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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Yeah thats all good and well, but in reality it doesnt matter how we got to this stage and why it all started does it? We are lumbered with these fanatics who's sole aim is to bring heartache and terror to the west. You make it sound like torture is one of the main contributors to the desire to cause pain to the west? This is the part i cant get my head round. Why do we torture these people in the first place? Was it not because they were planning to terrorise our shores and we needed to put a stop to this? It doesnt matter know why it all started.
  2. People on here who during a debate, answer back with some smart arse comment trying to get a laugh instead of answering the question posed to them, while trying to blind the real arguement with fancy words. Just answer the **** question!
  3. Thats bollox mate. So your saying the more we torture people to extract information, the more terrorists there will be produced? Bin Laden has never been tortured by the USA...yet he still arranged for 3000 innocent people to be killed. That's one of the finest non-sequiturs I've ever seen. Congratulations! Why is it a non-sequitur? :? So your trying to say that in some part all these terrorist acts are fuelled by acts of torture? Bin Laden's motive for 9/11 was torture of his 'brothers'? 9/11 had feck all to do with the torture of Islamic fanatics. So i stand by what i said, your opening post is bollox mate!
  4. I take it your not playing hardcore? I had this the other day, i could wait to get to level 19 to open up hardcore. I like the way it tells you your ratio mid game, nice touch One thing that does piss me off is when you drop a care package, hide to spot any would be stealers, you sprint out to the package and as you press 'B' to crouch you do that cammo roll thing and launcg over the package!
  5. Are the people against turture, against it as they feel it only contributes to the mess the world is in by fueling the terrorists motives and producing more terrorists? I ask because i dont buy all that human rights mumbo jumbo. They forfeited their right to a phone call when they decided to bring terror to our shores and threaten the innocent.
  6. Invite them in for a cup of tea and a hand job.
  7. See my mini-flowchart near the top of page two. Terrorists prey on the innocent, nothing gives you the right to do that Mike.
  8. Thats bollox mate. So your saying the more we torture people to extract information, the more terrorists there will be produced? Bin Laden has never been tortured by the USA...yet he still arranged for 3000 innocent people to be killed.
  9. I will give my 2 pence worth which ties in with what your trying to say Gringo. Middle east produce all the oil and sell in $'s so USA make money no matter what as every barrel of oil is sold in $'s. Someone said 'you got a problem? OK we will sell free hold to whoever we want and in what ever currency we want to!'. USA stand to loose billion of $'s. Someone says 'you've got weapons of mass distruction!' The rest is histroy.
  10. * How do you know he is a terrorist * How do you know he has any information * When did we re-define torture as a "bit of pain" - is this dubya speak? Having strong links to Bin Laden and trying to buy explosives off the black market pretty much give it away.
  11. Why doesnt it Bri? If the waterboarding has prevented an attack on British soil which could have killed hundreds of men, women and children, then surely it has been justified?
  12. And killing innocent men, women and children is not inhumane?
  13. They (the terrorist) had no problem with killing or planning to kill innocent civilians, yet some people dont think that submitting these terrorists to a bit of pain (not killing) to save these innocent peoples lives is necessary!?!? Someone explain that one to me?
  14. In the wake of his recent admission that he gave the green light to the CIA to use 'waterboarding' while interogating suspects, George Bush has insisted that this prevented attacks on both Heathrow Airport and Canary Wharf which could have killed hundreds maybe thousands. Do we feel that it is right to use such techniques as 'waterboarding' to gain valuable information that could thwart an act of terror? Or should we consider the prisoners human rights? Here is an article from todays Mail detailing what has gone on over the last couple of days.
  15. Just a little achievement i unlocked yesterday. When at the main menu repeatedly tap RT & LT until you break your handcuffs and you are rewarded with 15G 8)
  16. Whats that then? I take it it shows you (the thing you shove in the ground) up as a red dot on the UAV map?
  17. The graphics feels like that to me as well, not as defined as mw2 Also you cant lock down a room as each room has about 3 doors leading into it. Ive noticed that too that there are no sniper maps at all, which suits me to be fair as im gash at sniping and used to get well pissed off on Wasteland when i was the only pleb running round getting picked off left right and centre while every other bloke was kitted up in his ghillie suits. The maps are gonna take some figuring out as they are so complex. That small map Nuketown is chaos! Array is brilliant!
  18. Its great mate, basically you either play on your own or with a group of you (max 4). You start in a 'room' which has various doors or windows which are boarded up. The walking dead then proceed to break down the boards and enter the building. You then kill them while earning points for each kill. You start with a pistol and can purchase upgraded weapons along the way while the number of zombies increase each time you kill the previous hoard of walking dead. In short...its fecking ace! Sounds quality mate, we'll have to arrange a bit of multiplayer action once the nippers are in bed I'll be on at around 9:30 tonight if you fancy a blast?
  19. Its great mate, basically you either play on your own or with a group of you (max 4). You start in a 'room' which has various doors or windows which are boarded up. The walking dead then proceed to break down the boards and enter the building. You then kill them while earning points for each kill. You start with a pistol and can purchase upgraded weapons along the way while the number of zombies increase each time you kill the previous hoard of walking dead. In short...its fecking ace!
  20. Yeah i had a quick go, great fun, just like on World at War you cant get bored. You start with one map, then another map is unlocked once you complete the campaign mode.
  21. I was playing last night and a couple of times it just spat me out of lobby's and disconnected me from XBox Live. I know XBox and PS3 work in similar ways so it might just be the volume of people playing.
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