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Posts posted by dn1982

  1. 45 minutes ago, blandy said:

    That's the height of lunacy. It's not the fans that set the prices, so why punish them? They're in the same boat as villa fans - at the mercy of greedy bean counters in club board rooms. Your suggestion is like "this ticket pricing strategy is really wrong and must be stopped"..."I know, let's stop it by also doing it"

    I've wrote another post explaining why. We tried for reciprocal arrangement on prices and allocations. If they've decided on this we need to stick to the principle. Our fans had a big part to play in getting the PL to set a £30 max even though they tried for a twentysplenty policy. It needs Wenesday fans to hit their club as our did to get them to do something. They won't be bothered if all other clubs reduce their away prices for them. Fans need to stand together and unfortunately that means we all get the benefits aswell as the cons.  

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, rodders0223 said:

    We are all fans at the end of the day, why punish them?

    Our club has tried to get reciprocal deals so I hope we stick to it. The away fans as showed with the 20's plenty are typically the more ardent fan so hit their fans in the pocket then they'll cause a fuss and eventually something will happen. The deals were also regarding numbers aswell as prices and seeming as Wednesday may be our rival for promotion if they don't increase our allocation give them the minimum allowed at the maximum we can. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, villa4europe said:

    That's the max initial allocation that they have to give in the championship, every club is the same

    i hope the club is finding some sort of way of shitting on the clubs that take the piss out of us

    reading have announced ST holders and members of away clubs will get £20 tickets 

    It's not the max it's the minimum unless your ground is small. They could easily allocate upstairs sold block by block to keep us compact if they think we won't sell them. 

  4. 2 hours ago, ramshackler said:

    New season same old Villa. Half allocation taken.


    Mate is a SWFC season ticket holder and confirms away allocation is usually between 4-5k. 

    Small time mentality

    You're "mate" is full of crap. Why assume the negative against your own club? What Mickey Mouse club only releases prices and tickets for the game and the seas with 3 weeks to go? Which club is playing silly buggers over the allocation? Which club cones from Sheffield? They've all got the same answer. I put the last one in to make it easier for you. 

    • Like 4
  5. Why only give 2000 as an initial allocation? You get upstairs so what's the difference if you get the whole top bit initially?? Can understand holding back the bottom bit but this just shows how staying in the lower leagues can damage you. Small time attitude by a former big club. 

  6. We will need a big squad next season. At present we have 3 lb's of varying talent. Amavi could turn out to be world class but he's coming back from a big injury so you need a replacement who can hold their own. Cunningham seems to be big for a FB so he'd actually give a different option especially as Bennett is just a lesser version of Amavi. For me I'd sell Cissokho and Bennett and bring in Cunningham. Amavi though is our LB and he shouldn't be moved to accommodate someone. He is good enough to play further forward but why do it? If you want a new left winger buy one. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    Right footers can play left side but left footers can't play right, is how it's generally accepted. 

    I think it's just because there's more right footers in general so when growing up you'd get used to playing left side as a right footer but very rarely it goes the other way. It's a strange one but it's just how it is. We need a proper pairing at CB and I don't care what their dominant foot is. 

    • Like 4
  8. 9 hours ago, useless said:

    It's not my custom to read Sun headlines, or make a remembrance of their style. I recommend the signing of striker but then point out that Xia has indicated that we're going to go for more than one, not that I'm complaining about that, but given the amount we already have I thought, other positions might be more urgent, once we've signed at least one more striker.

    You list RB and CB which is 2 positions we have a lot of players. Yet you seem to want more of those than you do strikers so it's quite nonsensical. The squad needs trimming. Then it needs improving. That goes for virtually every position. I'd say scoring goals was our main weakness last year so it's the area that needs looking at most that cover the strikers and creative midfielder. I'd be happy for now to wait for a CB but I believe RB is the next priority. I think we'll add another 2/3 regardless then it's all about getting the squad down. Last year showed what a disenfranchised squad can do. 

  9. 11 hours ago, Michael118 said:


    Hutton Okore Clark Amavi

              Bacuna Gana 

     Traore        Gil      Agbonlaor


    Bunn Westwood Cissokho Ayew Sellars Tshibola Elphick    

    That's a cracking team for league 1 

    • Like 3
  10. On 9 July 2016 at 12:40, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    What's the point though, in this particular case?

    You then went on to discuss how it might be possible. It really isn't. 

    I know he probably wouldn't come to the championship but I think Juan Mata would be a perfect fit. 

    The point was we are rumoured to be after McCormack for £12m if SB went for £16m we should match it an see what happens. I speculated how it might happen. In future I'll DM my messages to get the all clear! 

  11. 7 minutes ago, 1958Villan said:

    How about trying for Borussia Dortmund's 27-year-old centre-back Nevin Subotic who's available for £4m.

    Add in Brentford's forward Scott Hogan and free agent, secondary striker, attacking midfielder and either right or left winger Nick Powell.

    Subotic rumoured for Boro I think £8m. I'd give Nick Powell a trial Villa fan who looked the better player at Crewe than Westwood. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    Berahino! Our delusion has reached a whole new level. 

    Did you actually read the post?? I started off by saying I doubt it so not delusional what so ever.  It's a speculation thread so speculate. 

