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Posts posted by KAZZAM

  1. 14-13 ireland win it was quite an even affair but england playing with a man less for 20 minutes cost us the game,i cant help but think the refs when england play are far to critical on our players for any foul i seen the irish hands holding on/hands in the ruck plenty and never was it a penalty,but when england do it its like sin bin straight out.

    england are getting better anyway and lost due to sin bins on this occasion NOTE ireland scored when we had a player binned and england scored with a player binned.

    hopefully against france we wont have any sin bins(miracle)

  2. well its funny all the media outlets are agreeing with me in the ref cost us,he penilised england to hard and didnt punish wales you do realise that wales infriged just as much as england right?its only right at the start england did it to much but wales soon caught up.joke ref performance.

    who cares about shane williams we havent had johnny for a year.

    anyway roll on next game looks like england and ireland might be match of the tourney.

  3. Did anyone see Defiance with Daniel Craig? Anygood?

    Worth a watch, but you'll forget everything that happened in it a few weeks from now.


    What do you mean?

    defiance was a bit to slow for me,think it flopped a bit

  4. wales didn't offer much and they were at home vs apparently a shit england team,who were still a lot better than wales

    what was the score fella ;)

    we beat you, we could have stepped it up even further. you lot killed the ball at every break down then complain about yellows? give me a break!!!

    pipe dreams,england crushed you just when you thought wales had finally overtaken the english as the greatest northern hemisphere side england start to bring it back and its apparent wales arnt that great.

    england were better and that shocked a lot of people and if the ref hadn't had a disaster game england woulda won,wales discipline was just as bad as englands and yet the ref never gave no yellows to the wales and never gave us barely any penaltys,ryan jones should be binned he did exactly the same as goode and whoever took out armitage in mid air shoulda been binned to

    you got lucky thats all no room to gloat but when your english people seem to find this magic luck against us.

  5. england go down 23-15 to wales

    shocking refeering cost us the game-2 sin bins for us none for them,soft penaltys made up wales point tally +1 try.We(england) scored 2 trys 1 drop goal and 1 conversion

    wales didnt offer much and they were at home vs apperently a shit england team,who were still alot better than wales

    bad bad bad refeering,one thing we can take out from this is that we can play well and win with moderate refeering in the future.

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