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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. 22 minutes ago, sne said:

    Am I right in thinking we'd still have to pay a tribunal fee for those guys?

    Not that it should be a huge obstacle (if we get a new owner)

    Carroll maybe but I think cause Powell has been transferred already he'd be a free I think 

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, Sam3773 said:

    Just to drag this board from the ashes, I've been keeping an eye on the director changes around the club to spot any oddities and it looks like this man still works for us.

    So why is old foxy still a director for multiple companies relating to the club, including the umbrella Reform Acquisitions company? Removing a director is usually a speedy process, and Bernstein and King have been removed yet Fox remains. Is he holding out for a share of the sale I wonder or worse, part of a consortium looking to buy?

    Could be nothing, could be everything.

    It said he'd be staying initially to help with transition so maybe it's just that. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Richard said:

    Well if you believe some saying that he is close to Riley then no doubt Lerner is negotiating that the sale can only happen if Paddy is guaranteed a role in the new set up,  I mean afterall he allowed two board members to resign over Riley (allegedly) so no doubt he would hold up a sale because of him too?

    Maybe Riley isn't that bad at his job? I think the managers have been the main problem alongside the so called senior players. Any new owners who've given £100m + will not be dictated to over any staff member they may just judge for themselves and replace accordingly  

  4. The Newcastle game should be one big party but with an edge!! Do it a bit like Charlton with balls being thrown on the pitch but maybe as the players come out then just have a massive singalong supporting our club not the current gutless rocket polishers who play for it. I also think we should take as many fans as possible without ticket to Arsenal and just have a party. 10-15000 Villa fans just going to the ground would make massive headlines and show we are a big club and will be massive next season. 

  5. 5 hours ago, sidcow said:

    You could work this out assuming the staff numbers are reported in the same ways by looking at old accounts on companies house website.  They have copies of docs going all the way back to the original certificate of incorporation in 1884 or whatever signed by William McGregor 

    I know that but I've a life!!! There's too many permanents as it is so we need a cull best to do it under the veil of relegation as things can't get much worse. 

  6. We have definitely become bloated with permanent staff over the years and we do need trimming. It's hard on those involved but we aren't a charity. If we'd have had proper management over the years we wouldn't have let this happen. It'd be interesting by how many permanent staff have increased since Lerner arrived. I wonder if any takeover wants redundancies done and dusted before they come in as sacking people doesn't create a good atmosphere for any new owner but that's me dreaming!! We need to streamline and get better cost effective so let's use relegation to get our club fit and proper. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Richard said:

    Then they fail spectacularly to understand the fan base.  It was the man not the club.  I also think given it is a new board that that will not be a consideration. Having Brian Little involved will also make it less of a consideration. 

    The only thing Rowett has going for him is he is a Villa fan. Still totally unproven and is used to small clubs. We need a manager who is used to pressure and has a proven track record. I also want a manager that can do both get us and keep us there we need stability and forward planning. 

    • Like 1
  8. If the Mail hadn't run such an inflammatory story yesterday I'd say we'd all have just agreed the lion looks better and moved on. Instead people get inflamed over the £2m and expect an all singing and dancing new badge or they've moaned over the fee. If the lion looks like the photo on the new kit it'll be a big improvement. 

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  9. Our badge needs our name on it! Abbreviations do nothing to promote the name of the club. The name is our brand. I'd like the round one back with the added star but what ever one we get it needs Our name Our lion Our colours and Our well deserved star. We have had varying shapes over the year so as long as it includes what I've stated I'll be happy but I'd like a return to the round one. 

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  10. I can't see us appointing anyone until we are actually relegated. Until then we haven't hit rock bottom. Once we get it we can start to look to next season with a new manager and a new hope! I wouldn't mind waiting until the seasons end if the manager wanted a complete clean slate but I'd want him to be involved behind the scenes already as we need a clear out and to hit the ground running the 1st day after the season ends. 

    • Like 1
  11. 57 minutes ago, briny_ear said:

    The issues about Little's membership of the board today have nothing to do whatsoever with how good a player he was 30-40 years ago.

    Nor really about how good a manager he was 20 years ago.

    It's about what he brings to the table in terms of knowledge and judgment about running a successful club in the modern premier league.


    Forgetting about reality for a second.

    About getting a club in serious decline out of the modern-day championship & back into the premier league.

    Luckily he is part of a board who have experience in getting clubs up. 

