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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Good news. Not so good here. Our cat Ella went missing last night, and I found her dead on the road this morning. This will doubtless please the cat haters on here, but I'm upset. Her brother Louie clearly knows something bad has happened, I've never seen him look so sad. That is shit mate. We have 2 cats (Reggie & Ronnie) and as much as they piss me off at times, i would be gutted if anything happened to one of them.
  2. And so the addiction starts.
  3. What stakes you playing? What site?
  4. My 9 week old son sleeping through the night!
  5. The fact that we are pissing the Ryder Cup!
  6. Inbetween the tool place and the corner shop. What a legend.
  7. Is that off my mate Neil??? Who is your mate Neil???
  8. Just had the phone call ive been waiting for. ''alright Wig...im getting my delivery of Black Ops in on the Saturday (6/11/10) so i will drop it off once i shut the shop (1pm), it was the hardened version you wanted wasnt it?'' Its not what you know boys... 8)
  9. so are they going to be modern weapons etc. or old nazi ones like WaW?
  10. So WTF is the difference between all the packs you can buy? I understand there is a normal game, hardened and prestige edition?
  11. There really really doesnt seem to be the buzz about this game as there was with MW2! Is this a sign of what to expect? Any news on Zombies? Confirmed?
  12. What are jockeys Mike? If they look like hotpants then they are the same thing!
  13. So what your saying is that you wear hotpants Bicks? Suit you sir!
  14. Whats 4chan? Don't go there. Why? What is it? Im intrigued now...
  15. Doesn't your GF post on here? or am I getting you mixed up with someone!? She does post on here yes - Jellybean. Hey lads, looks like Jellybean's back on the market. Very sensitive Mike!
  16. Whats gone on? Injured? Falling out? Not good enough?
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