    • Like 1
  13. I doubt he'd come to us in the Championship but Berahino would be perfect. It looks like only Stoke are after him and I can't see him staying at Albion. Surely moving from WBA to Stoke is like for like so if WBA accept £16m I'd match it and let RDM set out Xia's plan. Give him guarantees if we don't go up he can go for a set fee but if we do his wages go up significantly and you never know. Stoke are at their glass ceiling we will be back above them in next to no time. 

  14. 10 minutes ago, AJ said:

    What concerns me is that there might be a bit of " Jeckyll and Hyde" going on with some of the players. What they say and how they apply themselves during training might indicate that they want every success for the team, but once they are on the pitch, they leave their care factor in the change room. I hope RDM has a fully functional bullshit detector when assessing the squad.

    I don't think they even trained well last year. Attitude and application was a massive failure last year. I can't see that happening with this coaching set up. He'll quickly find out who's good enough. We need a goalscorer though as a priority. 

    • Like 1
  15. 18 hours ago, VillaChris said:

    It was just Sherwood went with Richardson who somehow has played about 200 odd games in the prem ahead of Amavi who'd only played a handful and was starting to struggle a bit. Bit like in the Houllier season when we were really struggling at xmas and Houllier got Dunne out of exile and started playing him again.

    Difference being Dunne was a leader and Richardson was awful and Amavi with a broken leg would've been better!! Amavi was Gestedes sole supply line. In a team lacking goals Sherwood took away one of our few avenues to score. 

  16. Last year we underperformed so badly it's easy to write off every player.  We lacked leadership on and off the pitch. Once the confidence had gone we became so brittle it was unbelievable. A confident player coached properly will perform a lot better. Once RDM has assessed the squad he'll know who he needs. He'll find out a lot in the training camp as he'll see them up close for a week I then expect us to see him shape his squad. He is already addressing the biggest issues we've all spotted GK CB CM and we are linked with a few CF that's the start. Then I think he'll start upgrading on the players here by shifting the ones out he don't want and upgrading to ones he can work with. Gollini Richards Okore Elphick Amavi Tshibola Gana Grealish Traore Ayew Gestede isn't a bad Championship side.  

  17. 2 hours ago, VillaChris said:

    I think in fairness to Sherwood (will probably get a warning after posting that!) he would've played him a lot more but for injury.

    As soon as he signed he was straight off the bench v Palace, started v Notts County and I'm sure would've then started the Sunderland game.

    Instead he missed 6 weeks and by the time he came back the team were in an awful losing run so he did what many managers do and went for more experienced players e.g. Richardson over Amavi at LB.

    Garde didn't fancy him one little bit but then again he liked picking conservative line ups even in 6 pointers, that 11 he put out v Norwich away was nearly as bad as the 11s Black came up with.

    you lost me at the Richardson for Amavi bit!! Apart from that I agree with you. It's also not the best idea putting young players in to a losing side but we were that bad no criticism would've came from the fans. It may though have lifted our spirits a bit. I can't see any club gambling on him though especially if the wages are true. I think the Championship would be good for him then next season he'd be a cracking player in the PL for us. 

  18. 4 hours ago, meme said:

    But what about the links with Pantilimon? Why would be out for an experienced, good goalkeeper AND Gelloni if the former wasn't going to be first choice?

    We need a keeper there's nothing wrong looking at all the options. Gollini won't be coming here to be a number 2 but I do want someone to push him so we may still get another one or let Steer be the one to fight it out with him. 

  19. 10 minutes ago, dont_do_it_doug. said:

    RE: McCormack; 

    Why didn't Christian Benteke fire us to the top of the league? It's ridiculous to assert that because he hasn't scored the goals to take a team up yet that he isn't capable of doing so. 

    He's nothing like Darren Bent either. He holds the ball up well enough and brings others into play with intricate forward passing, works tirelessly, can shoot from any angle including outside the box and has 26 assists to go with his 60 goals in the last 2 and a half season. Twenty-six. Sixty.

    Why is he not in the Premier League? He's 5'9" and he lacks discernible pace. The Championship is his level but he's **** good at it. 

    Spot on but he'd still score in the PL he has good movement I think no ones gambled as its a lot for an unproven 29 yo in the PL We on the other hand know he'll score in this league and hopefully he'll have a crack at showing what he can do in the PL next year. 

    • Like 2
  20. 2 minutes ago, cudoz said:

    The guy is a wind up merchant.  He just sticks the bait out and waits for bites on twitter.  

    Those "quotes" are recycled from his "ITK" about their two signings last week.

    No idea what Gamez is like but I doubt he is better than Janmaat so as long as NUFC keep buying lesser players than what they've got I'll be happy!! £68k a week for a no mark RB it he championship?? Fair play Rafa!!!!!! 

    • Like 1
  21. 19 minutes ago, Dante_Lockhart said:

    We need to be more ruthless. You don't accept the first bid that comes in for a player, no matter how good you think it is. You try and haggle up.


    Tell them you want 8m plus some add-ons for appearances/goals (Or do a Levy and demand 14m). They'll say 7m. You agree on 7.5m. There you go, an extra 1.5m for a day or two of waiting.

    How do you know we haven't haggled? This was mooted weeks ago. Most deals aren't like FM when you just click a button. 

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