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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Stephen Ireland without a shadow of doubt.
  2. Right, we had a new laptop the other week so ive bit the bullet and brought this. Any tips please guys? I fancy have a bash with Arsenal.
  3. We do. About 7 years ago we bought a small house as an investment property, 'did it up', and sold it at a modest profit. Then we bought another one, intending to do the same thing - but the housing market became depressed and we couldn't shift it. At the same time the missus lost her job, and I ended up paying two mortgages (as well as all other expenses) - we quickly started running into debt. In the end we put it out to rent via a letting agency - they found a tenant pretty quickly. The rent just covered the mortgage payments, but over the next couple of years the mortgage rate went down somewhat and we it started to turn a slight profit. We're now on our third tenant, and it seems to work out quite well. We will have to sell it eventually, as it's on a buy-to-let (interest only) mortgage, but we are hoping that the housing market will have picked up by then. See thats the thing Mike, im really pissed off at lowering it £20k anyhow. Would it be a good idea to do similar to you and your wife then? ie. put it on an intrest only mortgage and rent it until the housing market picks up then get shot of it a price we would be more comfortable selling at? Well I don't know what the market is like round your way, but it works for us at the moment. You can make more profit if you advertise and maintain it yourself, but we've found it worth paying the fee to the letting agency to save us a lot of hassle with maintenance etc. They are a good buffer between us and the tenants, who we never have to deal with directly. We usually go round and give the place a quick redecoration between tenants, but other than that we just leave things alone. Thanks for the advice Mike. I added a little bit to my previous reply... Any ideas?
  4. Ive been told that the council will rent your place off you no questions asked and they pay the rent so there is no worry of renter not coming up with the money every month. Maybe that would suit you just for 12 months? However, you may not get market rent value and may have to stump up a little cash to supplement the rent payments to pay the mortgage.
  5. We do. About 7 years ago we bought a small house as an investment property, 'did it up', and sold it at a modest profit. Then we bought another one, intending to do the same thing - but the housing market became depressed and we couldn't shift it. At the same time the missus lost her job, and I ended up paying two mortgages (as well as all other expenses) - we quickly started running into debt. In the end we put it out to rent via a letting agency - they found a tenant pretty quickly. The rent just covered the mortgage payments, but over the next couple of years the mortgage rate went down somewhat and we it started to turn a slight profit. We're now on our third tenant, and it seems to work out quite well. We will have to sell it eventually, as it's on a buy-to-let (interest only) mortgage, but we are hoping that the housing market will have picked up by then. See thats the thing Mike, im really pissed off at lowering it £20k anyhow. Would it be a good idea to do similar to you and your wife then? ie. put it on an intrest only mortgage and rent it until the housing market picks up then get shot of it a price we would be more comfortable selling at? The other problem Mike is that our deposit for a new place is tied up in equity in our current house.
  6. I don't, but I thought about moving back home and renting my place out for a while, but opted against it. Make sure you factor in the tax you'll have to pay on the rent you receive. Once you've done that, you may find it's not as lucrative an option as you first thought. Not trying to cash in mate, just want to get enough to cover the mortgage. The story is basically er'indoors wants another sprog and we need a bigger pad, we want a bigger place anyway but it just so happens she wants another. I wouldnt be to arsed about topping up the rent payments by say £100 a month to meet the mortgage repayment, im just worried about not being able to rent the place and being stuck with say £1600 to find every month!?
  7. Does anyone on here rent out a property? Our house has been on the market for some 18 months, and having dropped it some £20k we are still no closer to selling the bloody thing. Toying with renting it out. Ive been told you can rent it out to the council. My main worry is not being able to rent it and being stuck paying 2 mortgages.
  8. Also, I'd change that before someone spots it Cant be arsed! Havnt read it but i have had it mentioned to me by someones else. Worth a read mate?
  9. R Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly. God it makes me feel young...
  10. Im after a new book. I love my autobiography's and ive been told to have a look at Paul Lake's 'I'm Not Really Here'. Dont really know that much about him apart from that he was supposedly a phenomenal talent who suffered 3 cruciate ligament injuries and was forced to retire at the age of just 27. Would of apparently been one of the best footballers to be produced by the country. Anyone know anymore about him or just how good he was/could have been?
  11. I agreee but its easier said than done. Sometimes bitch just needs to be told y'all!
  12. Can I just ask, what is it exactly that makes you like him? I can understand people not disliking him, but why is he specifically liked? You say he's got balls, but how? He's being paid millions. It's not just that though. It's the way he's dragged our name through the mud and, lied and refused to accept any blame. I like his hair and the fact that he hasnt raped my sister.
