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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. It must be awful to have to do that, especially for a second time. I once worked with a lady who had 2 quite late miscarriages which were both boys, she then had 2 successful pregnancies both girls then another miscarriage which was a boy again. Could the sex of the baby have an impact on how it gets carried? That is really weird, im thinking just coincidence but still terrible regardless. You wouldnt wish it on your worst enemy, i feel so sorry for her. I agree, it would be strange if true but maybe just coincidence. How is Wiggy Jnr doing BTW mate? Yeah he's ace mate, he's starting to teeth by the looks of it so he's been pretty grumpy the last week or so. Luckily he's still going through the night. How's your little man? He must be due his second lot of jabs soon?
  2. It must be awful to have to do that, especially for a second time. I once worked with a lady who had 2 quite late miscarriages which were both boys, she then had 2 successful pregnancies both girls then another miscarriage which was a boy again. Could the sex of the baby have an impact on how it gets carried? That is really weird, im thinking just coincidence but still terrible regardless. You wouldnt wish it on your worst enemy, i feel so sorry for her.
  3. Ive just found this which looks like real footage of the game and zombies. This is more zombie footage, like i say looks real enough. *WARNING THIS LOOKS REAL SO DONT VIEW IF YOU DONT WANT TO SPOIL THE SUPRISE, IT SHOWS THE END OF THE GAME AND THE CREDITS AND ZOMBIES FOOTAGE*
  4. That is awsome!!! cheers Chindie! I heard it was the same Zombie Map as WAW just different weapons. Buzzing my tits off now! You get that with the Hardened Edition of the game i think. £60
  5. Nail. Head. Smoking is an easy example. Ive not smoked for a year now and dont crave really, but if i did smoke a couple of fags id be back on 20 a day in no time. Now my mate can not smoke for months then smoke 10 fags on a night out then not smoke again until the next time he goes out 2 months later or whatever!
  6. Am i not right in saying that all drugs used in moderation are as good/bad as each other? Alcohol - You get drunk, you go to sleep, you wake up with a hangover. Cannabis - You get high, you get the munches, you go to sleep. Cocaine - You get high, you chat shit, you party, you go to sleep, you get a come down. Heroin - You get high, you relax, you go to sleep, you get a come down. Now all of the above if abused in excess can kill you. Im not for one second saying that any illegal drug consumption is acceptable, but they are all as bad as each other potentially. If every drink related death was reported like drug overdoses, there would be no comparison! Would death by drinking be classed as a drug overdose?
  7. Yes you could Mike, but that can be said for one line of coke, one 'E' or shooting brown for the first time.
  8. I dont get this? So this bloke is saying that alcohol is more dangerous than cocaine, pills and heroin? Give me a break!
  9. Just been having a gander at their forum and it looks like they set fire to the toilets provided in their section of the ground. Also they were singing songs about Christopher Priest! Vile scum !!
  10. Why do old people shrink...yet their ears carry on growing?
  11. Well done mate! Doing what? You going to take it?
  12. Cheers Julie, we've already armed ourselves with Calpol. Someone else has recommended the teething granules, whats the crack with them? How do they work?
  13. my lad started around the 3 month mark, dribbling all the time is another sign. Yep, ticks all the boxes then.
  14. My lads got his second lot of injections today. Is it too early for him to be teething? He's been a bit grumpy the last week or so, ive also noticed his cheeks are red and he wont take his fingers out of his mouth? He's 3 months old now.
  15. Anyone seen the film Syriana with Mr. Clooney? Also, is The Last King of Scotland any good? I love Forest Whitaker, great actor.
  16. But im guessing that my online scores will be wiped at midnight in the release day?
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