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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. 10 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    Gareth Barry would be an amazing signing for us at Championship Level.

    Unfortunately I think he's got a couple of years in the prem still left in him.

    Is Barry's contract up? He still has big connections here so if there's any chance we should get him. Exactly the type of leader we need. We should've got him when he went to Everton. He'd be ideal for becoming player coach over time. 

  2. Don't a lot of sacked managers just keep getting paid until they get another managers job? That's why a lot don't tend to rush into jobs straight away unless it's for more money? I'd like to think if we have got someone lined up we'd sort Garde out immediately seeing as I think he's been shafted. If there isn't a manager lined up they should just back him till the summer. I would prefer next seasons manager in place now as I think whoever it is needs to know this group of players and get rid of the bad eggs! 

  3. I watched Okore warm up on Saturday and he just went through the motions. I know he was a sub but surely you'd try and be as professional as possible to get across to the coaches you want to play? His attitude stunk and he's a player I like and have big hopes for but he seems to be doing a lot of media at the moment that doesn't shine him I a good light. Up until the LFC game he'd looked solid then he spouts off to the press and had his worst game for us surely that'd register so you'd get your head down and work hard? 

  4. 14 hours ago, AshVilla said:

    Pulis is a means to an end and effective at what he does

    We will be difficult to beat and grind out results just what you need in the championship


    Pulls doesn't actually go to win games he goes not to lose bin the Championship nearly all teams will sit back against us especially st home so we need a manager that can attack and break teams down the total opposite of a Pulis team. 

  5. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

    Who is going to build something under Lerner? 

    We've been trying to build something for years and have failed. A bit of short term thinking would be fine for our next move. 

    Moyes for a start! You can't keep sacking managers and rebuilding squads. Lerner isn't going anywhere soon so we can't just look short term. We need a manager who can come get us promoted but be good enough to stay around and build. Moyes is perfect for us we both need to rebuild our reputations. 

  6. 1 hour ago, sne said:

    For the last few years it's been oh so important with Premier League experience for both players and managers.

    Turns out that didn't work at all. The managers flopped spectacularly and our worst performing players are those with this fabled Premier League experience.

    Now we're dropping down a league so we desperately need people with Championship experience? F that!

    It's all about the right people at the right place / time. No 2 situations at 2 different clubs will ever be the same.

    What the club need to do is decide a clear strategy of how we should play, find a manager who suits that and the recruit players to fit in that system.

    Normally you already have all this and need a manger to best utilize the players already at the club, but we have NOTHING.

    The positive thing about this is that the board and the new manager get to build something completely new.

    The negative is that we really can't afford not to get straight back up...




    Exactly get someone in for the long term. Getting someone like Pearson may work in the short term but I want us to build something. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Woodytom said:

    What the actual ****?

    He literally couldn't control the ball, pass the ball or anything. He was absolutely hopeless.

    Well seeing as a number of posters have also said he played well we will agree to disagree. He kept one of their main threats very quiet for the whole game!! I actually thought the whole defence played well and I dont think they had a shot on goal apart from the goal so I'd say the stats back that up aswell! 

  8. If Garde goes he goes he's done nothing to warrant support but and its a big but I don't think any other manager would've done much better with the dross that he's had to play. I just don't want a reprieve for these players we need a cull. Richards, Gabby. Bacuna for a start and anyone else who doesn't show the right attitude in training or around the club. Will a new manager do the usual fresh start for everyone crap??? 

  9. He was very solid yesterday. What you don't see on TV is all the work he did keeping the LW quiet. Swansea had 2 players who posed a problem. One was Sigurdsen the other was Barrow the LW. He also attacked quite well so overall a good performance. You will always give away free kicks against such a fast winger but over the 90 min how many chances did Barrow create. I'll have to watch it back on TV as from where I stood I thought he was a contender for MOTM. It's a joke that Sherwood chose to pick Richardson over him!! He's a better player and would also have helped the newer French lads integrate so on another Sherwood mistake. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Kingman said:

    I Wouldn't sell but i guess it depends on what the offer is.

    Every player has a price and if Lerner likes that price then we will continue with our well established yearly tradition of selling the clubs best players. 

    Lerner has a check list in his bedside draw of whom he can asset strip each season. Grealish, Gil, Ayew are the only players we have that will fetch over £10m (Adama & Amavi may also after a season under there belts) 

    The other 20+ we would be lucky to scrape upto £5m a piece.


    Lerner has never sold players for the money so you've nothing to base that on but Grealish and Gil wouldn't command anywhere near £10m one because he has hardly played the other because he flatters to deceive. Grealish should be given a full chance next year to show his head is in the right place as he has undoubted talent but that's not enough. 

  11. 1 hour ago, DCJonah said:

    It's the same shit though. A new approach with new people but still praising Lerner. We've basically just repeated that a few times and it's sending us down. 

    Those comments have ruined any positive things he's done for me. That and Krulak on board just confirm to me that's its going to be the same shit with just different people **** up under the word removed on an owner. 

