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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. This Rodgers talk is where I get off I'm afraid . . . If he's the best choice then I hope Sherwood stays. 

    I say that not because of anything personal, I've joined in the 'Brenton' mickey-taking but I'm sure he's alright really, that's not my issue. My issue is that I can't see how he can turn this club around. I mean, look, we're always laughing on here at 'Tactics Tim', can't set out a team, doesn't know his best XI, etc etc. Yet now I'm supposed to suddenly be on board with a guy who has spent the last 18 months pretending Emre Can is a right-sided centre back? A blind man could have told Sakho is twice the player Lovren is, it took an injury to Lovren before Sakho appeared this season. Look, I've said it before, but if he couldn't organise a defence with Lovren, Moreno, Clyne and Skrtel, how the **** do we expect him to organise Amavi, Lescott, Richards and Bacuna? 

    I just don't see it, sorry. I genuinely don't think he'll be any improvement at all. 

     Tim has become non-viable by excuse-making with transfers.

    Or become non-viable by telling it how it is????? If he wanted Cambiasso,Townsend,Lennon and Adebayor and ended up with Veretout, Ayew, Gestede etc you could understand him being pissed off

    He may indeed be telling it like it is. Problem is, he makes it sound like this new players are a dog's dinner compared to the players he REALLY wanted. If I were a player, I would lose my respect of him.

    Agreed. If it was an issue he should have said so in the summer or even walked just what he did was tell us all before the end of the season he would have full control then talked up his knowledge of the signings.

    He can't have it both ways.

    It's laughable that he believes the players mentioned are that much better than whats been brought in. Cambiasso retired and Adebayor didn't want to come so we did go for some of the players he wanted. As for the others? Traore looks to have a lot more potential than Lennon or Townsend and so far to me will have just as much impact this season as they would. Veretout is settling and looks better every game and as for Ayew if he played him he might be able to make a proper judgement. It was his performance against Blues that's kept Sherwood in his job as a defeat that night would've been the end yet he's hardly had a kick since. I fear Sherwood is too stubborn to be a top manager it's ok having confidence which borders on arrogance but you still need to admit you've made mistakes from time to time which is something he doesn't do. 

    • Like 1
  2. I think Sherwood is resigned to losing his job and has started his exit strategy. By deflecting things already he's actually weakening his position. I wanted him to do well and can forgive the results so far but I'm fed up with him not taking the blame. The buck stops with him. He should be getting the pressure off of the players do they can go out and perform yet it seems to be doing the opposite so he'll look better once he's sacked. I think Rodgers getting sacked may be the making of him so it could be an ideal time to get him in. After LFC finished 2nd he got carried away thinking they'd cracked it now this could b e the grounding he needs. He's  a better manager than Sherwood more experienced the lot so sometimes things fall in to place I'd probably make the change regardless of the results because he's available. Letting Sherwood have more time may bite us later. Klopp being available made Liverppol act maybe we should do the same?? 

    • Like 2
  3. Sherwood has to win the next home game or he'll be gone. As some has said its only when the media ramp up the pressure things change because as fans we ate emotionally involved so get carried away a lot easier. The worrying thing for me is he seems to have lost his bottle of giving players a go. He doesn't fancy Gil and yet Leicester was probably our best performance only for it to collapse with bad substitutions. The midfield have stopped hitting the box and it looks like Lambert is back in charge. He played Gestede but then plays without any width to get crosses in the box. This is the 1st time Sherwood has been under pressure as a manager some thrive on it and if he gets through it he'll be better for it but I'm not sure if he can. It's worrying when he says the players are unfit seeing as that's his main job in preseason. 

  4. Our form has nothing to do with how many we take away! We've sold out every game so far and can see us selling this before general sale. It's a shame we didn't take the 15% we'd have had a cracking night!! 

  5. Why start from Southampton? Is it because it suits the argument? We were safe at Southampton and from then on it showed in the players so I disregard that just as much as some regard it. If anybody moans about this years results I will agree and understand and discuss reasons why but picking an arbitrary start point to suit an argument is silly. This season we haven't got the results we deserve but come May that can't be an excuse but after 7 games what can be used is the players still adapting. What did you think of Sherwood on the morning of the Southampton game when he'd kept us up and got us to an FA Cup Final? Or is that going to far back? 

