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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. On 6 May 2016 at 13:53, bobzy said:

    More "key passes" and "crosses" than anyone else in our squad with a pass success of 83% - which is bang average for the league, but ranks quite highly for Aston Villa :D

    Creative players tend to get a lower success rate on passes because they try forward passes. Give him a mobile centre forward and I'm sure he'd be a lot better aswell. Our strikers movement Ayew aside is awful! I think he'd run games it he Championship with ease. 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, mikeyp102 said:

    Probably a long shot, but what about Munir el Haddadi on loan, he isn't going to be a starter at barca for a while so they may think that a loan will help develop him.

    Has played with Traore before so may be able to get the best out of him as well...


    Traore Grealish Green

                 El Haddadi

    would be exciting for once.

    Seeing as successive managers won't play Traore I doubt we'd get a decent recommendation from him!!  

  3. You support the club not the owner! That's why if people wish to protest it's their right if they go to the game. People who use Lerner as an excuse not to go to games for me are a joke. There's plenty of reasons why people can't go. I'm a season ticket holder and don't go every game as it is depressing but I'll renew cause I can afford it and no matter who owns us I'll continue to do so as will 20000 other fans and then we have the people who go when and if they can so I expect our attendances to be roughly where we are this season maybe higher next year if we are doing well. Next year regardless of who owns us is massive and probably our biggest for years because if we don't get up we could become another Leeds so if you proclaim to support the club do so. Lerner will eventually be gone as other owners have but one thing remains constant. Aston Villa FC. 

  4. 42 minutes ago, mwj said:

    Yeh grabbing a player by the throat and having a 30 min sulk at a press conference while pat Murphy tore him a new one was all part of his master plan to deflect attention away from his team...

    Mourinho he is not.

    No one said he was but the facts remain he took all the stick last year so it was either a massive fluke or deliberate. Either way it worked. I think everyone knows you dislike him as a person but apart from a few incidents last year when else has he been such a nutter as I think you've put it? He has a good record. He inspires loyalty from his players. He is well liked by those who've worked with him. This for me trumps any prejudices about his so called character. 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    My point is that regardless of the manager our players are a lot weaker anyway.

    I understand your point but you wouldn't have said that when they were rock bottom last year. Pearson instilled belief and work rate into them. He deflected pressure so they could find their feet in the Premier League. He enabled them to acclimatise which if you compare it to how we have been managed this year is the complete opposite. We are weaker because of bad management. i disagree that the players are that much weaker but if you give players excuses they'll use them. 

  6. 32 minutes ago, Mantis said:

    I don't think that's a very good comparison - Leicester's players (both last season and this season) are clearly a lot mentally tougher than our bunch of imbeciles.

    Teams generally reflect their manager and good managers take the pressure off of them to enable them to perform. Look at how Sherwood blamed the foreign signing and split the dressing room? Pearson took all the pressure. I know which one worked best! 

  7. 1 hour ago, blandy said:

    You're entitled to your view, but I don't believe he is. I think that under severe pressure of a relegation fight he behaved badly 2 or 3 times over a short period of time.

    A number of managers come across as brusque with the media - including Ron Saunders and that Alex Fergie man that there was at Trafford Town. And Mourinho did some fairly (very) oafish things. Turns out though that they did OK.

    I think I'm saying trying to see what someone is like solely from their attitude when in press conferences or when losing at football is not necessarily the best way to judge someone. 

    His actions also kept the pressure off of his players which is good management which ultimately reaped the benefits in them staying up. If you look at how our players folded under the pressure it shows how well he did to jeep team spirit up until results turned. 

  8. 58 minutes ago, mwj said:

    So the media keep saying. How many Leicester games did anyone actually watch last season? Or has everyone magically found the time to watch 20 hours of football every weekend? The reality is everyone is regurgitating Pat Murphy's opinion that they were "unlucky".

    The facts are he's been manager at 3 clubs for any notable length of time, was sacked once, average once and succeeded once where he was promoted twice in 5 years. Not exactly a nailed on results. Not to mention he is mentally unstable, likes a fight with players & journalists, and raised a son who's partial to making racist sex tapes with thai hookers. 

    Are we really that desperate that this guy is our best option?

    Seeing as the first time he got Leicester promoted to the Championship and then got them into the Play Offs I would say it's a successful period. In the 2nd time he got them promoted to the Premier League and kept them up. His only patchy record would be Hull yet he consolidated after relegation then improved them the following year. At all 3 clubs they went on record breaking runs. He has the sort of record we need. We aren't a very appealing proposition at the minute. It's nothing to do with being desperate it's just that some people think he has the qualities we need right now. I'll take him getting us up and then keeping us up now then I don't mind sacking him if we then win the league!! 

    • Like 2
  9. 46 minutes ago, VillaJ100 said:

    They might have left because Hollis said one of the revenue raising ideas was to pretend do a takeover to get ticket sales, making their positions untenable as they didn't want to bullshit the fans!

    How many fans do you actually think buy a season ticket in the hope we get taken over?? Virtually zero! It's a stupid argument. Or have you bought one on that basis? 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Kingman said:

    Then why would they leave if a takeover was just around the corner?

    They were brought in to do a job. If they can't do it due to a sale there's no point hanging around. It also puts more pressure on Lerner to get a sale done. Which I think was the gist of the resignation interview. We have 3 interested parties by most accounts If Lerner isn't going to invest he has to give someone else the chance. The negativity is that bad at the minute anyone would be an improvement. 

