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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. Westwood has been awful this season but he's passing is sharper than Sanchez but Sanchez has a lot more physical presence but as BOF said he's not the best DM or the best CM at the club so he'll just be cover IMO. In certain games he may get the nod over Sanchez especially at home when we will be expected to attack more but then I'd prefer a midfield 2 with an extra attacker involved so it's going to be tough for him. 

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  2. I disagree with the treatment of this Brigada lot but can anyone tell what game of note they've created an atmosphere?? They've been going for a few years and all I see is them clapping along like some demented seals. They shouldn't be down the front as if they do stand it's noticeable and immediately disrupts people who sit behind them. The Holte End has been a lot louder in the past so why do they actually need a special group or block to be the so called chear leaders? I grew up standing in the Holte but now mainly sit in the Doug Ellis and from there any noise from the Holte tends to come from the back upstairs where the acoustics are a lot better. Personally I think these lot just want the attention and noterity. I support the idea of getting more of an atmosphere into the ground I just think they go about this the wrong and are now definitely trying to get people to pick sides. It is illegal to stand permanently during a game but we have all done it standing to make a point is stupid. So supporting your team isn't a crime but permanently standing is!! The last thing we need st the minute is a group creating a divisive atmosphere so either support the team or leave your seats empty to protest. 

  3. I really think the Houllier health problem was a lot more of a bump in the road than people give it credit for. We'd gone in a new direction, we were becoming a bit more continental in our style of play and towards the end (under McAllister's caretaking) we picked up again after the bumpy transition from MON's traditional counter attacking style.

    It all really went to shit after that. Hopefully this will be what we were trying to do all those years ago and it'll work out this time.

    if that was true, why didn't we stick with that approach? Why did we then hire McLeish? And then Lambert and Sherwood? 

    because Sir Alex recommended the next bloke and it went to pot!!! 

  4. It makes you laugh how some fans worry about the negative affect Duverne will have on some players.  We have a mainly youthful squad who should enjoy it if not they haven't done anything to warrant moaning so tough luck. As for the older ones? Well you don't win loafs of stuff by not doing as your told and working hard which leaves us with Gabby. Well if he moans will anybody care? He either knuckles down or leaves simple as that. He isn't good enough for us to pander to him. 

    Hopefully the squad will be receptive as last time he came in half of them went into mutiny, we had a ridiculous number of injuries at the same time (which could happen again if the bodies are weak) which resulted us winning two games over three months and nearly relegating us until we signed Bent.

    I imagine that was more to do with the fact we had a couple of injury-prone cart-horses at the back like Dunne and Collins and less to do with Duverne. Infact, the amount of injuries we've had over the past couple of seasons doesn't strike too differently to that season in all honesty.

    I remember Petrov commenting that the level of fitness he got the players up to was exceptional - I'll take any positives at the moment

    that's it exactly some of the older ones moaned as they were expected to graft. Proper pro's like Stan and even Luke Young loved it. And just for reference this lot have won 1 in 4 months and seem to run out of steam and concede late on a lot so we are desperate for someone to get them fit! 

  5. It makes you laugh how some fans worry about the negative affect Duverne will have on some players.  We have a mainly youthful squad who should enjoy it if not they haven't done anything to warrant moaning so tough luck. As for the older ones? Well you don't win loafs of stuff by not doing as your told and working hard which leaves us with Gabby. Well if he moans will anybody care? He either knuckles down or leaves simple as that. He isn't good enough for us to pander to him. 

  6. Banning speaking french? Hmmm. Can't say I see that as a good move.


    that's not a surprise is it? Picking up on something that's not actually said and putting a negative spin on it. We are an English club and sooner the squad uses the common language the better it is for the squad. This is the same everywhere. I guarantee most French players will have basic English and you only get better by using that language so making English the first language is just common sense but if a player is struggling to understand I'm sure they'd rather someone tell them in their native tongue than to get it wrong. French is not banned nor is Spanish but for squad cohesion it's better if they communicate in English. 

    • Like 4
  7. Even though Garde will not have had much time with the players Sunday's team can go a long way to lifting the gloom from the club. Pick an adventurous hard working team that fights until they drop and regardless of the result I think most fans will be happy. If he sticks with a KMac/TS type team and I think the atmosphere will be flat!  Gana Ayew Amavi Gil have to start probably even Veretout and Okore. Traore needs to be on the bench at least. It'll be nice to have a manager who's only agenda is to get the squad playing well and not scapegoating players. 

