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Everything posted by wiggyrichard

  1. He used to snort coffee?!? WTF!
  2. I drink a can of RedBull every morning, is that bad?
  3. I decided i needed a change of career, so i've tried my hand a being a stand-up comedian. I did my first gag over the weekend, it was at an old peoples home. Bless'um, they didnt understand the jokes but they still pissed themselves!
  4. Since we've had all this snow, all my missus has done has stare through the window. If it gets any worse im going to have to let her in!
  5. Kids on XBox live who send you voicemail messages! I dont want to try out for you gay little clan and i dont want to join you private match to boost my stats...now piss off!!! :x
  6. Coffee all the way...tea is very very over-rated and only people from Yorkshire should drink it.
  7. about 9ish for me. Whats Biggamans tag?
  8. Im up for it! No point me, Dante & Designer1 having mic's...no-one will understand us when we speak in our native tongue anyway! Yow now what im sayin like mush?
  9. Quarry Bonk lol. We'm proper Black Country mukka. Sorry, i bay bin typing like we spayke.
  10. I dont think you can get any more Black Country than Colley Gate, Cradley Heath and Quarry Bank?
  11. We bay Brummies! In all seriousness, some folks i know really really take offence at being called a Brummie.
  12. I actually realy enjoyed watching that
  13. Zombies is starting to piss me off now! Cant get past level 17.
  14. **** off Beckham you useless prick. I'm off to make an effigy.
  15. Does this mean that when a team scores if the players run and hug each other they get stoned to death??
  16. :nod: Said the same in my post. Hardly suprising that Russia got it.
  17. Back hand organisation gives there vote to a back hand country! Oh what a **** suprise!?!? Piss off FIFA!!!
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