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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Haha definite compliment Dammit...if only i could play pool!!!
  2. Was there any need for that. Yeah...pussy *beats chest, slaps missus and takes a swig from his can of Tennants Super*
  3. How very civilised Shillziniho! TBF, ive said to the missus that once the weather picks up i want to go to Stratford for the day...love it there!
  4. That's a bit of a... precise start time, isn't it? Very, and it must be adhered to. Miss your tee time and you incur a 2 shot penelty. Dont turn up at all and your banned from entering all competitions for 1 month. Something like 7 or 8 minutes between each tee time. Serious shit this golf lark Mike! :nod:
  5. If i payed the postage and packaging would you knock me up a Chicken Tikka Madras please Bri?* You seem somewhat of a curry making God in the shape of an Irish bloke with a goatee beard who supports Villa. *are you even allowed to post food?
  6. Is Cov a decent night out Stevo?
  7. Quick pint with the lads on the way back from work then a curry with the missus followed by some action (so ive been promised). Saturday, golf competition, tee off at 8:56am. Back home for a nice night in with the little dude as the missus is off out with friends and family for a sort of 2nd hen-do. So pizza and couple of cans of beer once the dude has gone to bed, maybe a bit of XBox too. Sunday, my best mates sons Christening. Then back to his place for some drinks and snacks. Monday, golf in the morning then chill with the missus and little dude.
  8. 31 goals scored and only 1 conceeded in 8 games!?!?! WTF Craig!!! You de man!!! :shock:
  9. CANT **** WAIT FOR THIS!!! After reading the book byPhilip Carlo, i am looking forward to this so much. Richard "The Ice Man" Kuklinski was one evil bastard! Also Michael Shannon is amazing!
  10. No wonder alot of pro's have no time for the public with some of the views floating round here. You get paid millions, therefore you must not.........
  11. If there were clear conditions in my contract about drinking and general behaviour during the playing season, yes, I would expect disciplinary action. The fact that they all appear to have lawyers or advisers on hand ready to concoct a public apology at the drop of a hat suggests they do, too. But it was their end of season piss up! :? The club has allowed them to go out and let their hair down. Also, we dont have press and every **** with a mobile phone watching us while we do what normal people do.
  12. If they drink so much that they end up in nightclub fights, then yes, I'd say they DO have a drink problem. One night of having too much to drink and having a row with someone constitutes them having a drink problem? :? Yes, I think it does. You can have drink problems without being an alcoholic. The general usage of the term 'social drinking' seems to have changed - many young people nowadays seem to consider that it includes getting wasted and behaving like an arsehole. I'd say that anyone who thinks that needs to take a long hard look at themselves. Anyone who thinks that AND is supposedly a professional sportsman needs to look twice as hard. And no, I am not teetotal. I know that! I agree that going and getting so pissed that you want to start scrapping is not good at all, but we dont know the reason behind it. They wernt social drinking tho Mike, they were out on the piss for the end of season do.
  13. Took a real nose dive in form. I was flying with Arsenal, but now, same tactics and players, ive suddenly gone really shite. Still winning but scraping by in games!
  14. If they drink so much that they end up in nightclub fights, then yes, I'd say they DO have a drink problem. One night of having too much to drink and having a row with someone constitutes them having a drink problem? :? The first stage is to admit you have a problem, wiggy!!! :winkold: Never!!!
  15. If they drink so much that they end up in nightclub fights, then yes, I'd say they DO have a drink problem. One night of having too much to drink and having a row with someone constitutes them having a drink problem? :?
  16. Players with this sort of attitude Ash? What attitude? :? It was their end of season do, more than 48 hours till their next match. I really am struggling to see what the problem is with them having a drink? Yes, i agree that the kicking off bit was not good, but we dont know what has gone on inside the club. I don't have an issue with players drinking, I applaud the likes of Milner that don't but I'm realistic enough to accept that others will choose to drink and fair enough that is their choice. What I don't accept is players being out getting pissed and fighting or as it appears in that video damaging public or private property. I don't want players who appear to be more bothered about having a beer than playing the game which they are paid to play and that for me is particularly true of Collins who always seems to be in the thick of any incidents. Our Premier League future is still undecided and we've players behaving like this. I don't expect everyone to have the same view as me and I'm not saying that my view is correct simply offering my personal stance. Personally I would like to see professional players at the club with professional attitudes to the game. I like players like Milner and Petrov, the likes of Collins I personally would rather see on the pitch and in the papers representing someone else. Thats fair enough mate, but i think its wrong to assume that thay're more bothered about having a beer than playing the game. Well we don't know either way but when you see incidents like this when we are fighting for our PL survival its hard not to reach that conclusion. Come on Ash, it was their end of season do and no where near their/our next match.
