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Posts posted by KAZZAM

  1. No doubt 'Hendo' will make a public apology in a few years and say it was a mistake. 

    Because celeb culture thinks making a twitter apology wipes the slate and all is forgotten. 100% his agent has run this past him already. 

  2. Forest must be very close to FFP limit, Brennan Johnson must be cashed in on I'd imagine. 

    Spurs seemingly negotiating for CB for the rest of the window no doubt seeing who will let them loan to pay next year which is the Spurs way(Porro, Kula, Romero). 

    Don't like West Ham lining Chelsea's pockets for Connor Gallagher would prefer them to spend there money elsewhere. 


  3. 16 minutes ago, AndyM3000 said:

    Chelsea only really got going once Brighton were down to 10 men, they didn't look great before that. Will take a while for Poch to sort these out.

    Agree with this also Jao Pedro looked good for Brighton might have a big season. 

  4. 52 mill vs 35 mill, Romano vs Ornstein 

    Not sure who to believe. 

    You got the real fee, the guessed fee and possibly the leaked fee which might not be real. 

    Like I'm convinced Levy leaked Maddison was £40 mill to the media when it probably was 40+10 so 50 in reality. 

  5. Pretty disappointed Tim didn't go to America. I thought he might stay with the squad this year along with Archer and Aaron Ramsey and as a trio play most the cup games and conference league. 

    And Maybe get 20 games under his belt here, alas Unai has decided differently. 

  6. 1 minute ago, HanoiVillan said:

    Maybe, or it might just be that the Saudis are the new English, rocking up in leagues buying average or declining players for big bucks because everyone can see them coming. I mean, if this is about future favours, what favours are you imagining? And why Liverpool, specifically? I'm not seeing any Saudi clubs coming in with megabucks bids for Harry Maguire and Phil Jones. 

    It's been discussed multiple times they might push for champions league spots, world cup or they might even be looking at reigniting the whole super league idea but with there 4 teams aswell. 

    The night is still young with other teams and shadow games like these can't be so blatent. 

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