    And Hollis can get **** if he's going to speak to us like that. No different to the shit Faulkner and fox have said. I thought this was going to be different. Is it ****. 

    What? Actions speak louder than words and his actions have been very good so far. How can it be same shit when we actually have 2 very experienced football people on the board now? Something I think every fan wanted. He's stood up to Lerner by the sounds of it so are those some of the comments that's ruined it for you?? I've no idea what you mean when you say speak to us like that as it seems a perfectly reasonable interview which you'd expect from an employee. Respectful of his employer but stating he's here to do a job not to pander to him. 

    • Like 3
  12. Why would we even consider selling him? His season has been disrupted by bad behaviour, injuries and choosing his allegiance this would hamper any experienced player never mind one that's only just finding his feet. The 2nd season is normally the toughest as you're not the unknown player so people target you so it was always going to be tough which he hasn't himself with but neither has the team helped him. There's still a good maybe quality player in there which I think will flourish in a team that's actually winning games. Hopefully that's us next season!! 

    • Like 2
  13. 27 minutes ago, Jareth said:

    Given Hollis has recently described remi as one of the top managers in europe, and remi has also recently said he won't return to France, I think it a relatively safe bet that remi will be our manager next season - whether we think that is a good idea or not. Going with that assumption, I would like to see villa stripped right back with the exception of Ayew and Amavi - then hoover up the best young talent that we can get from the championship - other than going to a premier league club, we'll be the best option for any such player. Give Remi 2 seasons and the remainder of his contract to impose his style and go from there.

    A lot will depend on whether Garde's trust with the Club has gone. I just hope a decision is made by both parties sooner rather than later. At present there a few decent managers out there who could do a job for us and need to rebuild their reputation. If Garde goes I'd want us to go British but I'd also like them in with time in this season to judge the squad. We have to act fast when the season ends to identify who we want to stay and who we want to get rid of. We need next seasons manager in place very soon. 

  14. 6 hours ago, briny_ear said:

    OK, Mr "nobody's poodle". What's the verdict in Lerner's stewardship of the club?


    Well, hello Mr Poodle! No reason yet to regard you as anything but the latest in a long line of bullshitters.


    And if you really believe that, your knowledge of European football seems a bit lacking.

    How can you call him a poodle when he's got rid of Fox and Almstadt and hired a footballing board in his first few acts as Chairman? Is it because he defends Lerner a bit? He actually explains Lerner wants to sell as he can't be here because of a change in personal issues. I'm sure Lerner is still passionate about the club of not for the love of the club for the fact he's bankrolling us. Now I'm not defending Lerner as him having to bankroll us is mainly his ill judged decisions previously coming back to bite him but to have a go at Holls who so far seems to be doing a decent job is very petty to say the least. 

    • Like 3
  15. 2 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    Why should he have to at your demand? I'm sure like everybody else he has a busy life. 

    You clearly think this protest group is a waste of time. That's fine. You also seem to think that Banners Out On 74 is waste of time, despite the scenes last Sunday. That's fine also. 

    As a reminder, this is what they think is acceptable. Is this acceptable to you? 

    I dunno mate, I can't stand for that. There was no apology from the club either, just a reiteration of the draconian and confusing ground rules.

    When we released an Open Letter to Randy Lerner there were three "request". They were in full;

    1. To make a public statement indicating that you are once again motivated to sell the club at a price at which Aston Villa can be sold to a person, or persons, with the means and vision to restore this club to its rightful place. You must then follow through on this pledge.
    2. Whilst a buyer is found we require you to make the necessary changes to ensure that Aston Villa is ran with the intention of winning football matches. That must include a guarantee from yourself to provide the necessary financial support to achieve this aim.
    3. You must also ensure that people with the correct expertise and a proven track record are brought into the club to provide the tools for the Manager to succeed.

    And fair play to them they appear to be actioning number 3. Not too shabby a start. Should we just not bother with the other 2? How about the obvious remit for Banners Out On 74? If your answer is no and no then fine, just give it to me straight like a pear cider made from 100% pears...

    “Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.”

    If you'd read the first post you'd understand. Some on here want to protest about not being able to protest. Some want further change. I asked if you are still after change what change do you want realistically. Wanting Lerner out is something we all want but unless a buyer is found its not going to happen anytime soon. I see other posters have jumped on this point but unfortunately it's a fact. I asked will you be protesting until Lerner goes. We have had a statement from Hollis indicating we will be in a healthy position if we go down. We have a Villa man on the board We have football knowledge. We even have a Football board now so the only thing I can see that isn't checked off is Lerner stating he's "actively" looking to sell and follow through on this pledge!! Everton were for sale for a decade before getting investment so the chances of us getting a new owner soon are slim and I'd say virtually zero as a Championship club. I'm looking forward to seeing how successful your protest is. 

  16. 28 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    Never said anything about being a better fan, those who don't wish to protest can do what they like, its up to them. Its those who moan about the state of the club yet don't do anything about it in any form yet ridicule those who are trying to do something, anything, or those who come into the protest group to snipe are the the ones I refer to. Im just supporting what I believe in. I want change to happen and sitting on my hands while obliviously saying everything will be ok isn't my bag. If a board reshuffle and a dwindling faint distant hope of meaningful player investment is enough to placate you then fair enough. It isn't for me.