  17. Ha, not at all. I just think it's unprofessional to drink during the season, that's my opinion. They've plenty of time to drink when they retire as millionnaires in their mid-30s! But if this is the kind of behaviour that happens, then I don't want them at my club, it puts us in a very bad light. Im sure this sort of thing goes on all the time at other clubs, not just at Villa. I agree mate that once they retire they can squander their millions as they please, but it was their end of season do. FWIW i agree that Collins does seem to drink alot mare then the rest from stories ive heard. Let me ask, if you was out with your mates on a Friday night and got pissed and ended having a bit of handbags, would you expect disciplinery actions when you got to work on Monday morning?
  18. Players with this sort of attitude Ash? What attitude? :? It was their end of season do, more than 48 hours till their next match. I really am struggling to see what the problem is with them having a drink? Yes, i agree that the kicking off bit was not good, but we dont know what has gone on inside the club. I don't have an issue with players drinking, I applaud the likes of Milner that don't but I'm realistic enough to accept that others will choose to drink and fair enough that is their choice. What I don't accept is players being out getting pissed and fighting or as it appears in that video damaging public or private property. I don't want players who appear to be more bothered about having a beer than playing the game which they are paid to play and that for me is particularly true of Collins who always seems to be in the thick of any incidents. Our Premier League future is still undecided and we've players behaving like this. I don't expect everyone to have the same view as me and I'm not saying that my view is correct simply offering my personal stance. Personally I would like to see professional players at the club with professional attitudes to the game. I like players like Milner and Petrov, the likes of Collins I personally would rather see on the pitch and in the papers representing someone else. Thats fair enough mate, but i think its wrong to assume that thay're more bothered about having a beer than playing the game.
  19. I agree with you. I don't understand the obsession with alcohol the World seems to have, but especially when you're a professional football during the season. If it was June/July I wouldn't care as much but I still wouldn't like it. It's not that difficult to go without drinking. As for Delph's "apology", pathetic. You make them sound like alcoholics!!! One night on the piss and they all of a sudden have a drink problem!!! Maybe they like a drink, its not against the law and its not breaking their contract and not the night before a match.
  20. Ha, my first shutting laptop. I genuinely believe this though, I don't understand the dependence and need to be drinking that people have? It will f@ck your body up, especially at the rate Collins seems to knock it back. Probably why the guy looks about 50 when he's actually in his 20's. Give it up and you could add another five years to your career. I honestly believe that. whilst you are right to a degree, i think it depends on what type of player you are. socrates and cruyff used to smoke 40 cigs a day throughout their careers. it's true the game is quicker now but cruyff would have been a fuckign genius in any age. if you're a pro that has to work very hard to get the most out of your talent in order to be at a compettive level then yeah, you are prob best not drinking or smoking if you want a long career at a decent level. if your game does not rely on pace and physicality (the type of players pretty much out of fashion at the mo, but think messi, silva, nasri, zola etc. etc.) then i don't see why you have to be anything but in shape enough to get through 90 minutes in a way that when the clock says 89 you are capable of doing your stuff. i'm not advocating that our players should be out getting spannered on a daily basis but it's not as black and white as you make out for me. a player like gabby will need ot be treating his body like a temple and not just not be drinkgin and smoking but be employing a top dietition to make sure that he's eating in a way that complements his training etc. if he wants to stay lightning fast past 28 years old. on the other hand, someone like merson could probably have played with a fag on and still been better than most There was also this bloke, decent player, he actually played for us and had an ok career. Think his name was Paul something? Paul McGraph was it? :winkold:
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