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Everything posted by colhint

  1. colhint


    Wigan have West Ham away, then Spuds at home. Then including the cup final, 5 games in 15 days. I dont think they have that strong a squad to deal with that
  2. I still reckon a deal was done last year, I think I said so at the time. about the time he was stalling over a new contract. I think it was along the lines of. OK Wayne, you want a move. Rather than go on a free, we'll give you £10m for a year and sell you for £20m next year
  3. Whilst much of what you say has merit, unless you can convince the majority of voters, it will be a non starter. I think it is one of the Taboos. Borrowing more money is a bit like doing anything with the NHS, the voters wont stand for it, whether its right or wrong, IMO
  4. Sorry... Actually Peter, It looks like your our roving reporter on the subject. I would prefer you to give up that job and take up a position as BBC economics editor. A job for which you appear suitably qualified.far more than the present incumbent
  5. Sorry if I misunderstood. The way I read it was that you thought that no party should own the union flag, fair enough. But why should anyone waving it be a saddoe?
  6. clearly not You see Tony that was the very point. But as normal you have missed it, what was the point of any political party trying to "own" the Union Jack and what was the idea behind the saddoes waving it at the BBQ today? Gosh thats a big generalisation, why is anyone waving a union flag a saddo
  7. You say that but look at some of the ridiculous comments we have had in politics threads about the way that people like Milliband look. A bit more examination of what they are saying really does often help produce a different perspective I find I agree
  8. To be fair Pete, that isn't quite fair. Women in most positions are not just rated on performance, forget the political aspect here, they are rated far far more than men on their clothes and hair. Forget the BBC, Mirror, Telegraph etc, most of the female magazines are quick to jump on any faux pas in their outfit. Not just Thatcher, anyone in the limelight. I suspect we men have no idea just how much
  9. ^ no wonder you cant get the buggers open
  10. well thats your opinion, as for your second point, a little research in the political threads could point to a flaw in your thinking
  11. oh I know that, in the match threads I might mention Villa, and Fulham, I might even keeping the same team that played Stoke, I might even mention not putting Bent on but saving him for the game against Man Utd. I might say Guzan got a lot of stick last year for one performance against Blackburn. The point there though, I have freedom to put my opinions down. I don't get mocked for mentioning any of them.
  12. no not to wind people up. But previous posts seem to come up against this mock, Infact far too many, I made the points much earlier in the thread, before the death of thatcher, about how I thought it was wrong of Milliband to resign mid term, based on the cost of running a by election. This was passed off as inconsequential. (much earlier I made the same point about Mensch). I just find it rather ironic how the cost of this funeral is now of paramount import. Also it's not so much my Dad is bigger than your dad, more I can have a go at your dad, but you must not mention mine. After all, in match threads we talk about both teams, I'm sure you wont get an Ahhh but Fulham this weekend
  13. Merely commenting on the delicious irony from some quarters as to the cost of the funeral. As for the favourite Ahhh but Labour line. A tiny bit of research on previous threads has taught me to ignore this remark. Methinks your philosophy is, don't do as I do, do as I say.
  14. niet te veel slapaloze nachten hoop ik
  15. HA HA Pete, I have as much ire for Mensch as I do for Milliband. I wonder if they'll get together in the old US of A to have a chat about the waste of public funds
  16. won't it cost about the same as David Milliband deciding he doesn't want to represent south shields anymore?
  17. Isn't that about the same cost as a by election? Just think if she hadn't have died, and Milliband could have waited 2 years till the general election, before he decided he'd had enough, we could have another 1200 nurses
  18. Couldn't you do it like the whiskas adverts 59% of cat owners who expressed at preference
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