    You classed everyone that wasn't protesting as cowards and sheep therefore insinuating you're above that. I did ask you what change you wanted and I haven't got time to go through all the posts to read yours. If you feel that strongly I'd have thought you'd be stating what you wanted at every oppurtunity to garner support. 

  17. Surely if you buy players for the Championship you get a Championship side? Burnley are flying because they kept the majority of their squad together and then added quality to it. I think we have enough players either at the club or on loan to have enough experience. We just need to get a properly balanced squad with players bought to fit the system the manager wants to play. Hopefully we can revive Kalinic deal then we need a RB some muscle in CM and a goalscorer. Then it'll be a case of replacing who goes. Is there a squad limit? 

    • Like 1
  18. 46 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    My reasons are elsewhere in this topic, I'll protest until Lerner is gone thanks. Out the door was about change, I'm now of the belief that Lerner and his cronies and the players all need to go. Whether that's possible or not doesn't affect my willingness to protest for what I believe. If people give up because of the low chance of success then they are cowards and sheep.

    I take it your classing the majority of fans as cowards and sheep then?? Fair play I just wish I was such a good fan as you. Have fun protesting and I look forward to seeing your banner at Rotherham away next season. 

  19. 14 minutes ago, Ingram85 said:

    I love the way a 'cabinet reshuffle' has people coming here to leave little comments about stopping protests and unite together. 

    Lerner is still in charge, we are still cost cutting, we still have an inept squad, we are still dead last, we will still be relegated, the players/owners still deserve none of our respect. Fans protests will still be stopped in the ground. It's as you were for me.

    Just because we have different names in the positions of power doesn't mean things won't get a lot worse yet. Yes all the cost cutting and removal of useless employees is newsworthy but when the cuts start hitting the coaching staff, players etc... and then we continue to not bring anyone in to replace them then then what? Then we are the next Portsmouth.

    Full steam ahead with the protests for me.


    So are you still protesting for change? Some are protesting for the right to protest. Under what circumstances would you not want to protest and be realistic. You can want Lerner to go as much as you want but unless you've got a spare £100m knocking about it's not going to happen anytime soon. The squad can't be dealt with until the summer. We should be cost cutting firstly because we employ way more people on a permanent basis than we should. Just compare us to other clubs for instance. Fox and Almstadt have gone and unfortunately because football is a sport we don't have any guarantees the people coming in will do any better. All we can do is hope. One thing that makes a difference is the quality of the people involved and in Bernstein and Little we seem to have got some football nous on board. We are all pissed off that we are likely to be relegated but protesting for the sake of it isn't going to do anything. 

  20. 5 minutes ago, rodders0223 said:

    Players who have actually acheived something.

    Yes, players come into their prime at 27 I agree. If you're a player who has spent most of his career playing in league one then that 'prime' isn't going to be up to much. It tells me he isn't a very good footballer.


    In general you're correct but there's always the exceptions. Jamie Vardy for one and a lot of the Swansea squad that came up with them played through the divisions with them. Judge the player on ability not the standard they're playing. 

    • Like 2
  21. 2 hours ago, VillaCas said:


    I've seen no-one raving about him!

    If mid-table championship is our ambition then I'm sure he'll fit straight in.

    Westwood is not good enough for what is required and Gardner is a level below that

    Look at their forums or is it just your mates opinion you go on ? 

  22. 9 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

    Firstly we are protesting for the right to protest. A handful of supporters were man handled from the stands for holding up banners stating Lerner Out and Fox Out. Seems the second one worked by the way ;). The banners contained nothing "Abusive, offensive, racist or obscene" as per the clubs guidelines on banners.

    Supporters have a right to make their feelings known especially during such dire times. This is our football club. Aston Villa is not a dictatorship.

    As for the message on the banners that is up to the individual supporters. We are not going to tell people what to write. All we advise is that any message is not "Abusive, offensive, racist or obscene".

    It won't need to be bed sheets. It can be t shirts, towels, a4 sheets of paper, placards. Whatever supporters want to use.

    Can I protest that I think your protest about not being able to protest is stupid??? 

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  23. 1 minute ago, markavfc40 said:

    This protest is definitely on. This goes way beyond the changes to the board now. Banners out on 74 is all about the fact that we will be heard, we will be seen. Aston Villa is our club and we must be able to let our feelings be known and banners out on 74 is going to leave the club in no doubt as to that.

    What are you protesting? What will the banners say? Where is there a sale on bed sheets? Will it be like the darts where you just write random stuff as its on the TV? 

  24. 4 hours ago, VillaCas said:

    Was out with my Forest-mad mate last night - he watches home and away and said Gardner was decent during his last spell at Forest but has been bang average or worse this time round. He's a good judge of football and reckons he is average Championship level at best

    And yet others rave about him! Look at how some of our players polarise opinion. He deserves a chance for us next season then we can all make our own minds up. 

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