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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. 7 hours ago, BOF said:

    You took me up wrong.  I'm saying we must go down confident.  We must go down with a mindset that does not sell ourselves short.  All you read and hear about that league is how tough it is.  And it may well be.  But then those same pundits in the very next breath go on about the gulf in class to the Premier League.  Well which is it?  The quality of the Premier League is not down there.  That league gets over-sold and over-rated IMHO.  But regardless of that, it doesn't matter what I think.  I'm only on about the psychology of going down with the healthy competitive attitude that 'we are better', whether we are or not.  We've come from the Premier League.  As I said in my OP, if we go down fearing that league then we'll let it dominate us.  If we go down confident then we'll knock it off its pedestal quickly and get into our stride.

    Spot on!! It's like the we need a manager with Championship experience line. The only difference I can see is the games come thick and fast do it's more about your team than preparing for the opposition which for us should be ideal. We will be everyones cup final so that may be a challenge but 2/3 of the league are very poor and you only need a run of 10 good games to be in with a fighting chance of at least the Play Offs. If I'm missing something about that league I hope someone can point that out to me but it's not the 80's and most clubs try to play good football so it shouldn't have any fears for us. I totally agree we need to change the defeatist mindset that it'll be very tough and hopefully getting a new manager in sooner rather than later will help this. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, sharkyvilla said:

    Indeed, it depends on what his remit has been.  In terms of identifying talent I think we've done OK since he has been here, it's the whole budget and choosing the right players in the right places that has been the problem.  I have no idea whether that's his job or not, or whether the board are waiting for a manager to come in and decide for themselves.  I wouldn't be surprised to see him on his way though.

    That's it the players are ok it's just they're not a squad 

  3. Has he done such a bad job??? Now I'm not sure if he was in charge of assigning and keeping on top of the scouts or if that was Almstadt so seeing as he's still here I'll give him the benefit of the doubt so I'll judge him on our signings. For me Gestede has been our biggest waste and apparently that was all Sherwood! Anybody who has seen Gestede live would've known he isn't mobile enough for the PL.  Richards I thought would be a good signing but he's just got worse as times gone on. Lescott I don't think has been that bad all these I'd say we're more Sherwood than Riley. Then you come to the foreign signings. Amavi Gana Veretout and Adama all have talent and I think would be decent in a side playing with confidence. The biggest mistake for me last summer was having such a lop sided squad with players bought that didn't fit a system and that's not really Riley's fault he finds the players that's his job. Getting the right ones for the style of play is the managers. 

    • Like 1
  4. 59 minutes ago, markavfc40 said:

    There have been changes at the club to the board but that alone is not close to being enough. There are still two requests from our open letter that are yet to be actioned. The previous protest was postponed as a show of grace due to the changes to the board and most particularly the appointment of Brian Little.

    The disgraceful scenes at the Tottenham game though of seeing fellow supporters man handled from the ground for nothing more than displaying their feelings, when they are understandably hurting given the plight of the club, was another reason for us coming up with this form of protest. It should be noted that the banner they displayed was not a hindrance to any one and contained nothing abusive/offensive.We believe we should not be silenced and have a right to make our feelings known as long as that is with in the clubs own guidance.

    I agree that in bad times we should be allowed to protest but I think it's better to now engage this new board tell them all the frustrations and try to get a united club going forward. You actually had a few thousands join in the walk out if you could actually get them to join a supporters group to have a voice similar to AVST if that's not the one you want to join it'd be a lot better IMO. We all want the same thing and just looking at these boards show opinion is always divided on how we are going to achieve it. We need to get a constant dialogue and interaction with the board as communication is key for fans to feel involved. 

  5. Could it be most fans can see change occurring and are realistic in their expectations of what the club can and will say? I don't expect anything to be said from the club until we get a new manager in place now. The people who aided our decline who can be removed have gone. You aren't going to get the reassurances and if you did it'd be classed by some as PR. The proof will be in the pudding and that means who we appoint and who we sign in the summer. I'm all up for keeping the pressure on the club so we get decent investment this summer but I just don't see how having the banners out now will benefit anything especially seeing as you cancelled the last one and since then there's been even more change. 

    • Like 1
  6. 30 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Bit of a difference, giving his mate a reference and picking someone to carry on his own legacy.

