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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. How the hell do people find out about these glitches? What is strafe jumping? The only ones i know about are on Summit where you can jump into the cable car and also climb onto the gantry in the control room. Anyone know any more? I mean hiding places not glitches.
  2. Good point know i come to think of it Gaz.
  3. Isnt that what this thread is all about? I think its because a cheese grater is a bastard to wash up!
  4. That grated cheese tastes better than sliced cheese.
  5. Whats the difference between the reflex sight and the red dot sight?
  6. Tactical decoy grenade while your kitted out with Ghost is brilliant. Its a little grenade that bounces round the screen while making gun fire noise and also shows up on enemy radar as a red dot. So they coming looking for you and you just pick them off!
  7. Go to gamercard, then weapons and its the left hand box.
  8. Is tamato sauce meant to be stored in the fridge or the cupboard?
  9. Now im the exact opposite Stu, i used to cringe whenever Overgrown or Wastelands used to come up as i would be the only muppet running around trying to find people while everyone else would be snuck away somewhere waiting for me to run past. I love the lack of siper maps!
  10. Bang out of order. Its all about Karma...and you'll get yours...prick!
  11. Is that a 'My God :shock: ' Good or 'My God :shock: ' Bad Good i presume, it's a decent weapon i reckon. Yeah im guessing it was, it was a really good weapon in MW2 also.
  12. I really enjoy Christmas! This Christmas is going to be extra special as its the first with my boy. He's only 3 and half months old so he will no doubt be interested in the wrapping paper.
  13. I really enjoy playing it. Though I agree its very inconsistent with how you do game after game. But I have a knack for it apparently. I am not a fan of Jungle personally I cant get on with either. I also dont enjoy Zombies like i did on WaW, not sure what it is but i doesnt feel the same.
  14. Is that a 'My God :shock: ' Good or 'My God :shock: ' Bad
  15. Anyone had a go on the wager matches yet?
  16. See i only play hardcore modes, the amount of bullets it takes to kill someone on the standard modes is crazy!
  17. The M16 with an ACOG is a very very effective weapon. Anyone else think the emblems thingy is a bit crap?
  18. How the **** can you have too much experience? Isnt experience a good thing? :? Ive never understood how someone can have too much experience or be over qualified? By the way, that is shite mate. Do you still have your old job?
  19. Remind me never to eat at your house. Your not supposed to put leeks in a stew? :?
  20. Right, as you may know ive got a 3 and a half month old little boy, now every time i ring the home to see how he is or speak to the missus about this and that, the **** mother-in-law is round. Now they live within walking distance of us so its easy for her to walk over, and yes im at walk so it has no effect on my day, but it really really pisses me off! Am i pissed off because she gets to spend all day with my boy while im at work?
  21. Im with Mike, i actually really enjoy leeks in a stew or stir fry or soup etc. Are people built to like one or the other or is it possible to like both?
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