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Everything posted by 3_Penny_Opera

  1. 9-12 I am optimistic If we draw Leeds, I think we will have a comfortable 9th thru 12th finish
  2. thank you guys so much, here is my cocktail menu w/ our story of how New Orleans brought halloween to America Actually I dont mnow how to do attachments but thank you!!
  3. thank you guys so much, here is my cocktail menu w/ our story of how New Orleans brought halloween to America
  4. Embarrassed w/ the coming out of bigots, trump is shit and only the morally bankrupt vote republican this year
  5. Ha ha, yeah my friend I did miss the commentary and comaradrie as well. Been strange schedule past decade and hard to follow, but last season and this one I've been figuring it out. Hope you guys are all well over there!
  6. Oui, apple bobbing is definitely a thing.
  7. Hey mates, I have to write a short story on a trip to UK during October and was wondering if there were any standard English/Scottish lore on All Hallow's Eve that we don't know about over here in the states? Is there a particular one or several that I should look for? Any help is appreciated, Thank you.
  8. So disappointed. We can't win or draw when up a man at arsenal I seriously doubt we will stay up. What a joke. Prevent? We played prevent when up a man? So sad
  9. Loving the black grace the royal chump is marrying into. Shit looks good to me... .....good on'ya 'Arry.
  10. A friend if mine wrote an insightful book for us to read before this upcoming World Cup. https://www.amazon.com/World-Cup-Fever-Controversy-Excitement/dp/1510718087/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1526239889&sr=8-1&keywords=world+cup+fever
  11. Hey guys, it's been a while. I just wanted to say as an American, and in regards to your lot leaving the EU, that I'm beginning to understand where we got our stupid from. I miss you guys, and looking forward to logging in during our trek back to top flight. Cheers, 3PO
  12. Found it, sorry for that mates. COME ON VILLA! Keep it up, Delph!
  13. Yes, they're doing well with the collateral damage bit. What it really is...is that the world now has these nobodys (store-bought worthless shells of men who never were) who have now found a way to make something of themselves. Terrorism. I envision them thinking, "... I'm part of an obscure and "misunderstood" religion/class/people who have been "persecuted" and here's my way to help fight back...to prove I am somebody...to do what is right (militantly speaking, mind). " And here we are. The actual thought that this is ok, takes the cake. Militancy of every religion and belief is a shame, or it used to be. Now? It's terrifying. What sucks for all of us now (Boston/London all in one month) is pathetic souls who haven't a clue what else to do in the world are taking the easy way out and killing people who are clueless and defenseless (not to mention NOT the ones committing the "collateral damage" abroad, but that's just details). Le sigh.
  14. I agree with your lot...not sure if he's there on business or not. I, personally , would never go all the way to Birmingham and NOT get a Villa Park Fixture in. Agreed. Anyway, thanks for the responses!
  15. Friends, I have a mate traveling to Birmingham who wants to watch the match tomorrow in a proper Villa pub. Have any ideas? Many thanks.
  16. Your lot read David Mitchell? I looked in previous pages in this thread not to beat on about something in the past, but, I think if I were born and rasied in the UK (especially born in the 70's) I'd love "Black Swan Green" even more than I loved it (wasn't born and raised in UK). Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet was good, too. Now that I've read 2 books I liked from Mitchell, I'm about to pick up "Cloud Atlas."
  17. What's up mates...I've been mia the past couple years but still following the Villa. Last year brought me down after getting the blue nose's manager and I wrote off the season pretty much. At the moment it's just rainy and windy, I imagine I'll lose power soon so I thought I'd send this shout out. You guys were so supportive of me after Katrina. You even bought me a villa shirt and sent it to me mums:) Anyway, it's just a category 1 so it shouldn't be too bad, but I guess we'll see. It is a direct hit, so here's hoping! I live on Jackson and St Charles avenue if you feel like looking it up. 1721 Jackson Avenue. I bartend at Arnaud's French 75 Bar and we're closed tonight and tomorrow night. Glad you guys are still keeping an eye out. Tonyh29, haven't we messaged before? Stop by my bar next time. Up the Villa, mates! 3po
  18. Friedel is done. Dunne and Carew are jokes that should never start again.
  19. Best thing Carew did all season... Are you saying Arse had a handball in the box in first half? I just got up...
  20. I'm only happy with Houllier if he brings in some French players. Sorry, but if we keep going English we'll keep running out of ideas like we have been. Can we please bring in some quality that has attractive flair, too? I'm still annoyed with what a waste of time Hadji spent with us. All my mates here in the states are laughing at me...because I used to laugh at their Scouse-asses back when Houllier was fouling up at Annsfield. I loved looking at his big eyed frog face just staring at the pitch...and now I have to see him do it whilst gaffing Villa. Ah well, Ribery would do nicely please.
  21. All is well down here. Insane, actually. Here's a funny story about my city, and I think it'll make Bernie smile, too (it's relative to what he considers mardi gras). I work at a very nice, old, french creole restaurant. I wear a tuxedo to work and my bar is one of the prettiest rooms in town. But, we're still in the French Quarter and bordered by Bourbon Street, mind, so things can't always stay classy. Moving on...two weeks ago when I walk my last guests out the door to then lock behind them so I can close I have to say I should(should) be appauled at what immediately took place following our sayings of goodbye's...as a girl in her early 20's walks right in front of us and vomits. The guests look at her and keep walking, then I look at her and close the door as if it's normal...because it is. That's what makes it so weird, it's un-daunting, it's New Orleans. And I love it. Your vomit fest rib was comical. But, Bernie, mistake by the lake was supposed to be a communal funny thing...as in I thought you'd appreciate my even knowing of that phrase...not being from Ohio and all. No biggie. Regarding the Mardi Gras...funny you should bring it up. It's been Carnival since January 6th and I'm still not ready for the final day. Sunday night was bigger than Fat Tuesday this year, anyway. Still, there's a lot to prepare for. Peep this article, my friends. It shows you exactly what 3PO does on the Mardi Gras. http://tinyurl.com/yeuuufy
  22. Pretty funny bloke, BOF. Also, for carnival music you guys should listen to wwoz.org online. They have a live feed from their radio station and they're playing some good stuff lately.
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