    Not much both weren't up to the job One because he was crap the other because he wasn't Fergie!! Both were bad recommendations for the jobs they went for. We need anyone but McLeish they needed a big name with a big personality girl a year or 2 to break the Fergie link 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Genie said:

    Mine too.

    Couple of yours ago the most successful manager in history picked DM as his successor, I think he could do a job a villa!

    That same man picked Mcleish for us!!!!!! 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    I'd trust him as much as I'd trust any of the other names on the list, with the exception of Moyes.

    Meaning you'd trust Moyes more in PL? I'd agree with that sentiment TBF. The others have all failed to a degree. I'd rather Warburton if we go for a gamble 

  9. 47 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    Well speaking about Hughton, if he goes up then yes I agree it would be surprising if he was interested.

    But if he finishes 3rd, for example, and doesn't go up via the play offs, I think there's a very good chance we could get him, and there's good reason why we'd want him.
    We're a bigger club, we'd probably have a better budget, we probably have a better chance of going up (on paper anyway), he knows the area.

    3rd place and not succeeding in the playoffs is still a very good season for Brighton, when you consider other clubs like Burnley, Boro, Derby, Hull etc are up there challenging, and they're all probably "bigger" clubs than brighton. 

    As far as I'm aware, not many, if any, were considering Brighton as title contenders this season. Not even play off contenders.


    This article from the Guardian, from the knowledgeable Jacob Steinberg, even predicted Brighton as relegation candidates this season.


    So I'd say even if Brighton don't go up, they've still overperformed this season. Couple that with Hughton's previous success with Newcastle in that division (a similar situation to our own), relative success with Blues, and decent record in the prem, I think he'd be a fine choice.

    Would you then trust him in the PL?? I wouldn't his record isn't that good he seems a decent championship level manager but I want someone who can get us out and the get us up the PL. 

  10. People naming Bruce Pearson Hughton etc have 2 problems. The 1st is if they go up they won't come and if they don't why would we want them if they can't get out anyway? Secondly if we did get one of those we'd have to sack them in 12 months either because they didn't get us up or we'd deem them not good enough to keep us up!! I want a manager that knows the Championship but that can also do a good job once we get up. For me that's Moyes. He may not have managed in the division for a while but he's still done it and with a good backroom staff around him (Black and Round?) we'd be fine for the years ahead. 

  11. Jack has been crap all season. He loved Sherwood yet his performances were just as bad under him as under Garde so all this putting it down to he didn't get on with Garde is crap. Jack hasn't had 10 good games yet he seems he feels he's made it and unfortunately the senior pro's aren't the examples you need. Gabby has turned into a prat but at least he did it over time. Jack needs to get his head down and graft or he'll be another wasted talent! At the start of the season there was talk of the Euros for him but instead he'll more than likely be in a gutter in Spain. Prove me wrong please Jack!! 

    • Like 1
  12. 13 minutes ago, MikeMcKenna said:

    Why you think we will have similar revenues to this year? I understand that we will get 66m for this season, but based on the 2014/15 accounts, I am assuming we will make another loss even with this for 2015/16, 

    I am not certain of my numbers but my understanding is that for 2016/17 we will get; Season 1 - around 39m, Season 2 - 31m and Season 3 - 14m

    Our sponsorship, commercial and match day revenues will all fall in 2016/17 and I wouldn't be surprised if, including the parachute payment, our total revenues are only around 75m. If I am correct revenues will be 35-40m lower than 2015/16. 

    Of course if someone can show me differently, I will stand corrected. 

    Because of the increased TV deal. I think your numbers are going off of the current one. So we'll get £66m for finishing last this year. You then get 55% as the parachute payment next year apparently but next year bottom gets you £100m ish so as TV money goes it'll only be the appearance money that takes the biggest hit. This is going on current figures they'll probably change it to do us!! It's 55% 45% then about 15% in year if I'm right. I think with our new kit deal and extra games especially if we are top we won't be too far off current levels but if we don't come up we will start to suffer greatly years 2-3

  13. 3 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    I know where you coming from, but I think any new manager is going to lose at least most and probably all of our next seven games - he's going to learn that the squad has problems, mentally and in terms of quality, he can do that watching. I don't want us to arrive in the summer with a manager already under pressure for his job and with no momentum. 