  8. If Paul McGrath was asked to train harder and refused due to he knew his body, would he have been a disgrace?


    Yes but you are the one presuming this thing about their physical limit. Collins was 27 at the time.

    My point is more about Dunne, but being 27 doesn't mean he doesn't have limits. What ever was introduced and how it was introduced last time didn't work. Hopefully it has a more positive effect under Garde.

    McGrath had dodgy knees test needed resting Dunne was a tank that couldn't be bothered. It did actually work eventually and would've worked sooner if the older pro's led by Dunne bought into it!! Luckily this time it's a mainly youthful squad he could reap the benefits. 

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  9. I think Richards will be a good captain. He is the only one with any fight at the minute. I'd keep Lescott alongside him unless Okore can play left CB. I think we all want Ayew upfront but for now I think Traore needs 20/30 min from the bench so I'd have Sinclair left side. I think once Duverne gets hold of these players we will start seeing a higher intensity in our play. I just hope Garde can get us playing quickly. I'd written off the next 2 but hopefully we'll get some sort of bounce but if not we need to be firing by Watford. That is a must win. I've also a sneaky feeling if Lyon go out if the CL this week we may get the rest of his team. 

  10. If Jack isn't on form he's a liability as he doesn't work hard enough without the ball. Hopefully Duverne will get him fit. I want to see him playing at a higher intensity. He keeps slowing things down too much. I also want hiM playing LW and attacking the FB. He has so much skill and can ghost past players but it's too congested in the 10 role as it suits a better passer. All his best stuff comes from the left get Amavi bombing on with him they'll destroy defenders but he needs to work harder to help the FB when not in possession. 

    • Like 2
  11. Really getting fed up with Stan's whinging about the club. My 'sources' tell me he's a total bellend who's full of shit. 

    (I have no sources.)

    He's a fan, he's fed up and he's using his media profile to apply pressure on the people running the club.  Fair play to him, I hope it continues. 

    he's a bitter person who loved Fox in the summer now it seems he hates him because he sacked Sherwood and took his programme column off him. Collymore fell for Sherwoods PR. Fox has been in the role 12 months Almstadt not even 4 months. I think most of us liked the signings in the summer and we are trying to get a system in place that doesn't get ripped up every time a manager leaves. It works very well at Southampton and it's what we need Garde is a gamble but anybody is now 

    I actually agree that this model is the right one, but it doesn't mean we've got the right people implementing the model.  I want Garde here but I think Stan makes some good points about the people at the top. The club is a mess and has been a mess for far too long.

    time will tell but I'm quite optimistic we have the right people. If the players we signed in the summer kick on and we stay up we'll be in a good position next summer that's a big IF though  

  12. We are bottom because of Sherwood no one else! 

    How naive, Sherwood was here for 8 months not 4 years

    Naive? With the games we have had so far we should be on a lot more points. We have a decent squad but we had a crap manager. Who picked the team? Who decided the tactics? Who decided the substitutions? Naive is falling for Sherwood blaming everybody else but him! 

  13. We are bottom because of Sherwood no one else! His tactics, team selections and substitutions have been awful and that's why we are where we are. I actually think we are getting it right off the pitch but because Sherwood has been on a PR offensive before he was sacked and the likes of Collymore blame every body but Sherwood people start believing it! Fox and Almstadt get the blame for the last 4/5 years yet have not been here that long. Sherwood got the job because we needed a quick fix but that's all he was unfortunately. Hopefully now Garde will be here for the long term 

  14. Paying over the odds for backroom staff will just make us more skint for when we go down.


    But not paying for them will make us look like complete fools.  We only have one chance at this. We must stay in the PL to generate any sort of income that us as a club are used to and to lose that huge income would be a catastrophe.  Pay them what they want I say.  It will be a drop in the ocean compared to what we will lose if we go down.  


    You say that like remi garde is guaranteed to avoid relegation. 



    No but I'd say he'll give us the best shot.

    squabbling over 1-2m when 100m is at stake would be stupid! 

  15. Lyon have a massive must win CL game next week the last thing they'd want now is staff leaving.  If they want to come we will get them. Garde must've known if they'd come so it'll just be negotiations going on. They've been at Lyon ages so I'd expect them to show respect and not just walk out. Just yet anyway! 