  12. 10 hours ago, MikeMcKenna said:

    I have massive respect for Brian Little and do not knock him for taking his advisory role and do believe he has the club's interests at heart. However:

    1. We are soon to be relegated from the PL for the first time ever and in the nearly 30 years

    2. The squad is a shambles and the likes of Agbonlahor, Lescott, Bacuna and Richards are adding insult to injury. In terms of attitude this squad is ****** pathetic. Despite our dire position the ******s just add to the misery, succeeded in getting another manager fired and have been an total embarrassment all season and most are not fit to wear the shirt. 

    3. Our owner cannot be bothered by turn up to games and has totally distanced himself from the club. I don't buy the 'better the devil you know' claims and wish he would just **** off! He has ruined our club, potentially for years. 

    4. Hollis is good at firing people both at the top and throughout the club but is yet to show he is anything other than Lerner's poodle. Appointing the likes of Bernstein, Little etc may make no difference if there is **** all to spend. Let's see what happens when it comes to spending money.

    5. Krulak is back lurking in the wings like a sycophantic pile of shit. 

    6. We may yet appoint Nigel Pearson, Mick McCarthy or Steve Bruce

    7. I have my doubts that we will sign enough players with sufficient quality to keep us in the Championship never mind get us back to the PL. 

    So to all those who say Brian Little and the 'football board' should be given a chance, I say, I will believe it when I see it but until then I believe **** all. Hollis may have cut out some of the cancer, but the tumour is still here. It is difficult to be anything other than negative and calling for the fans to positive is far too premature. The club is still a disaster. 

    So basically a rant about the club rather than it being directly about Brian Little!! We all wanted a Villa bloke on the board we've got it and only time will tell if it makes a difference but how anyone can moan when the things we want to happen actually do is beyond me.  

  13. 3 hours ago, Reivax_Villa said:

    At least he gives a **** about our club..

    I did enjoy most of this article 


    That's probably the best and most coherent statement Collymore has done and he's spot on. TBF though I think virtually all Villa fans would've said the same. I do like his idea of getting the Yorkes etc being Worldwide ambassadors. 

  14. So anywhere between 3-5 players are taking the piss with their attitude so we should boo all the others? I guarantee there's some of those 3-5 we all disagree on and some will want to protest against them for differing reasons. If a player isn't good enough it's not his fault. The only player I think that doesn't try is Gabby I do think there's a few bad apples that need clearing out but I couldn't 100% say who they all are as I don't see them train or how they react off the pitch. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Mantis said:

    I never said the players hated him although I expect there were some who didn't like him. My point was that along with being a colossal prick the fact that he's all shouty and arrogant in interviews doesn't necessarily mean he'll actually instill discipline and that's what we really need.

    That was my impression of him but having googled him and read a lot of articles about him it seems he's not like that. His win rates are over 40% He's won promotions He's built a squad which with fine tuning is top of the league. There's a lot more to hit ban the prickly interviews and having a go at reporters. 

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  16. 12 hours ago, Woodytom said:

    I don't have an issue with gestede. I'd keep him for next season.

    Get 2 wingers firing crosses in and hel bag for fun. Let's keep it simple.

    I'm stunned he scored that many in the Championship. His movement and anticipation is non excistent! Only against Swansea for the 1st half hour dud I see any fight in him but that went soon enough. I'd keep him though just as an impact but doubt he'll be here long he hasn't the attitude or desire to play for us. He may suit Pearsons winger style though!! 

  17. 6 minutes ago, VillaChris said:

    His main two lieutenants are Craig Shakespeare and Steve Walsh (not the ex Leicester centre half but some old guy who used to be Chelsea chief scout).

    I may be wrong but think Shakespeare worked with him at other clubs. He stayed on at Leicester to help Ranieri adapt and well why would you leave a team about to win the title and not want to test yourselves as a first team coach in the CL?

    WoodyTom made a good point somewhere else, we need to stop appointing managers who can't bring in the backroom staff they want, this would favour Moyes as Steve Round isn't in football currently and worked with him for a long time at Everton.

    That was my general gist. Is he a one man band or does he need his gang. Garde not having his trusted people definitely hurt him. Hopefully it's something that's taken into account when making a decision. 

  18. I want next seasons manager in ASAP so he can clear out the crap. Having read up a bit on Pearson he seems quite impressive but does anyone know who and how important his backroom staff are? Also LCFC have had a very good recruitment policy of late what sort of structure does he work under? 

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