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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Thats a link fail right there Paul Martin how do you get picture up here then ? Go onto the main forum, then onto testing, it tells you all you need to know in there mate. thanks mate Anytime!
  2. Thats a link fail right there Paul Martin how do you get picture up here then ? Go onto the main forum, then onto testing, it tells you all you need to know in there mate.
  3. Chill Winston... As long as they pay the money that the club (Aston Villa) see fit, i dont give a flying **** who we sell, they can have the cleaner and car park attendant if they pay the money!
  4. There is a player called Gareth Barry, and when he left people said the same, yet everyone lived happily ever after :winkold:
  5. Haha, made i chuckle, which is a bad thing as I'm supposed to be working and my cover has now been blown. I wonder how many people are running round like the little men on your avatar after the recent news?
  7. Im wondering how long till someone starts the ''will you boo James Milner?' thread! *rolly eyes*
  8. Dont be silly, whats better? a) Telling everyone we are on a sell to buy basis, and dont have shit loads of cash? or We have plenty of money in the transfer pot and intend on spending the lot?
  9. Arsenal, Man Utd, Spurs, Chelsea...feck me, even the Noses have spunked shit loads! :x
  10. Amen to that brother! Never a truer word spoken
  11. Grow the **** up! very much this as this as this could possibly get Does my head in people acting like kids saying they ''hope he breaks a leg'' blah balh blah, Just grow up its only a game! Didnt you know its not ''this'' any more, its: Amen to that brother 8)
  12. Agreed Jez, £30m is paper talk, it will be closer to £25m when complete.
  13. Are you running round your living room like the little men in your avatar Shillzz?
  14. I would just like to ask all the people being negative..why? Did you really think his head hadnt been turned the minute the 1st offer came in? The fact that he has never once came out and denied it? I say thank James Milner, thank you for your service and thank you for the £25-30m we are about to recieve! Lets all just face fact...Villa are better with £25-30m in the arse pocket to rebuild a team, than keeping hold of James Milner for another season and against his will to be here.
  15. Look what i found 5 minutes of gameplay footage
  16. He doesnt play regularly at Milan, not even remotely close to the French national team. Im pretty sure none of the big 4 clubs would be interested. Why not?
  17. That is very impressive to be fair Rev!
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