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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. Haha, i did hope some one would get it. You may now claim your free internet
  2. 360 for me too, wickedwiggy if anyone wants to add me. This week, i have mostly been using the Enfield with a silencer, very accurate with a silencer as it lessens the recoil and usually kills with a 2/3 shot burst on hardcore.
  3. No, I'm too crap for Hardcore. Me likey Ground War, I rarely stray from it. That be why then mucka, the FAL is a 1 or 2 at the most shot kill on hardcore.
  4. It is, and if i could bottle that feeling up and sell it i would be a very rich man
  5. My 4 month old lad smiling at me when i walk in home from work.
  6. **** terrible isn't it?! I was a bit peeved as it was such a good weapon on MW2 with the right setup and I was looking forward to unlocking it. I swear there is no way the stats it shows you are actually what you get with the gun. There's pretty much no point having anything other than an automatic if you're choosing an assault rifle. Got royally pissed off with the PSG1 yesterday, kept getting hit markers all the freaking time. I've come to the conclusion that the sniper rifles can be useful if you stick an ACOG/extended mag on them, sneak around with a stealth setup and use them as mid range instakillers (basically what the FAL should have been). Had quite a bit of success using the WA2100 like that, but you have to be bloody quick getting the scope up and you will get raped at close quarters. What game mode do you play Gaz? Hardcore?
  7. You've not put a smiley or anything...but im assuming your taking the piss? Not at all. He's won it all for a long time now. It's well overdue. Oh no no, its not the Phil Taylor bit i was aiming at, its the darts being a 'proper' sport?
  8. You've not put a smiley or anything...but im assuming your taking the piss?
  9. I would say headquarters and domination would be your best bet.
  10. Love the confidence. What is there to be confidant about? We are in a bad shape at the minute due to lack of fit and available players.
  11. Loving the zombies now...apart from when you get paired with complete idiots who just open doors for the sake of it and instead of sticking together just run off on their own little killing mission.
  12. He's done more this year than most golfers do in their entire career! I know Westwood is No.1, but McDowell has been more consistant.
  13. Im dreading this one. We've got no reason to be optimistic.
  14. I know Westwood has become world No.1, but McDowell has achieved more this year. Westwood is still yet to win a major.
  15. Graeme McDowell, he won us the Ryder Cup, came second in the race to Dubai, won the Andalucía Valderrama Masters and won the US Open all in 1 year. Not bad really.
  16. Pretty much this. Oh how i love Jose and wish he would come back to the Prem. Anyhow, im going Real to win 2-1.
  17. "Near all the mystery box spawns there is a map showing the cinema. It also shows the location of the mystery box: there are green lights on the map, that display the location." Is there?
  18. Getting into the zombies a bit more now, i still think they have made the maps way too big with too many rooms and doors to open. Also what does the toy monkey do when you get it out of a weapons box?
  19. I really have started to fall in love with this game. The only down side is the zombies which is shite.
  20. You couldn't make it up. Random events are scary. :shock: You could make it up! (I have a pet hate with the misuse of this phrase) Not sure I follow. I always thought the phrase was an approximation of: "(That's so unthinkably unbelievable) you couldn't make it up (if you tried)" Thats what they are saying, Mr. Matthew's (does stuff with turkey's) dies on Thanks Giving (pilgrims give turkey to the indians or something).
  21. No mate, will that remove the spots? Well I had my old 1st year apprenticeship lathe and milling machine exercises out the other day, and they were rusty as, but a little bit of WD40 normally does the trick for me. I'll give it a go, cheers mate
  22. No mate, will that remove the spots?
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