    I'd like a clean start in the summer - this season just needs to end, I wouldn't want to saddle the new man with this campaign.



    3 minutes ago, OutByEaster? said:

    I know where you coming from, but I think any new manager is going to lose at least most and probably all of our next seven games - he's going to learn that the squad has problems, mentally and in terms of quality, he can do that watching. I don't want us to arrive in the summer with a manager already under pressure for his job and with no momentum. 

    I'd like a clean start in the summer - this season just needs to end, I wouldn't want to saddle the new man with this campaign.


    Having him train them and get to know them personally would be a big benefit though so it's a tough one! We will be relegated in a couple of weeks so wait till then then announce the new bloke! 

  14. Just now, West said:

    We tried up and coming promising manager in Lambert. Failed. 

    We tried up and coming promising manager with lotsa passion in Sherwood. Failed. 

    We tried fancy Frenchman who spoke very eloquently. Failed. 

    Let's try Pulis. With this board & calibre of players. Why not. 

    There's a reason most fans of the clubs he manages don't want him after a short time!! 

    • Like 1
  15. Moyes all day for me if he wants it. Back him and he'll get us a hard working squad that fights for each other. His home record at Everton if I remember rightly was very good where as ours has been abysmal for years!! I don't think the rebuild is that big. Get rid of Gabby and Richards 1st and foremost. If Lescott wants to stay I'd let him as he is a leader and we will need a few next season. Hutton isn't any good but would be fine in the Championship. We need a keeper who the defence can trust and a mobile goalscorer. Then it's a case of replacing the ones who want to go. I think the biggest thing we need is team spirit which is sadly lacking. 

    • Like 1
  16. 12 minutes ago, MikeMcKenna said:

    I seriously doubt RL will invest further and believe that the reason, Hollis, King and lately Bernstein are choosing their words carefully and being cautious is that the 'reconstruction' has to funded through cuts to costs and player sales. Even with the 1st season parachute payment our revenues are going to plummet next season and Lerner is imo not going to pump in more money. As Bernstein has said the 'football board' will have a 'strong voice' but the ultimate authority still lies with the full board inclusive of Hollis, Krulak and inevitably Lerner despite distancing himself. 

    The club appear to have made some positive moves but it is far to early to assume they will cure the rot. I know many fans are desperate to start believing again, but personally I will never trust Lerner or Krulak - clearings in the woods!

    I don't think income will plummet that much next season because of the new to deal being so high we'll probably end up with what we did this year. I think you get about £60m for last this year but that goes up to £100m next season. The parachute payments in the 1st year if I've read it right are 55%. It's after that we will be in trouble. Lerner is in a rock and a hard place if we don't get up he'll have to put his hand in his pocket to have any hope of getting some money back for the club! 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Zatman said:

    he wasnt backed but would the players he wanted really have made us that much better to watch. Sane can barely get a game at Bordeaux, DOumbia at Newcastle. Debuchy has missed half games he has been available for, though Khazri is doing OK at Sunderland

    Just having a new keeper and a RB would've made us a lot more solid. Khazri has won points for Sunderland on his own and as for Doumbia? He couldn't be any worse than what we have!! I actually think Newcastle just signed him so other clubs couldn't as they didn't really need strikers. Signing players would also had an affect on the morale of the players already at the club but instead it seemed we'd given up and that for me that showed up in players performances since Jan!! 

  18. It doesn't really matter when Garde goes but I still think he'll be gone by Friday what does matter is we are sorting out his replacement. If I was a new manager I wouldn't want to come in just yet because you'd want a positive influence and whilst we are still waiting for relegation that can't happen. Hopefully Garde goes and then as soon as we are relegated we announce the new bloke who comes in talking us up and trying to get a positive vibe at Villa Park again. We need momentum for next season. We need next seasons manager to know who he has to get rid of and where we need to strengthen and the best way is to work with the players for a few weeks. I hope the board realise this. Bernstein seems to understand the link between the fans and the club and we know for sure Little does. Let's hope Moyes is signed and sealed and as soon as we get that R against us we can plan for next season and look forward with optimism. 

  19. On 26 March 2016 at 00:31, DCJonah said:

    So we're happy Lerner has relegated us so any future success will be sweeter? 