  13. It used to be. It's bullshit show business now. I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks. I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much. Definitely. That was kind of what I was getting at. Back in the day football used to be integrated into the local experience - you went to the games, had a few beers with your mates, it didn't cost you an arm and a leg, and you had some sense of local identity with the blokes in the team. Under those conditions I could understand a passionate identification with the club. But now? Why would anybody in their right mind commit so much money, let alone time and emotional energy on the corporate obscenities (full of obscenely rich primadonnas) that pass for football clubs these days? It might still say Aston Villa over the gates, but it's not really the Aston Villa that I grew up with. I still care about the results - but I try to keep it in perspective. There's more to life. You'll hate me for doing this, but: Amen to that, Brother! Sums my view up in one go Mike. Football is just not enjoyable for me anymore, i used to play at a good level but i dont even have any interest in stringing up my boots for a kick around with my mates on a Sunday morning. I barely have interest in watching Match Of The Day, if the Villa are on telly i will try and watch it, but if i miss the game i couldnt really give a shit as im probably doing something more important. Does this mean i have fell out of love with football? Im as happy now as ive ever been so if i have then so what! Like you say Mike, more to life than football.
  14. I have watched Villa this season and i agree its shite. But i can't say that i feel personally offended by the whole situation. Im not happy about it but it certainly doesnt drive me to hate the bloke, like i say he has done nothing wrong in my eyes, he's trying to manage the team to the best of his ability which simply isnt good enough. I personally blaim Lerner for the situation we currently find ourselves in. You actually feel hatred towards Alex McLeish? No offence but i find that a little pathetic. He was offered the chance to manage our club, therefore as i said above, i blaim Lerner for it. Each to their own, i mean who am i to tell you how to feel towards someone? I just cant see how you can hate someone for trying to do their best. Maybe i just dont eat, sleep and live Aston Villa like some of you do. Maybe im not as much of a fan/supporter as some of you. I dont know. I think the last 3 words of your post is more accurate. You do realise that you are on a football forum dont you? Doing his best? He is rubbish! if thats his best we should all lay off him and let him do his job to the BEST of his ability. No matter how much we flirt with relegation and boring the fans to death we should just sit back and hold back our emotions! Get real! Shit!?!? This is a football forum!?!? Yes, i know he's rubbish, but do you really think he's not doing his best? Of course he's trying his best, and as ive said before, his best is simply not good enough. No offence chap, but you cannot sit there and honestly tell me you dont think he is trying to do well!? Im not saying hold back your emotions, my issue is with people saying they 'hate' the man. Ive got no issue with people voicing their opinions but when when people start slinging it around that they feel hatred towards McLeish then im sorry, you need to step back and remember this is a game...to listen to some of you you would think the bloke raped your sister!!! Get real??? I think by admitting that football isnt the be-all-and-end-all i am living in the real world. In a contradicting way I agree with you, hate is a strong word and it is only football but this is what happens in football, its what creates an atmosphere, its what is missing on the pitch at the moment and that is passion. I dont lose sleep over this, in fact I have said many times that I want us to go down as I think its what the club may need to do plus we are going nowhere next season and I for one would rather be playing where we belong at present rather than make up the numbers and have to go through this again next season. People are angry Wiggy and its great to have a forum to vent it out on but I really cant see any argument for defending AM. I think protests should be kept off the pitch, voice your opinion yes but going on the pitch gets bad press. Mate, im not defending him as a manager. I know it may come accross that way, but i agree with you all. He's useless, shit, tactically inept, the worst manager ive seen at the club, shit, an awful appointment, did i mention he was shit? Im defending him for his effort and saying that regardless of what some believe, he is trying to be a successful manager at Aston Villa FC. He will never succeed as long as he has a hole in his arse but there is no way you can stand there and deny his effort. I dont want him here as much as the next man, but lets not start hating the bloke for accepting the challenge and trying to do well. I reiterate that his best is and never will be good enough, and the blaim stays at the feet of Lerner in my eyes for appointing him in the first place. I still dont see what he has done wrong? He was an awful appointment and was never going to succeed, therefore, again, Randy Lerner has to shoulder the blaim. Hate him i do not, dislike him i do not, like him as a man i do, applaude him for having the balls to accept the challenge i do. I still cant get my head around how people can hate a person for giving it their all and their all not being good enough.
  15. Argue or have a vagina? Although I can tuck it between my legs to get a man-gina!
  16. Im just joking mate. I think an arguement to clear the air in a relationship is healthy. Each relationship is different and some people never argue. Me and er'indoors dont argue that much, but every now and again we get on each others tits and end up having a barny but its usually forgotten by the morning. 9 times out of 10 its over something really pathetic. I always say to her, i wouldnt mind the arguement but its over complete bullshit.
  17. I cause arguements just for the make-up sex!
  18. It used to be. It's bullshit show business now. I agree Mike, but i mean more about how serious some people take it. Life and death and all that bollocks. I would be honestly worried if a game consumed my life that much.
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