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Everything posted by colhint

  1. I reckon Simon Cowell has taken over England U19 football. a few years ago it was Jack Rodwell, pay him a load of money release a Christmas Album, the sit on the Bench at a CL team, never to be heard of agian Ashley Williams pay him a load of money release a Christmas Album, the sit on the Bench at a CL team, never to be heard of again This years new Sensation Ollie Berkely, playing for Everton is just the Xfactor series, until he wins it. Then pay him a load of money release a Christmas Album, the sit on the Bench at a CL team, never to be heard of again
  2. Seems Tom Watson, so roundly applauded on here for the Murdoch enquiry, agrees there should be an EU referendum http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/oct/06/david-cameron-eu-referendum-election
  3. An impartial right winger? Hmm... oh, the irony
  4. what we need is the Libdems to do well at the election forcing a tory labour coalition. Imagine no back biting, No you should have done this. They would both just have to get on with it
  5. I'm just wondering why you would think timing is the issue. If this runs, and you think its trying to discredit Labour. Wouldn't it have been better to publish it 3 months before the General Election.
  6. drat you need to watch spooks
  7. I know people go on about teachers hols and stuff, but MP's take the biscuit don't they. Its October and they are not back at sodding work. They should have all the conferences the same week. They could have been back a month ago. I still reckon they should shoot every fifth one.
  8. I think this is the crux of the matter, most people don't give a toss about politics. I think the majority will not be swayed either way. The Mail has almost twice the readership of the mirror, but that doesn't show in Voting at Elections. You could argue many Labour voters buy the mail. I think people buy papers for the other stuff, crosswords, sport etc. So the mail will print what it likes if it thinks it will sell papers. And politicians will use the papers as much as they are abused by them
  9. I don't think Fernandinho holds his position though. Might just be a learning curve in this league
  10. Last season he was excellent. This season he's been below par! Last season he had Barry playing in front of him and was excellent. This season he doesn't and looks poor might be something in that
  11. To be honest I think they just hide behind the phrase Scientists say
  12. So if they are trying to drive a wedge between Cameron and the Mail, you don't think Campbell might be behind this do you
  13. So who's your problem with then. It seems like its Cameron, I think. Yet the Elder statesmen of the Labour party think he has supported Ed
  14. or they are just staying out of it, because its between the Mail and Ed. Given that Prescott and Campbell both said Cameron did the right thing. You appear to be looking for something that isn't there.
  15. I think you may have missed the earlier debate about the Mail. Tony did not defend them. In fact he said they came out poorly. Someone then said that Cameron should have said something. At which point Tony pointed out that Cameron said on R4 that Ed had every right to be angry. Later on someone posted that Prescott had said Cameron was right in what he said. After that someone kept saying he should have said more. Whether he should or not, who knows. Tony then put up the SW image as an example . Not to defend the mail but to make the comparison and to say should Ed have said something about that. But at no time did he Defend the mail
  16. I did read it and he did comment on it. He defended ED on the radio. It is the 5th Story on the BBC.
  17. didn't Tony post just above that Cameron did comment on it?. And is it really a leading story?
  18. Well we are 6 weeks into the Season and I haven't heard Dave Whelan's opinion on anything
  19. well I agree with Blandy Pete. Far too many generalisations about people. Not all Labour supporters are Trots Not Tories are Millionaire tax avoiders. Not all Nurses are good Not all Bankers are bad. Not all Villa fans are good. I often read on here things Like I hate all Liverpool supporters they are all clearings in the woods. Does that include the teachers, as well as any in Prison. Does it include all colours and creeds. I mean if you said every immigrant who supports Liverpool is a clearing in the woods you would be rightly classed as a racist. People are just people, good and bad in every area. (not suggesting you were implying anyones bad) just using this as an example
  20. To be fair to Tony its about all he has got. You can't defend the indefensible. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it indefensible, unless of course you think yours is the only opinion that counts
  21. well I haven't read too much about it, but Peter seems to know more about it than me, that's why I asked
  22. OK why do you think they were denied access?
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