  6. We lost our 2 best players as I think we are all aware and signed 13 in the process. Apart from up front we are a better squad of players even though we are scoring more! If we beat Stoke we will be averaging a point a game which for me until Xmas is fine as its a lot of players to get used to each other. If we start falling badly behind that I'll get worried but I do believe we will be there or there abouts and then kick on. We deserved more points against United Sunderland and Leicester even just getting 3 extra points from those I'm sure people wouldn't be over reacting as much.  

    • Like 1
  7. Westwood is sitting midfielder as is Sanchez. Veretout so far in his career has done all roles in midfield. It's not a case of who better individually at times but who works together in the team. Sanchez and Westwood can't play together in a 2 or a 3 so either Veretout or Gana has to play. For a player getting to grips with the league playing in a 3 will help them adjust and seeing as we aren't strong enough in a 2 at the minute play a 3 with either Sanchez-/Westwood and Gana and Veretout. Veretouts flexibility also means he can push on as a 10 if the game goes that way. Playing the other 2 means we are limited in options and ability.  

  8. If he can play left side of the CB I think him and Richards would be very good together not sure if he can though. I'd throw him in at RB for now with Traore ahead of him and just tell Jores to give him the ball and concentrate on defending. 

  9. We were in a lot worse position when he turned us around last year so to say he can't is silly. This is his first time under pressure and a lot of managers don't actually survive that. We aren't playing that bad and have deserved more graham we have got. For me we've played badly in 110 min this season and really have only let ourselves down points wise against Albion and Sunderland. 

  10. Well, whilst not exactly comparable, they are a team who do have "lighter weight", technical, creatives across their midfield and don't have a 20+ goal forward. You wouldn't think it would work but it does.

    I agree, but I would still stand by my opinion with regard to our team.

    I think you might be right Antrim, I think there are a few variations worth a try yet, but it could work - I really hope it does as it would be really positive attacking football, they are also four players that can all score goals.

    hopefully Gana and Veretout can be good enough and strong to play in a 2 with those 3 behind Ayew. Playing Gil centrally will also help if he can get fit enough to run things in there. Ayew makes runs all day long something we lack badly from our other strikers

  11. Our last ten in the league reads - W3 D1 L6 - 10 points from 10, which is relegation form. 

    I don't see enough in Sherwood to justify waiting around for him to possibly come good. I think the club needs to be bold and just get rid. 

    well actually if we continued at that rate we'd be on 38 which has kept us up for the last few years!! You seem to forget Sherwoods impact when he arrived when we would've been relegated if he hadn't come. That for me is enough reason to give him long enough to get his team winning. 6 games isn't long enough. We still haven't fielded our strongest 11 or let the new signings settle. 

  12. Don't panic, Panic!

    We're a few games into the season with a whole bunch of new players, most who haven't played in the premier league before. The manager is very inexperienced and is trying to put a team together,

    It's going to take time for the players and the manager. I wish some fans would stop fueling the media with their boos and slating of the manager.

    We have been watching far too much dross for the last 5 years and I'm sick of it but we have got to take a reality pill and realise that it's not all going to fall into place over night.

    P for patience and not panic and I'm not using P to be patronising ;-) We've got to stick together.

    Losing to SHA would be bad enough without listening to the boos and abuse directed towards the manager and players from the home fans. That would be music to the SHA and media sloths.

    Come on Villa!


    But youre spinning 'Very inexperienced manager'  as a positive - where as the reality is it is a massive negative - the guy at the helm is still feeling his way - thats not a good thing 

    Although we signed a lot of players in the summer - a good deal of those aren't currently making first 11 - this negating the 'new team' argument 

    Weve sold our best striker - and replaced him with two guys who barley look as good as some of last seasons fringe players, Weiman, Robinson 

    Start to address the above the points and the fans will fall into line 



     I'd hope he's using Wilkins for more than just his coaching but also for his experience in the dugout. 

    I mentioned this during the Notts County game and was roundly slagged off for doing so on here

    he's never been under this sort of pressure before. Lambert turned into a shadow of his former self by going negative I just hope Sherwood doesn't stop trusting himself. He's still inexperienced so it'd be daft not to use what's available though. 

  13. Don't panic, Panic!

    We're a few games into the season with a whole bunch of new players, most who haven't played in the premier league before. The manager is very inexperienced and is trying to put a team together,

    It's going to take time for the players and the manager. I wish some fans would stop fueling the media with their boos and slating of the manager.