  16. This is turning into a complete pantomime again. We are bottom of the  league  with a very poor squad.So what do we do go looking for a French manager who has a modest reputation in France.

    Why we would risk the future of our club like this? Why haven't we approached David Moyes or Brendan Rodgers who have worked in the English premier successfully .

    in my opinion the route we are taking is high risk gamble that we do not have to take!!!

    ??? Seriously? You haven't a clue who we or haven't approached. I'd say Garde's reputation in France is a lot higher than Moyes or Rodgers is in England at the minute. We sacked Sherwood on Sunday it seems we had already identified Garde as the one we wanted by all accounts he wants to come but wants his back room staff. I would rather wait a few days for our number 1 target than to leave it straight away. However takes over will be a gamble but I believe the squad is better than where we are we've just been badly managed. Whether or not a manager has been successful in the prem makes little difference Overall I'm sure there's a list on here showing both the good and bad but what matters he's the right man for the squad. 

  17. start lining up in a 4231


    Richards Okore Clark Amavi

               Gana Veretout

              Traore Gil Grealish


    for tougher games switch to 4321


    Richards Okore Clark Amavi

        Gana Sanchez Veretout

                 Gil Grealish


    6 from Bunn, Bacuna, Ilori, Hutton, Gardner, Westwood, Sinclair, Gestede, Gabby as subs with the 7th being someone from the Academy (Suliman, Mason, Hepburn Murphy being used most often)

    • Use Gestede as plan B with us getting fullbacks on the overlap and crossing at every opportunity.
    • When Gestede is playing get players around him for flick ons and knockdowns
    • Have fullbacks practice crossing .
    • Have us pushing and to compact space and press teams early.
    • I'd drop Westwood for a few games and bring him back in if he trains well.
    • Make substitutions/tactical changes with the the intention of changing the game/strengthening our position rather than just picking someone at random.
    • Extra work on fitness to stop everyone looking dead after an hour.
    • Praise Guzan in every interview to boost his confidence.
    • Tell the scouting team to find a striker, right back and keeper for January.

    Accept that with our current start we're nailed on for relegation so we might as well try and score some goals and entertain the fans while we try to get a run to bring us clear.

    I think you've nailed it. It's amazing really that most fans can see the problems yet Sherwood hadn't a clue! Fitness levels seem to be low which is the whole point of pre season. Hopefully Duverne comes in and gets them fit the next 3 games are pot luck so use it to get them fit and playing in a specific way. Then we need to beat Watford and have some confidence going into games we have to win! 

  18.  Our results have been awful but we could easily be sitting on over 10 pts. We haven't been smashed we've been in every game so it's not a massive change needed. It just needs consistent selection and a pattern of play instead of changing things weekly. Play your best players in their proper positions. If you play Gestede give him a supply line! 

  19. Football isn't that difficult , start out with a plan, pick your best players, fill them with confidence and let them go, if your winning kill the game, if your losing it then chase the game . 

    That was the reason Tim Sherwood got the job and works for a few games maybe. There is more to it. A lot more.

    but Sherwood has stopped doing exactly that! If he was we wouldn't be where we are 

  20. He needs to be sacked ASAP We have 3 league games coming up that I've written off so it's a free roll for any new manager then we have a game against Watford that if we lose I think we'll be that far off we will be done for. As for the next manager it's a case of anybody but Sherwood now I'm fed up with him constantly belittling his players in the press it's awful man management! 

  21. Against County he kept getting done offside but at least he was running! It could've been nerves, over excitement, not being on the same wavelength as your team mates or he could just be crap one things for sure you won't find out unless he plays there for a few games. Benteke used to get offside quite a bit and he turned out OK. Players like Gil and Grealish need a mobile forward. I can't remember Gestede ever being offside but he hardly runs the channels so.... 

  22. How unfit can 21 yo footballers get? He played in the Euros for the U21 he's even played for our U21 yet he's no where! I'm guessing it's a Reilly signing and Sherwoods being a baby about picking him! 

    Sherwood's actually said he wanted to sign him at Spurs and been following him since his Sporting Lisbon days as he knows his Dad.

    No idea where he is but then the Loch Ness monster had been sighted more than Crespo and he came from nowhere to start v Stoke so desperate people make desperate decisions.

    I would be interested to see what Ilori is like either at RB or DM so hope he gets some minutes soon, maybe at Southampton.

    Reilly signed him for Liverpool I think so Sherwoods probably mad about that!!! 

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