    I've no idea how old you are but we have a generation of fans who think football started in 92 Who believe we have a right to be in the top division. They take it for granted and when we do hit hard times as every club does its hyperbole of the clubs destroyed! And actually your post just proves that.

  20. On 25 March 2016 at 21:38, YLN said:

    He is hurt because he has lost some money. He still has hundreds of millions. Hundreds of millions. We are hurt because he has destroyed our club with his ineptitude. You might say he has been unlucky to have employed and trusted the wrong people at the wrong time, but to do it so consistently is an indication of incompetence, not misfortune.

    Honourable. Kicking out fans for having banners. Appointing Alex McLeish. The contempt for fans shown by the disappearance of Krulak from the fan sites. I'm not sure if these things were done out of malice, but there was certainly dishonour involved. 

    Short of someone who comes in and starts selling off the contents of the trophy room on eBay, I'm not sure we could do much worse.

    He hasn't destroyed our club. We have been relegated before we have been in far worse positions in the league and financially. He has made bad decision after bad decision for the last 5 years or so and is gang another go at getting it right. Hopefully this time he gets it right but we are far from destroyed and will be back and when we do it'll make the success more sweeter. 

    • Like 3
  21. 13 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I said it before and I'll say it again, we won't sack RG until we're mathematically relegated otherwise we'll have to pay him the survival bonus.

    He'd be an idiot to quit now, unless Villa were going to do a deal on his payoff (unlikely).

    That's some jump in logic. He'll get a big pay off anyway. How would he expect a survival bonus for getting sacked? Hopefully his departure is all sorted and it's a case of sorting out the new bloke so we don't get loads of negative press. We need to start getting momentum for next year with a positive vibe through the club. Getting relegated sooner rather than later may be beneficial in that sense!  

  22. 1 hour ago, Chicken Field said:

    Villa kind off fell back to where they had finished the seasons before there surprise winning season + we won the European cup. Ipswich were on a steady decline since they had finished 2nd 4 seasons before getting relegated + this was life after Bobby Robson, who they replaced with Bobby Ferguson (their version of David Moyes) who took the team from 2nd to 9th and even got the opportunity to later relegate the team.

    Blackburn replaced Kenny Dalgish with Ray Harford and went back down to where they belonged :) The biggest difference between these teams and Manchester United is that United were established as a top team, never finishing outside top 3 for god knows how many years. Leeds had just got promoted 1 season before winning the league in 91, and the other teams did not really belong to the top but had surprise seasons. This is why Moyes failing to keep United in the top was a catastrophic season, they were established and spent a lot of money to stay near the top, the other teams were surprise winners and fell back down to where they had been previously. 

    Fergie left just as that team was finished. Moyes had a rebuild to do with a lot of players who were past it or only used to playing for Fergie. Getting used to different managers after so long is always hard and most teams dip when it happens. That's why Wenger gets to stick around so much as replacing them is so hard and the Liverpool teams of the 80/90's always tried to keep the boot room so there wasn't much change. I think he's experiences after Evertin will stand him in good stead here as he'd only had an upward curve I his career until United. 

  23. 1 hour ago, blandy said:

    Oh and while you might be right, I dunno, but personally I don't think we should ever appoint a manager from, y'know, them. As we saw with that ginger man, as soon as things go slightly awry it's basically game over, because us lot will get on his back (with justification, in that case) and, well it's just counter productive.

    To be fair we gave Mcleish loads of support he was just a very crap manager who played some of the most negative football I've seen!! Rowett would be a completely different scenario as he's a Villa fan but I don't think it's the right time for him yet. He needs to go to another club with pressure to succeed and money to spend to see if he can handle it. I'd prefer Moyes as I think we need an old head to settle us down and rebuild but if we were going to gamble I'd like Warburton. Not sure if he'd leave Rangers just yet though. 

  24. Moyes would been seen as a statement of intent. Anybody taking over after Fergie was doomed and hardly any British managers succeed at foreign clubs so his last 2 appointments for me don't blot his record. We are in a similar position to when he went into Everton albeit in a lower league. Tight finances needing an overhaul and stability. All things he's proven he can do. He ticks all the boxes both short and long term. Wasn't Steve Round being touted as our no2 ?? There's definitely a connection to Moyes and if he wants it give it him. Simple as that. 

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