  11. On 1 May 2016 at 13:56, S-Platt said:

    If I were a wealthy investor I would be all over Villa like a rash.

    Fantastic infrastructure, huge potential fan base that will be loving me and giving me time to sort things out as I am not Lerner.  No pay off to Manager on a contract.  Yes I will have to invest in the playing squad but 30 million in the championship would go far.

    Pay 75 million for the club. Raise some money by selling a few players top that up for my new manager to build a team to get promoted and stabilise in the Prem and sell for 250 million in 5 years.


    I think Randy had this idea a few years ago!! 

  12. 2 hours ago, Vive_La_Villa said:

    I know many won't agree with us but I actually think for the long term relegation is the best thing that could happen to us. As a top flight team Lerner would never have sold on the cheap and we would have been stuck with the same shit season after season. Now he has no choice but to sell on the cheap and top businessmen will see the value. Look at Leicester and Southampton as perfect examples. Do you think they would have their current owners and be where they are now had they stayed in the Premier League. 

    I can see a takeover this summer and it will be an exciting year in the Championship. 

    Selling cheap may get this businessman who sees value as you say but if it's too low it can attract any old idiot who sees us as a way of making money!! We need an owner who can afford to run us as a top half premier league club. There's plenty of owners worse than Lerner throughout the league and you should never forget he does actually spend his own money on us we have just been run very badly of late. Hopefully the 3 apparent bidders do have the money and expertise to get us on a solid platform to get back up straight away. 

    • Like 1
  13. Townsend signed for Newcastle in January it's now nearly May apart from yesterday what has he done?? As far as I can see Newcastle have spent the most yet are still very much in danger of going down so for a saviour he's a bit crap!!! Let's beat them next week to shine a bit of light on our awful season. 

  14. 9 minutes ago, AshVilla said:

    Yes... because there are not other managers out there better than Pearson currently

    Can you name some of these other achievable managers?? In an ideal world Pearson wouldn't be me my first choice but we are where we are and we need a certain type. Pearson fits that bill. 

  15. 19 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    Personally I would introduce any more youngsters in until next season if you have the likes of bacuna and lescott in the team. Don't want our youngsters to adopt these idiots desire, attitude or commitment 

    You do realise they train with them everyday so any desire, attitude or commitment issues would rub off on them then? Toner is a promising player and even if you don't like Lescott he actually talks through the whole game so he'd learn a hell of a lot playing with him. id rather throw a few in and have a go than watch Bacuna in a Villa shirt ever again!! 

  16. Crap team selection to start but some how we turned in a performance then I think Black realised we might win so nobbled us with the substitutions!!! Take a CF off for a midfielder fair enough but not your best CF. Then bring on Sinclair for Gana as you need an outlet? You've just undone your first sub with worse players??? 37 years to be an absolute clearing in the woods!!!!!! 

    • Like 1
  17. 12 minutes ago, thabucks said:

    What you mean other than the upper trinity being closed ?! 

    But depending how the summer pans out I can maybe see the average staying static tbf. 

    it's not closed permanently it's just if you sell ST there you have to open it for every game better to not sell tickets for that area incase crowds don't warrant opening it as they have done for years in league cup games. We'd still need the match day staff for the other parts of the ground which would be fuller due to it being closed. 

  18. 16 hours ago, villarocker said:

    I have a mate at work who works as a steward in the Trinity Road stand on match days. I asked him if he's one of the staff being made redundant and he said "I don't know yet. I asked about it at work (the Villa) and was told that we have to wait and see what happens with the takeover as any new owners might want to keep people on". 


    Letters have already gone out asking for voluntary redundancies I believe and there's dates then for compulsory. Unfortunately we carry too many permanent staff so we do need a cull. I doubt match day staff will be affected much unless attendances drop loads which I doubt. 

  19. How can this bloke be left to pick a team?? He is an absolute joke. He says there's a toxic atmosphere yet picks the players who've created it!!! Now today he thinks he's some sort if tactical genius and goes with a back 3 with 2 fullbacks who can't cross to a lump who doesn't move! Prat!!! 

  20. I'm renewing this week and it's nothing to do with any potential takeover and I guarantee any potential takeover isn't anywhere near the top of the list for the thousands of others who'll renew in the next few weeks. If we did get taken over I'm sure they'll be plenty who rush to get a season ticket but not many if any will renew on the thought of a potential takeover. That's why I find it funny when people assume it's PR stunts to boost sales. At the moment you can pay it off over 9 months which is a big help for a lot of people. Hopefully we get some news either way as I want a manager in place to sort this lot out as time is of the essence. 

  21. 1 minute ago, terrytini said:


    Has anyone considered whether the retention of Reilly and the link with this guy  - both of whom are a bit more along the 'moneyball' route - could mean we are continuing with that strategy and that this could be another thing that may have been at complete odds with any changes King and Bernstein wanted ?

    Again, I care enough to say it but not to think too hard about it, I'm afraid I am nearly all 'Villared' out.......

    Since when has Riley been classed as a moneyball bloke? Last year we signed a mixture of experienced and foreign players. I don't think any signing was a cheap gamble all were decent money with good or improving reputations. Our problem was not having a manager who bought into it which left us with a lop sided disenfranchised squad. We have a target man yet no one who crosses the ball! We play attacking full backs that can't cross. One up front with no midfielders that hit the box. Individually Riley's signings are decent it's just we haven't got a squad with a plan of play. I don't blame him for that. He supplies the players. He doesn't fill out the squad. 

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