lerner will not want to have such a close shave next year if he is still here and any new owners will want to make a splash so I can see us being up around that mark easily. 4/5 top players would kick us on no end and may even convince benteke to sign.

    Begovic GK Trippier RB Davies/Taylor LB

    Midfield depends a lot on Cleverley and Gardner

    Then I'd like a 2nd Striker to play with Benteke

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