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Posts posted by KAZZAM

  1. 6 minutes ago, WHY said:

    Archer wasn’t great but Boro in general were shite over the 2 games. Created next to nothing in either game.

    Yep they choked.

    Hopefully Archer gets a fair crack in preseason tho. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, duke313 said:

    Who is favourite now that Naglesmann turned them down? They’re going to end up spending their summer sorting a manager out, who’ll then have hardly any time to sort the team out before the league starts.

    Prolly that Portuguese guy who we was heavily linked with.


  3. Think it'll be a similar line up as the Newcastle game. 

    We will outnumber them in CM 

    Kamara in for one of the attackers to give us 4 in midfield. 

    Bailey to play off Ollie for extra pace on the counter or it could be Buendia like vs Newcastle. 

  4. Saints down... Would you take any of there players? 

    Bazunu as our 2nd keeper? Possibly Tino Liveramento as a RB option? Alcaraz as a squad filler? 

    Tbh they've got some not bad squad options for us and especially if we have extra European games. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Keyblade said:

    Seeing these mockups makes me lament our choice of badge even more.

    Yep fans really don't know what's best sometimes. Literally everyone of them concepts look like Chelsea kits mainly because of the badge... 



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