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Everything posted by colhint

  1. I can't help wonder why, if the bbc thought it was an outrage they didn't put it on the main web page
  2. Hate to say this but I hope that Spurs and Liverpool do well and they finish 6th. No cups so miss out on Europe
  3. the whole thing is we seem to have a squad. Westy Sylla, Delph KEA, maybe Bacuna as well, someone takes a knock, or off form or needs a rest. That's what they are there for
  4. or perhaps they just don't say it at all and maybe you might be reading something into whatever that just isn't there. To be honest on VT whenever I have read anything racist anti-semetic homophobic etc it has been shot down in flames by regular posters
  5. just wondering how he makes them lose it, are the government going to buy it back?
  6. No way is it a run up to an election. If it had been, Ed would have announced his government would ban death and a windfall tax so that everyone could have free tickets to see 1 direction
  7. I think that's sort of what I said. Its there to do a stocktake if you like that info is there to asses the direct debit. If you challenge it they will adjust it.
  8. Ah, well, you see, you know when they said "we're all in this together", and when they said that unfortunately public sector workers wouldn't have to worry about a pension. because of hard times n' all that? Well, er, you see, um, the "all" isn't actually "all", there was some small print. You may have missed it. The small print said that, er, um, some people, like shareholders in privatised utilities, like private pension funds , well they're not "in it" with us. No they're different. screw them, and so if the price of bills was frozen for a bit, they'd have to forgo a bit of pension , and that wouldn't be too bad. Note: Obviously when I say small print, I don't actually mean it was written down. It's just an understanding between a party and its friends and donors. No the print part refers to getting tame papers to slag off Labour and raise scare stories for daring to talk of lumping them in with those dreadful smelly poor people. Fixed that for you
  9. I'm sure you don't read my posts. Initially I responded to the post which stated the same old Savage Tory cuts. I never said anything about Labour not making cuts, I don' t think I ever have. I was pointing out to the poster that whoever won the 2010 election would have made cuts. Labour would have made different idealogical cuts. It appears to me that you are confusing my posts with others. So as for the Energy question, I realise I cant have free energy as much as I would like. I also know that we import more and more energy, so the price of that is beyond Red Eds cluthes, I also know about 11.5% of the bill is down to the Last Labour government. If people want green taxes on energy bills they have to be paid for. I just think its hypocritcal to blame the companies when he introduced the biggest hike of all. Furthermore this was tried in Argentina but led to power cuts. I think I'm pragmatic enough to realise if the choice is if what we pay now, which I think is below average for Europe, or power outages, then I'll take what we pay now
  10. - Red Ed - I love it - the "dependency" on that phrase to somehow scare people is really now very laughable As for "big business" and share prices, again it's actually genuinely laugh out loud, re some of the rubbish that is now coming out. EDIT: Any chance of linking that BBC report you quote please? - can't seem to find it - cheers I did find this though Energy profits The "big six" - British Gas, EDF, E.On, npower, Scottish Power, SSE - made total net profits of: 2009: £2.15bn 2010: £2.22bn 2011: £3.87bn 2012: £3.74bn there you go http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24275114 it was the first one on the list when I googled it
  11. How can you call it a myth. Ed balls has said repeatedly he will make cuts. Only this week he said he will make cuts. As for the NHS, I can't think of anything more Disbanding than selling the hospitals and privatising dentistry. Its the normal Labour modus operandi though, sell of the Hospitals then say the Tories can't be trusted with the NHS Or put 11% green tax on energy bills then blame those nasty companies for charging too much
  12. If you check the BBC today , they report energy share price fell 5% on the back of Red Eds latest comments, that suggests some big business maybe a bit worried about him
  13. I was purely replying to the phrase Tory cuts. I merely pointed out that Balls has said all along that he would make cuts. I went to google it and found about 6 pages about it. Take anyone you like there are plenty there. The only thing he hasn't really said is what and how much. As for disbandment of the NHS, you keep saying it but nobody has privatised it more than Labour
  14. Maybe I didn't put it correctly, sorry. The meter man is there just to check everything is ok and check the figure, sort of like a stocktake if you like. The billing is done automatically. So if you send a couple of readings in they will adjust it. Well they did for me. The onus is really on the user to alter the figure
  15. **** me the British public were stupid enough to let Cameron, and his right wing nutjobs, in through the side door chaperoned by the lib dems. Ed is nailed on to walk in through the front door. Despite him not being popular Labour are still decently ahead in the polls. He is clearly becoming a more polished leader and this will only improve and be enough to see Labour win in 2015. The gurniad on Friday had them neck and neck http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/20/labour-party-conference-future-past-editorial
  16. why would you think its a given that the NHS would be safer under Labour, given that the 2 biggest acts of privatisation in the last 30 years has been the PFI of hospitals and privatising dentistry? And hasn't Ed balls constantly said he would have made cuts?
  17. all you have to do is send some meter readings and they will adjust it
  18. it was on the screen when I was down the gym so I didn't have any volume but the slide BBC news showed broke down a £100 energy bill EDF / whoever ..make £4 profit on that £100 it's hardly evidence of ripping people off on initial viewing .... I suspect Ed thought what populist movement can I jump on next , I've done Murdoch , I've done tax avoidance .. and then overheard people talking down the pub and a light bulb appeared over his head , all be it one that had no power due to black outs caused by Ed's plan That appears about the right ball park according to http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-24238708 its just under 5%, about the same as vat. The biggest saving would be to drop the green tax at 11% According to that report we are amongst the lowest in Europe
  19. where did you find out it was a standard joke, I cant find any reference. I'm reading lots of History and keen to find out stuff like this.
  20. Put up an out of office reply with something like I will be out of office until (insert date) your message has already been deleted can you re send on (insert date) if it is important, thanks
  21. the bigger problem for me was when Benteke went down and stayed down, why wasn't Libor told to warm up
  22. Notts County fans love our Jack taken from their match thread re: Team & Match Thread: Grealish (?)... Best player ive seen in a Notts shirt in years re: Team & Match Thread: Boucard MOTM? ... never... Grealish by a country mile! Zero coincidence that we started well Tuesday night, played well and won today.
  23. however this got brought up I don't know or care. But the point about global population is massive and needs to be discussed.
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