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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. More bullets = good. Problem with the last few COD games is that with the inevitable lag and few shots needed to kill, it felt like you only needed to be shot once to die. Still not got mine yet, damn Tesco! I only usually play the hardcore modes so the extra bullets needed for the kills frustrates me a bit.
  2. I will also add, the Valkyrie missiles are shite, a very wank and hard to control version of the predetor missile. Normal game modes need silly amounts of bullets to get a kill, M16 requires 2 or 3 full 3 round bursts to get a kill, hardcore modes are not unlocked till level 19 i think.
  3. Agreed, played it for about 2 hours last night, looks different to MW2, plays the same as MW2, granades and noobs do feck all, on the whole its impressive.
  4. Plus your not 100%certain to get one from Tescos or ASDA tomorrow.
  5. Old Hill Neil? Haha! been going there for my games since he was 'Sega Supplies'. Nice chap. Yeah, thats the one.
  6. Ive just had the txt but im stuck at work till 6 and i cant get in touch with him to hold me one ffffffuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkk!!!! How many has he got?
  7. Ive used up all my holiday till xmas...toying with a sicky to be honest *cough cough*
  8. thats just weird. once you ask someone to marry you, surely you go & get married, not wait 3 years to get married. i've always found that really strange. Why? Money, jobs etc. There are arseloads of things that come in to play and need to be thought about before you marry. Do you realise how much it costs? :shock:
  9. Are you married Rob? If so, does that mean your missus... Never mind! 8)
  10. My missus never mentioned marriage until the little man arrived, now she doesnt shut up about it. My arguement is whats the rush.
  11. Are we expecting there to be server problems? There is every year on and around release day.
  12. You think how many people are going to be getting it over the next couple of days? Activasion wont be able to do shit due to the volume of players. The only thing they could do, as they did last year, is reset the servers on release day. As you and me both get our games early, there will be thousands of others in the same position.
  13. You dont have to be married to have kids. I dont plan to be, but the mrs may see it as a make-weight. ... truly in keeping with the spirit of weddings. What you mean?
  14. Yes, you have brought it legit. Just dont post any videos on the web.
  15. Everyone is different, every relationship is different. If you want to get married (in general), and feel you would be happy to spend the rest of your life with her then go for it. I will add, ive been with my missus for 2 years now, we have a beautiful baby boy and have lived together for about 18 months. I will be popping the question at any moment as i am perfectly happy with what i have and would wish for nothing more.
  16. Can someone explain what these COD points and Wager matches are please?
  17. While I've turned against MON since he left, I feel we need to keep some kind of perspective here. MON outspent Redknapp because Jol spent a fortune for Spurs. MON took over an ageing squad badly lacking in quality. In short, Redknapp needed to fine tune Spurs whereas MON's was a ground up total re-build. That was always the defence of his spending when he was here and I don't think subsequent events should re-write that bit of history. What I would say is that any manager who came in at that time was going to have to spend the kind of money MON spent and Randy, being a new chairman, would have given that kind of investment/backing to whomever he hired. Yeah, i agree with all of that Bri. He does spend lots of money, but he spends it well unlike some. We have a good squad of 13 or 14 players which would ideal for some of his fine tuning.
  18. In Black Ops, killstreak rewards dont increase your killstreak...if that makes sense?
  19. He's like Crouch, you expect him to be brilliant in the air and win everything, when in fact he is average in the air and cant jump!
  20. MON outspent Redknapp tho!? In fact, MON outspent almost everybody!
  21. Yes he would need money, MON was given money and look what he did? What would Redknapp have done with the same amount?
  22. I loathe the fecker...but hats off, he's a cracking manager and i would love him to be our boss! There...i said it!
  23. Campaign gameplay for people who want to spoil the suprise
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