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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. that is a massive bundunne. three times I think. I think only richard dunnes face on the hulk would suffice for such a failure. :oops:
  2. The McCann's are very upset at the moment... The Stig was their last hope!
  3. put marmite on your arsehole? Pick it up and suck its cock!
  4. what an arrogant bent piece of shit! In a perfect world Seedorf jaws the word removed! EDIT: Its not Seedorf...but the comment stands, just replace Seedorf's name.
  5. All the doom mongering makes me piss! How the hell do some of you make it through the day?!?! Cheer the **** up!!!
  6. There...he said it, now stop with the negativity and doom mongering!
  7. Take not kids...stop getting your knickers knotted!
  8. So where do you go to equip the throwing knife and the tactical knife?
  9. 15 hours in charge and already this board is in turmoil! The 7th-12th comment is obviously to take away the added pressure. And if everyone hadnt noticed, the media have labelled us over achievers for the last 3 seasons!
  10. Barcelona...a tad expensive tho. Bulgaria is meant to be awsome.
  11. What do you mean? Ive never even used the tactical knife, where do you find it?
  12. Great appointment, as many have said, i agree that he was the best available. They said on the radio on the way into work this morning that in his final season at Liverpool, the team scored something like 125 goals. I just hope Kevin MacDonald is given a decent role in the running of things, maybe 1st team coach. MYSTERYMAN, any news on this?
  14. I believe ham and cheese is his role of choice. But eh, no, we don't really. It could be anything. We don't know fo' sho'. Cuz people are sick f*ckers. So no fecker has got a scooby do whats going on then?! Cheers Bri
  15. Morning all, ive gathered the Houllier appointment is going to happen this afternoon. Do we know what role MacDonald will be given and is Houllier bringing anyone with him? Why is Staunton being mentioned?
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