    We have been watching far too much dross for the last 5 years and I'm sick of it but we have got to take a reality pill and realise that it's not all going to fall into place over night.

    P for patience and not panic and I'm not using P to be patronising ;-) We've got to stick together.

    Losing to SHA would be bad enough without listening to the boos and abuse directed towards the manager and players from the home fans. That would be music to the SHA and media sloths.

    Come on Villa!


    But youre spinning 'Very inexperienced manager'  as a positive - where as the reality is it is a massive negative - the guy at the helm is still feeling his way - thats not a good thing 

    Although we signed a lot of players in the summer - a good deal of those aren't currently making first 11 - this negating the 'new team' argument 

    Weve sold our best striker - and replaced him with two guys who barley look as good as some of last seasons fringe players, Weiman, Robinson 

    Start to address the above the points and the fans will fall into line 



    it's a virtual new team 3/4 of the back four are guaranteed starters. Gana Traore will be once fit. It's Grealishs and Gils first full season and every one knows about them now so it will be harder. The biggest thing is getting the strikers scoring. We have played well in every game so far apart from the last 20 at Leicester and the Albion game. I will forgive Albion if we are at it tonight it's way too early to judge Sherwood but not to criticise. His substitutions need to be better and as for his in game tactics. He seems ok when he starts but games seem to get away from him. I'd hope he's using Wilkins for more than just his coaching but also for his experience in the dugout. 

  14. It's Sherwoods first real test as a manager. It will either make or break him. If he comes out the other side and gets us playing again he will be a lot better for it and we could have a cracking manager on our hands. So far this season we've had very little luck a good win tomorrow could just be the kick start this season needs. 

  15. Yep, I'm assuming dn1982 didn't see the Notts County game. If that game isn't putting a foot wrong then he's being very very lenient.

    he gave away a penalty but for me the blame was in Baker. His crap pass went straight to there player who played into the space Baker had left Bunn had no choice but to come out as there wasn't any other defenders and the player was clean through. Guzan is causing errors and mistakes when there are other choices. His distribution also puts us under pressure time and again. He never kicks the ball into the last 3rd and only just gets over the half way line with a good kick. That straight away applies pressure. 

  16. If there was a league for sustained vocal support at home it would read...


    1. Crystal Palace

    2/20. Everyone else


    Home fans are turd these days.

    I'll assume you never went to Palace this season? It's just the same as every where else. If you've got exciting football you'll get a noisy crowd. 

    I did and it was loud

    it was loud when they scored like everywhere else They get a reputation because of a bunch in the corner who clap along all game but it's not loud at all. We were a lot louder there but away fans generally are. 

  17. If there was a league for sustained vocal support at home it would read...


    1. Crystal Palace

    2/20. Everyone else


    Home fans are turd these days.

    I'll assume you never went to Palace this season? It's just the same as every where else. If you've got exciting football you'll get a noisy crowd. 

  18. Like him or loathe him, he's the best we've got.

    Bunn and Steer are dreadful. 

    Bunn hasn't put a foot wrong and has better distribution than Guzan. When he played for Norwich in the PL he did very well and they were gutted he left. I wouldn't swap Guzan for the next 2 as too much pressure but next mistake he's got to give Bunn a chance. 

  19. Can Adebayor sign for us and play in Cup games until Jan when he can register for the PL? You can sign players outside the window it's the Premier League you can register them to play for I think. If we are serious about getting him and he's serious about playing we can't get him in get him fit so he's firing in Jan. 

  20. we are a new team that's still getting to know each other and getting players to acclimatise yet we were the better team at Leicester. That team had about £10m of new signings in it and played some great football first half. The subs cost us but the majority of the time we see that game out no problem regardless. I'll look at the game as a whole not just the mad last 20 which is a one off. For the rest of the game we looked like we were developing well. If it becomes a consist theme of not holding on to 2 nil leads and bad subs I'll be worried at present its not so no need to over react. 

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  21. I'm converted to the 3 at the back formation

    If it stops us leaking stupid goals then so be it

    Plus it gives us a solid base to build from and we won't have to worry about Sherwood's inability to bring on defensive players towards the end of a game

    TBF it wasn't until the mad 20 min that we looked like conceding. We looked solid against an inform free scoring side then we got complacent. It was in midfield that we lost the game for me but that'll be rectified with Gana getting fit. It may be a blessing in disguise with 2 games coming up were we will need to be at 100% for the whole game. 

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